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Is that the light at the end of the tunnel? (O.T. Thread)


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24 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I’m speaking strictly to Dylan’s advocacy, which specifically IS to minors. That’s factually correct and undeniable, taken straight off of the bio on wiki.


Later that October, Mulvaney met with President Joe Biden for a presidential forum organized by the online news outlet NowThis News.[18][19] When asked by Mulvaney about recent legislation restricting gender-affirming care for transgender youth by Republican-led legislatures, Biden called it "outrageous" and "immoral."

Isn’t this the party of personal freedom and choice?  That’s what I’ve been told anyway…

I remember a few years ago this same group feeling persecuted because they were being “forced” (they weren’t being forced) to vaccinate their kids for various reasons (sports, school, etc) and felt that it was a matter that should be left between them and their MD?  Like, which one is it?  I mean, I know which one it is, it’s “I want what I want and to be free from any consequences for my actions while also dictating how others live even if it doesn’t impact me in the slightest”.

And to be clear, I’m not looking to change anyone’s mind or accuse you of having any particular stance.  I just want the people to whom this applies to stop parroting the BS and intentionally misrepresenting their stances on things.  This isn’t a matter of protection of kids, personal freedom or anything else, it’s “I want what I want and to be free from any consequences for my actions while also dictating how other live even if it doesn’t impact me in the slightest”.  They just need to say “I want christofascism” and be done with it and the rest of us need to stop accepting the nonsense as a reasonable basis for their views.

And since we’re talking about trans youth, let’s just put some numbers in here for the sake of context.  The right has whipped themselves into a frenzy over the whole trans issue which impacts about 1.6% of adults and 5% of young adults of which only a fraction actually medically and/or surgically transition.


Of that small percentage 1% of people who decide to transition have regrets.


As usually, the right is tackling the big issues here.  

These are people making informed decisions with their provider that impacts them and them alone.  This is suppose to be peak conservative stuff lol.  This is blatant bigotry that targets a small demographic. They’re an easy political target to create more culture wars while the folks in power continue to plunder and pillage.  As long as the rednecks are whipped up about who’s on their favorite beer can they won’t be worked up about **** like the lack of affordable housing, healthcare, etc, we have here.  They’ll continue to vote against their own interest because Faux News, etc have convinced them the left is trying to turn their son as gay as the frogs and make them a woman and when you call them on any of the nonsense they clutch their pearls and pretend it’s done to protect kids when literally the entirety of the platform does the opposite (lack of access to healthcare, school meals, stripping child labor laws, book bans, etc).

I get this is a long winded rant, and it’s not directed at you, but the buffoonery is absurd at this point.

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26 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Isn’t this the party of personal freedom and choice?  That’s what I’ve been told anyway…

For adults or for minors. News flash, you have zero real rights besides living and being provided for by a guardian until then, heck even 21 in some capacities.

26 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I remember a few years ago this same group feeling persecuted because they were being “forced” (they weren’t being forced) to vaccinate their kids for various reasons (sports, school, etc) and felt that it was a matter that should be left between them and their MD?  Like, which one is it?  I mean, I know which one it is, it’s “I want what I want and to be free from any consequences for my actions while also dictating how others live even if it doesn’t impact me in the slightest”.

Parents should always be involved in every aspect of their child’s life until they are no longer legally required to. Just my opinion.

26 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

And to be clear, I’m not looking to change anyone’s mind or accuse you of having any particular stance.  I just want the people to whom this applies to stop parroting the BS and intentionally misrepresenting their stances on things.  This isn’t a matter of protection of kids, personal freedom or anything else, it’s “I want what I want and to be free from any consequences for my actions while also dictating how other live even if it doesn’t impact me in the slightest”.  They just need to say “I want christofascism” and be done with it and the rest of us need to stop accepting the nonsense as a reasonable basis for their views.

I believe in a Judao-Christian ethical worldview while democrats adhere mostly to secularism in whatever the masses dictate is correct. 

I think if parents want to come alongside their children and help them make various decisions and understand permanency, they can absolutely make those decisions legally when they’re 18, just like joining the military or getting married or a tattoo or whatever else. At 15 being able to get medical treatment without parental knowledge or consent? Hard pass.

26 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

And since we’re talking about trans youth, let’s just put some numbers in here for the sake of context.  The right has whipped themselves into a frenzy over the whole trans issue which impacts about 1.6% of adults and 5% of young adults of which only a fraction actually medically and/or surgically transition.


Of that small percentage 1% of people who decide to transition have regrets.


As usually, the right is tackling the big issues here.  

These are people making informed decisions with their provider that impacts them and them alone.  This is suppose to be peak conservative stuff lol.  This is blatant bigotry that targets a small demographic. They’re an easy political target to create more culture wars while the folks in power continue to plunder and pillage.  As long as the rednecks are whipped up about who’s on their favorite beer can they won’t be worked up about **** like the lack of affordable housing, healthcare, etc, we have here.  They’ll continue to vote against their own interest because Faux News, etc have convinced them the left is trying to turn their son as gay as the frogs and make them a woman and when you call them on any of the nonsense they clutch their pearls and pretend it’s done to protect kids when literally the entirety of the platform does the opposite (lack of access to healthcare, school meals, stripping child labor laws, book bans, etc).

I get this is a long winded rant, and it’s not directed at you, but the buffoonery is absurd at this point.

I mean, Democrats have been in charge of Chicago and a ton of other big cities and states that are an absolute dumpster fire in terms of crime and cost of living for 60+ years…and those same brainwashed people in poverty continue to vote blue. That argument works both ways.

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18 hours ago, NateDawg said:

I can’t figure out why the oldest and most senile people in our country keep becoming the most influential political leaders in the western world. What happened to Mitch McConnell and what keeps happening to Biden is ridiculous to watch. These guys are too old. Is no one else capable of doing what McConnell does? He looked frozen.

Physicians have stated your brain function starts declining in your early 60s. When dementia, Alzheimer's, ect can begin. Which I believe is also the reason early retirement age is 62 years old. 

Why we have recognized that peoples brains literally start deteriorating at 62-65 years old and get them out of the workforce, but we do not implement any sort of age restrictions on politicians is frankly ridiculous. I don't need geriatric crypt keepers who can barely speak in full sentences like Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell making any sort of impactful decision on regulations in this country.

Running for any position in government should have a age limit. Between 30-62 years old sounds right. As soon as you hit retirement age, you should be ineligible for your position in congress and given a nice retirement package.

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48 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

For adults or for minors. News flash, you have zero real rights besides living and being provided for by a guardian until then, heck even 21 in some capacities.

I personally am not even arguing that.  I’m fine with parents being involved in the process. My issue is access to care is limited when patient + parent + doctor are all on board. 

48 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Parents should always be involved in every aspect of their child’s life until they are no longer legally required to. Just my opinion.

I’m with you. 

48 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I believe in a Judao-Christian ethical worldview while democrats adhere mostly to secularism in whatever the masses dictate is correct. 


I have no interest on religious views having any place in government. I don’t want that nonsense pushed on me. 

48 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I think if parents want to come alongside their children and help them make various decisions and understand permanency, they can absolutely make those decisions legally when they’re 18, just like joining the military or getting married or a tattoo or whatever else. At 15 being able to get medical treatment without parental knowledge or consent? Hard pass.

I won’t argue this.  I do think if all parties are in agreement the government shouldn’t be what’s holding anyone up. 

48 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I mean, Democrats have been in charge of Chicago and a ton of other big cities and states that are an absolute dumpster fire in terms of crime and cost of living for 60+ years…and those same brainwashed people in poverty continue to vote blue. That argument works both ways.

You know damned well I’m not defending centrist *** dems lol.  They’re very bit as bad. 

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What an interesting time to be alive. We live in the most technologically advanced time in the known history of the world. Yet we argue about stupid things because a news station or podcast or radio host tells us too. Like who the F thinks this song is so bad? Try that in a small town Vs. WAP. Weird how one is perfectly fine yet the other isn’t. Just depends on what channel of the idiot box you watch. 

I like some things the people who have a D next to their name say. I like things some of the people with an R say. But if I had to grade most they would all fail.  Their job is to work together to make the country the best free country in the world. Yet they argue like children and play name calling games most of the time. 

Let’s pack the courts because we don’t like the people now. When the other side gets power they pack it. Then we have 396 Supreme Court justices. Get rid of the 60 votes in the senate, no figure out how to compromise. Hell half of them hangout after work together then rip each other the next day to the cameras. 

One of the best ideas I’ve seen recently. For every page of a bill the house passes they need to wait a day before voting on it. 1 page bill you can vote tomorrow. 365 page means 1 year. Then we don’t have anymore “let’s pass the bill, then we will read it”. 

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7 hours ago, AkronsWitness said:

Physicians have stated your brain function starts declining in your early 60s. When dementia, Alzheimer's, ect can begin. Which I believe is also the reason early retirement age is 62 years old. 

Why we have recognized that peoples brains literally start deteriorating at 62-65 years old and get them out of the workforce, but we do not implement any sort of age restrictions on politicians is frankly ridiculous. I don't need geriatric crypt keepers who can barely speak in full sentences like Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell making any sort of impactful decision on regulations in this country.

Running for any position in government should have a age limit. Between 30-62 years old sounds right. As soon as you hit retirement age, you should be ineligible for your position in congress and given a nice retirement package.

People are quick to point out the exceptions, but frankly even the exceptions aren’t all that sharp.  The sharpest 80 year olds aren’t keeping up with moderately sharp 40 year olds about stuff that is relevant now and moving forward.  I’m sure they’d do just fine telling us how stuff used to be, as useful as that is…

My MiL is 80, father is 87.  Both were extremely sharp people, accomplished, etc.  They simply aren’t capable now of being the type of person needed to lead a country.  

Also, and I realize that no one is guaranteed tomorrow, but people in office should have a reasonable expectation of having to live with the consequences of their actions. These 90 year old senators aren’t gonna have to deal with the fallout of their inaction, BS, whatever in 10, 15, 20 years.

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2 hours ago, JDD said:

What an interesting time to be alive. We live in the most technologically advanced time in the known history of the world. Yet we argue about stupid things because a news station or podcast or radio host tells us too. Like who the F thinks this song is so bad? Try that in a small town Vs. WAP. Weird how one is perfectly fine yet the other isn’t. Just depends on what channel of the idiot box you watch.

I mean, I think there is a difference.  One is crude and the other is implying violence responses or people they don’t agree with.  They’re not the same. 

And for transparency, idgaf about either.  I’m fine with neither being played, I don’t listen to either of them.

2 hours ago, JDD said:

I like some things the people who have a D next to their name say. I like things some of the people with an R say. But if I had to grade most they would all fail.  Their job is to work together to make the country the best free country in the world. Yet they argue like children and play name calling games most of the time. 

Im not disagreeing with you, but we as Americans need to realize just how far we’ve strayed from being the best.  I don’t care what metric people want to use, we’re not near the top of it tbh.

2 hours ago, JDD said:

Let’s pack the courts because we don’t like the people now. When the other side gets power they pack it. Then we have 396 Supreme Court justices. Get rid of the 60 votes in the senate, no figure out how to compromise. Hell half of them hangout after work together then rip each other the next day to the cameras. 

To compromise you need two reasonable stances with differences.  I don’t think that’s the case with a lot of key issues.

2 hours ago, JDD said:

One of the best ideas I’ve seen recently. For every page of a bill the house passes they need to wait a day before voting on it. 1 page bill you can vote tomorrow. 365 page means 1 year. Then we don’t have anymore “let’s pass the bill, then we will read it”. 

Better yet, every bill is single issue. Stop loading it full of BS and giving politicians outs.  “Well ya know I’d love to have done that but the bill was full of (insert bull****) that I don’t agree with…”

Even better yet, put these issues on the November ballots and let the public decide.  There are a number of things that poll exceptionally well that aren’t a thing simply because of politics.  It’s nonsense.  We should have the country we want.  

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10 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

People are quick to point out the exceptions, but frankly even the exceptions aren’t all that sharp.  The sharpest 80 year olds aren’t keeping up with moderately sharp 40 year olds about stuff that is relevant now and moving forward.  I’m sure they’d do just fine telling us how stuff used to be, as useful as that is…

My MiL is 80, father is 87.  Both were extremely sharp people, accomplished, etc.  They simply aren’t capable now of being the type of person needed to lead a country.  

Also, and I realize that no one is guaranteed tomorrow, but people in office should have a reasonable expectation of having to live with the consequences of their actions. These 90 year old senators aren’t gonna have to deal with the fallout of their inaction, BS, whatever in 10, 15, 20 years.

Thats a true point, but I guess the main point that is tied to age is not only health/brain function--but there comes a point where people who are 70-90 years old are so out of touch with current society and multiple generations they govern over (20-50 year olds) that you end up having a major disconnect.

i.e. The entire Millennial generation being screwed because no law maker is voting with their interest in mind the vast majority of the time. We still have the majority of lawmakers pushing agendas to benefit Boomers (because they are one themselves) and holding onto the way things were done 40 years ago so that there is no progression whith the way this country prioritizes things.

Its like I don't need a 82 year old congressmen/governor/president lobbying with ideology and values from 1965 that effects my young family of 35 year olds in the year 2023. What the hell do those people know about being a young adult in this country? Nothing. Those people haven't the slightest clue what its like to be 35 year old trying to raise a family and the problems or roadblocks we face in regards to taxes, jobs, salaries, housing costs, child care, ect. They dont caaaaaare because they dont have to deal with it.

Millennials are the largest living generation that make up 21% of this country and nothing is designed or voted on to be in their favor since we have ancient lawmakers refusing to give up their roles in government.

I know thats not going to be everyones opinion based on age, but thats mine.

Edited by AkronsWitness
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14 hours ago, AkronsWitness said:

Thats a true point, but I guess the main point that is tied to age is not only health/brain function--but there comes a point where people who are 70-90 years old are so out of touch with current society and multiple generations they govern over (20-50 year olds) that you end up having a major disconnect.

i.e. The entire Millennial generation being screwed because no law maker is voting with their interest in mind the vast majority of the time. We still have the majority of lawmakers pushing agendas to benefit Boomers (because they are one themselves) and holding onto the way things were done 40 years ago so that there is no progression whith the way this country prioritizes things.

Its like I don't need a 82 year old congressmen/governor/president lobbying with ideology and values from 1965 that effects my young family of 35 year olds in the year 2023. What the hell do those people know about being a young adult in this country? Nothing. Those people haven't the slightest clue what its like to be 35 year old trying to raise a family and the problems or roadblocks we face in regards to taxes, jobs, salaries, housing costs, child care, ect. They dont caaaaaare because they dont have to deal with it.

Millennials are the largest living generation that make up 21% of this country and nothing is designed or voted on to be in their favor since we have ancient lawmakers refusing to give up their roles in government.

I know thats not going to be everyones opinion based on age, but thats mine.

I’m with you 100%.  Vote these dinosaurs out.

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On 7/27/2023 at 11:55 PM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

mean, I think there is a difference.  One is crude and the other is implying violence responses or people they don’t agree with.  They’re not the same. 

And for transparency, idgaf about either.  I’m fine with neither being played, I don’t listen to either of them

I think you missed the point. Rap music is full of don’t come to my hood. Killing and selling drugs. **** around and find out lyrics. I just remember the WAP thing was something that the right was complaining about which I find hilarious. Now the other side is mad about a guy saying come try some dumb **** in my town and find out. Oh my the horror because of some made up issues. Again my point is the people who are mad about these don’t see the pointless issue or the whataboutism of the whole thing. 

On 7/27/2023 at 11:55 PM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

m not disagreeing with you, but we as Americans need to realize just how far we’ve strayed from being the best.  I don’t care what metric people want to use, we’re not near the top of it tbh.

Weird. I wonder why you think that. America is not like any other country in the world. If you use any Scandinavian country, Japan or most places in Asia they have no diversity in their government. Also using smaller places like New Zealand (which is an amazing place) isn’t the same. Ohio is bigger than that country. So I disagree when people say we aren’t but I’m bias. I also said it was their job to make it the best. Since you know that is their job. 

On 7/27/2023 at 11:55 PM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

To compromise you need two reasonable stances with differences.  I don’t think that’s the case with a lot of key issues.

That is the problem. They create divide by having extreme views. One side having super majority next time will be very interesting. 

Im all for term limits, age limits, bill limits on issues. I’m not a big government guy. I’m also not a we don’t need government guy. 

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