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The Wire mafia - Game Over! The Barksdale Gang controls Baltimore!


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20 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Matts' only post of d1.  Yet he had 48 hours to make 3 posts and failed to do so, despite being around for most of the 48 hours and claiming to have read every page and liked a number of posts.  

Not long after n1 matts is on and posting, even claiming that he has been on most of the time liking posts (which would mean he intentionally got himself role blocked n1.  Now for someone who claims he is a level 1 thinker and the greatest mafia player alive, I fully believe he was setting up a larger play.  

If you always do this as town then your obviously gonna do it as mafia. 

Picking up his activity at the same time that probably the best mafia player here (malf) and the craziest mafia player (the orca) are killed off.  It's not a coincidence bc there is no such things as coincidences in mafia

He obviously lied about being fully read up.  If you are such a great player how did he miss the bold words saying there are no normies.

More mistakes in reading from the great one, I don't buy all of this 

Admits to being around, but just didn't want to post (come on now).

Now he is back tracking and claims he never reads the rules (regarding the post count). The second part is matts just gloating bc he knows mafia isn't gonna hit him. 

Soft claiming he has a hit.  Town matts would never ever do this.  

To this point matts has done zero scum hunting.  All he did was post attacks at the orca and get in an argument with dome. 

Interesting on who all matts has pushed and voted for. 

This post honestly felt like matts was trying to deflect the heat he was drawing. 

Well he made it 1 night.  All this is, is a false threat bc he knows he isn't gonna get hit.  

So he is now claiming he won't be lynched, that takes some balls to say. Anyone can be lynched at anytime.  To me the only people that would be posting a claim like that are mafia bc they know they have others to help deflect the heat and push elsewhere 

This is what clinches it for me.  Matts plain as day claims he has a hit and is gonna use it.  No one with a hit will do this.  Your either gonna be roleblocked or killed.  Matts being the greatest ever knows this and would never do it if he has a hit. He was bluffing bc he is mafia. 


Two more posts about having a hit.  This assured if he really did have the hit, he would be dead or roleblocked.  

If he really had the hit why on earth did he not think he would be roleblocked or killed. 

More on this post later but it is real stupid to waste a vig hit and coming from the greatest mafia player ever I 100 % believe it was not wasted bc he never had one. 

Why the hell would someone with a vig hit do so much harm to there role, it defies all logic.

This is where matts loses me.  So you intentionally wasted the vig hit

Again no such things as coincidence.  He gets himself roleblocked and then hits someone who is protected. I'm not buying it. 

This then feels like an attempt to buss one of his other mafia pals. 

More on this later 

I'm not sure why him not explaining more would matter at this point. 

Back to more bussing. 


For matts to claim he is the greatest mafia player ever and then to have a game where he is is town and does all of the following 

1. Gets himself intentionally roleblocked 

2. Doesn't read the first page or rules

3. Doesn't scum hunt at all

4. Throws his post count restriction out the window immediately after malf and the orca are killed

5. Argues for almost all of d2 with dome.

6. Still doesn't scum hunt at all.

7. Avoids the entire discussion about swag and bcb claims.

8. Claims he has a hit and then magically gets rolebloced/hits someone protected 

9. Is somehow still alive

10. Still hasn't helped town in any way. 

Ahh yes, Ive been waiting for stooge 2 to poop the bed. It wouldnt feel complete without both my groupies. 

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5 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

People are not picking up what I’m laying down. 

Dingos move doesn’t make any sense. First he said roleblock, then it was not being able to be targeted. 

My role is that and that’s not how it works. I choose a name and if that player is barksdale, any move will target them. 

I wouldn’t for a second think to call it a roleblock and I wouldn’t have been surprised about there being a 1shot ability of my role but I imagine it would have the same workings and would be a character that it would make sense for. 

(Autocorrect and it bugs me. Don’t judge me. 

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If I'm targeted by a night movie, the night move that was targeted at me gets blocked/misses/doesn't work. I consider that a roleblock/protect.

I've explained my powers if ya'll wanna lynch me, be my guest. 

But like Bcb before me, you'll just be lynching a townie.

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2 minutes ago, DingoLadd said:

If I'm targeted by a night movie, the night move that was targeted at me gets blocked/misses/doesn't work. I consider that a roleblock/protect.

I've explained my powers if ya'll wanna lynch me, be my guest. 

But like Bcb before me, you'll just be lynching a townie.

The commuter role typically comes with some form of restriction. Mine is that if I choose a non barksdale, the move goes through. 

What you are describing, does not have a restriction and your character doesn’t fit. 

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20 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

The commuter role typically comes with some form of restriction. Mine is that if I choose a non barksdale, the move goes through. 

What you are describing, does not have a restriction and your character doesn’t fit. 

I've said it's an X-short ability multiple times, so it has a restriction. 

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I re-read D1 and segue to D2.  I'm not sure if it helped or not.  I think Ragnarok is Mafia, but the rest is more muddled because it is contingent upon them possessing meta on me that they should not have, and then my projected vote coordination / dispersion does not track with that.

I'm going to bed.

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9 hours ago, squire12 said:

This Khodder/swag interaction is sidetracking things.

We need to move past this.   I am getting to the point that it seems like it is being fabricated.

the above post is at the bottom of page 114.  Interested if anyone else notices anything in the pages before and the pages after?


i think someone mentioned looking at the VC of those 2-4 in the voting on the lynches (not sure if it was D1 and D2 or just D2).  If I am picking up on the similar game theory, is that something that is worth looking into more closely?


I am off to work and will be on very sparsely until mid afternoon.

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@Matts4313 @DingoLadd @theuntouchable @kingseanjohn

Ok so we have claims from 

Matts - vig

Dingo - commuter

Touch - commuter 

KSJ - invest

@Matts4313 what is your characters name and why did you risk being killed or roleblocked and potentially waste the hit?

@DingoLadd what is your characters name and is your move only a "self protect"?

@theuntouchable what is your characters name, who have you used your move on and did you say your move works only on non Barksdale's?

@kingseanjohn what is your characters name and who did you invest and what were the results?

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