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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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16 minutes ago, Forge said:

Political marriage pact between her and sweet robin? To tie this into LF, perhaps she does decide its time to get rid of LF, but to do so risks the loss of the Vale because LF still controls it. So in order to make sure that everything is in line, she agrees to a marriage pact with Sweet Robin made with Bronze Royce, who I'd assume would take over guardianship. Royce commits the Vale to Sansa and the North, Sansa agrees to marry Sweet Robin, Arya or someone kills LF. 


Or maybe she dies, Jon / Dany legitimizes Gendry to maintain the Baratheon name, and Arya marries Gendry. Of course, if the children are taking the name Stark, that still creates a void of Baratheon's since Gendry would then be the last one. It's a tough question. 

Storms end is empty so gendry can just go take that castle if legitimized. 

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Just now, ninjapirate said:

Storms end is empty so gendry can just go take that castle if legitimized. 

Yeah, I was just pairing Gendry with Arya because they have a history. Honestly, it's really hard to see the ending for the Starks / North at this point. There could be a suitor on the show for Sansa or Arya that really hasn't been presented as such at this point. 

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19 minutes ago, Forge said:

Political marriage pact between her and sweet robin? To tie this into LF, perhaps she does decide its time to get rid of LF, but to do so risks the loss of the Vale because LF still controls it. So in order to make sure that everything is in line, she agrees to a marriage pact with Sweet Robin made with Bronze Royce, who I'd assume would take over guardianship. Royce commits the Vale to Sansa and the North, Sansa agrees to marry Sweet Robin, Arya or someone kills LF. 


Or maybe she dies, Jon / Dany legitimizes Gendry to maintain the Baratheon name, and Arya marries Gendry. Of course, if the children are taking the name Stark, that still creates a void of Baratheon's since Gendry would then be the last one. It's a tough question. 


**edit** just remembered that scenario one would create a similar issue for the Arryn's since sweet robin is the last Arryn alive. Damn, this is hard. Okay, so Sansa married sweet robin, because Sansa Arryn and lady of the vale, Arya becomes lady of winterfell and marries Gendry......or hot pie? 

There's a cream pie joke there that isn't appropriate for this forum.

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1 minute ago, sunnygsm said:

Have a feeling that LF was hiding a scroll about R+L. Think the Joeffrey one is a decoy. He might out Jon to push Sansa into the forefront in the North. 

Even if he outs Jon the fact remains that Jon was Robbs heir from his own mouth. He should still be king of the north. 

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So we know that next week's episode is going to result in some deaths. I think that is pretty plain to see. So who does everybody think bites the bullet and won't make the trip back south? 

I'm going to say (I wasn't sure whether or not to just put these out, so I spoiler proofed them) 

Beric, Thoros, and Jorah bite the bullet. I'm pretty sure that the Hound will live due to that part in the trailer where he's pulling out his sword, clearly not in the north, hasn't happened yet. I think Tormund is safe for now. Gendry I'm torn on - could see him dying or living, but I think he could easily have another use to the fight as a Smith who can work obsidian since I don't think it's super easy and he apprenticed under one of the few blacksmiths I believe who could work Varlaryian Steel. Davos didn't go into the north, so I'm assuming that he lives. 

My wild card death? The first dragon falls. I think Dany gets nervous, starts to truly believe in what Jon is saying, and takes her dragons up north to save them. 


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3 hours ago, Tyty said:

Does Jon have a better claim cause he's a male? Cause daughter of the king should have a better shot than grandson otherwise


3 hours ago, ninjapirate said:

Rhaegar was the oldest any of his children would come before his siblings. 

Its also (at least part of) why Sir Arthur Dayne and the other 2 Kingsguard were guarding the Tower of Joy - Rhaegar believed that his son to Lyanna would be the PTWP (as he would be "a song of ice and fire"), and as Rhaegar's son was technically the King of Westeros (as Rhaegar and his other son Aegon had been killed by the time of Jon's birth).

It's typical agnatic primogeniture (the technical term where a monarchy is passed down through the closest living male to the previous monarch).

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3 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:

The only piece of that which fits is not confirming Sansa's belief on the rape. (Think he also talked about the tournament at Harrenhal and used the "the day the smiles died" line that Ned used in the book).

There was a bit of corroboration to this theory today, with Gilly reading the book about the wedding of Rhygar and Lyanna. Only other person who knew how thorough Maester Lewyn was...Littlefinger. Perhaps he read the book that Gilly was reading today?

Wasn't Maester Luwin's book Gilly was reading though - it was a diary belonging to High Septon Maynard

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