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Week Whatever Game Day Commiseration Destination: Packers Versus Lions


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1 minute ago, deltarich87 said:

Packers, finally realizing the stupidity of their ways after Rodgers got hurt, have finally yanked Bak from the game with the hip injury he's been playing through. Better late than never I guess. That said, godspeed to you, Kizer. McCray at LT....ooph



I think McCray plays better at tackle that guard in all honesty. He held up that series, the pressures were coming from the middle. 

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3 minutes ago, Siman08/OH said:

How come we got a new defensive coordinator this year and our defense is still hot garbage. The eye test tells me it’s almost exactly the same.

I know...injuries. Why do our guys get hurt so much then? Every year we are among the leaders on the IR, that’s a trend, not a coincidence.

Our D wasn't bad until the last few weeks. No Daneils, Clark, Alexander.

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1 minute ago, Mr Anonymous said:

Last week's approach was really dumb. They didn't have to tank either. All they had to do was sit injured players. Winning last week was very costly and unnecessarily risky as well. 

I agree .. rodgers had the cover of multiple injuries, but was insistent on playing .. Someone should have told him No .. Nobody did.  I don't know why?

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