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2 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

I was told my move counts but was given the "no results" N1. 

Additionally I was told that no result doesn't mean no visitors. It means you don't know for some reason, your move didn't work.

Perhaps it returned the "no results" because you protected yourself N1?

So it went from one to zero? 

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Just now, Whicker said:



48 minutes ago, Whicker said:

This is what I was looking for.

On N1 I was offered a sardine that I was forced to accept. It made me sick and therefore I could only post in lowercase vowels and vote.

I have strong reason to believe that the sardines double as a roleblock. Swag's move disappearing only confirms that for me.


47 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Basically: the restriction isn't a conversion. It's a mafia move that is some form of roleblock done likely by Hans Klopek. Swag is not mafia.


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3 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

I was told my move counts but was given the "no results" N1. 

Additionally I was told that no result doesn't mean no visitors. It means you don't know for some reason, your move didn't work.

Perhaps it returned the "no results" because you protected yourself N1?

I thought you got a total of 1 for n1?

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54 minutes ago, Whicker said:

I'm back and can talk normally! That was the worst thing I've had to do in a mafia game. 


51 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Thoughts on recent developments?


42 minutes ago, Whicker said:

It doesn't look good for you tbh. The only thing keeping me from voting you mechanics wise is the mention of multiple Ricky's Friend in the OP. The only thing.


26 minutes ago, The Orca said:

If you are a civ and need to lynch me go for it. I've been truthful. Believe what you need to. Hopefully as you mention there are no conversions. That at least helps the ratio...if accurate. 


23 minutes ago, Whicker said:

This is just so strange


16 minutes ago, The Orca said:

How so. I'm confident on KSJ and given many don't believe my role, we might as well lynch me for info if need be. There is multiple conflicting bits of info with Vikes' move and without clarification with him via Dome...it remains openended and an easy push for scum. Maybe with me gone you all can find mafia without an easy target for some to discuss while glaring over others. 


Still could be scum. But this I agree. On top of Rags posted before night asking for a replacment but didn't vote to save pickle. 


8 minutes ago, Whicker said:

How so because you panicked instantly. You asked me for thoughts and I gave them, but when it wasn't the answer you wanted, you panicked. That seems to me like you wanted someone who (I think) is trusted to verify that you are still town in the town's eyes.

I then very clearly stated I wasn't interested in your lynch today, so idk why you think I want you lynched.

Your lynch provides no info whatsoever. If you're claim is bad, you're guiltied. Everyone including your teammates will vote you. There will be no counter wagon, no outlying votes to analyze.


IMO, you believing that Swag could still be scum is more of a distraction then any talk about you. Swag is not scum. If he was somehow able to discern the setup enough (scum are NEVER given extra information on the setup from my experience) to make all these mechanics point to him being town, then he wins this game.

My claim is 100% accurate. My lynch does help clear up the Vikes info. The bolded makes no sense. I also wasnt caring about me. I was referring to the Vikes info in asking about recent developments in regards to Swag who has 3 moves in and out N2. Someone other than Vikes visited him or he visited someone else...which means the roleblock you are suggesting could be fake and you as an indy put the move on yourself first then Swag 2.0 or vice versa. 

There is no panic or not liking your response. Why are you deflecting? I don't see anything in any of those posts that would lead anyone to this conclusion


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1 minute ago, VikeManDan said:

It was always No results, it was never 1. Which does contradict my post earlier about it being 1 obviously. I made an assumption about that and was wrong.

What?  So you got a night one pm saying no results and you decided to tell us one? 

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On 11/7/2018 at 8:35 AM, Dome said:

The group surrounded the Detective!

"Gotcha, creep!" One of them yelled. They shoved him into the back of a Detective's cruiser, and away he went! 

@Matts4313 is eliminated from the game.


Mark called out to the others on his Walkie Talkie!


"Mark is one of the people who screamed last night."

I read the inserted quote part as the scream from N2 and coming from Matts.  My error.

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:







My claim is 100% accurate. My lynch does help clear up the Vikes info. The bolded makes no sense. I also wasnt caring about me. I was referring to the Vikes info in asking about recent developments in regards to Swag who has 3 moves in and out N2. Someone other than Vikes visited him or he visited someone else...which means the roleblock you are suggesting could be fake and you as an indy put the move on yourself first then Swag 2.0 or vice versa. 

There is no panic or not liking your response. Why are you deflecting? I don't see anything in any of those posts that would lead anyone to this conclusion


Okay I guess.

You asked: thought? I said: it doesn't look good for you. You said: lynch me for info if you need to but I'm civ.

Obvious how I reached that conclusion

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