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Nacho Simulation Football League (Season 17 - TACO BOWL XVII POSTED!)

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30 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

Do you think he was the best RB available?

I don't even think he was the 2nd best RB available.....

I say solid choice for really good picks & really bad picks.

This was one of those times

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12 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Younger and better than the 1.2

Without question better now, and has a far higher ceiling. I also think Golladay is never going to do what he did this season again. He’s a classic case of a player who only gets yards because no one else on the team is capable. The Lions are gonna bring in some other receivers, and he’ll drop down to being a 700 yard receiver.  

He feasted once he went to a QB who actually could throw the ball deep enough to reach the routes he runs. He should pair nice with Rivers.

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10-1 Keepers boiiiiii


10. Flux

Much like RMIB, Flux has one of the best QB's in the game bar none. Drew Brees without any talent around him would likely land this offense in the 10th best range. Luckily for Flux he has at least one other person on offense who did a great job at dismantling defense's this past season. George Kittle and Drew Brees are a great 1-2 punch, but I feel like a great TE like Kittle still isn't enough for this offense to take it to the next level and reach the playoffs. With no run game and no offensive line, teams are likely to go pass heavy on defense and not having a true #1 wr will certainly hurt this team going forward.

You're telling me they traded JJ Watt? JJ Watt? The dude who carried the Texans to the playoffs on his back as a DE? That JJ Watt? Yannick "Fake name" Ngakoue is a young stud, but he's no JJ Watt. Flux could have had one of the best defensive lines in the leauge but decided to sell while the price was still high. The line certainly isn't a liability with Yannick and Short. But it leaves a lot to be desired for sure knowing what could have been. The secondary tho? Kiss me on the mouth good. Tre White while not getting the PFF player grade love this year was still a shut down corner and dont let the numbers fool you. Desmond King ain't no slouch either. As long as these two can keep their production somewhat consistent over the next 2-3 years then Flux will have an elite secondary without needing to blink.


9. Mookie

Tom Brady, I mean honestly.. Need I say more? Unless you are a trash owner, or it happens to be your first season ever. Tom Brady will lead you to a 9-7 record at worst. Put any talent around him? You're likely guaranteed playoffs. Now.. the talent around him. Can't say I'm a huge huge fan. Keenan Allen is a good #1 on his own. With Brady? Top five WR this year, hands down, you can bet your life on it. Calvin Ridley? Solid solid start to his career. Worth the one tag without a doubt. As a #2 on his own? Eh, would prefer him to be my #3 or still on the PS. With Brady tho? 10 touchdowns, 1.2k yards. Bet my life on it. You don't need a running back when you have the GOAT. If you did, your walk to the playoffs would be pampered by a beautiful young blonde feeding you grapes. This offense will be great. Tom Brady is great. This paragraph wasn't needed as 18 of y'all already know Tom Brady sleeps with your wife and infiltrates your dreams.

This defense? Does it touch Tom Brady's greatness? Nah. Will it be a liability going forward? Lol nah. Wake and Campbell are old as dirt, but do they care? Hell nah, they'll sleep with your wife too. Gilmore will hold virtually all #1's accountable, and if he slips up Weddle will be right behind him to cover his mistake.

We're getting into the playoff team territory, and if Mookie drafts well don't be surprised to see him in the Chip for the first time ever.


8. Khodder

Remember what I just said about Brady? Aite we'll just apply that to Rodgers. Remember Rodgers is six years younger. Oh, and he can also run on your defense if you ain't careful. I don't love Kelce as I do the combo of Ridley and Allen, but I do like him. Top three tight end without a doubt and will be a threat for sure. As for Nick Chubb, I'm still unsure how he'll pan out. Dude put up the stats. Dude was in the second though. But the dude has Aaron Rodgers to take 90% of the pressure off of him. I expect this offense to put in work. And I also expect WR to be the top priority for this team going forward.

The linebacker crew here will get pressure on every down. Jones and Smith are monsters, and Edwards aint no slouch either. The secondary here is also playoff ready. I wish they'd have a decent enough DE because the Thunder may have cracked my top 5 if that were the case.


7. YB

Wilson & Evans have been a deadly combo so far, its a shame YB couldn't keep JuJu or I'd say this offense would be terrorizing fools for years to come.. Still probably will. The lack of talent everywhere else though is going to hurt this team come game time. YB will need to spend a lot of picks going forward to rebuild this offense and put talent around those two. Still though Wilson is only 30 years old and a top five QB hands down. Mike Evans is only 25 and likely in the argument for top 5 as well(probably 5th), certainly without a doubt top 10. Offense still has years left in the tank

So this is the dude that got Watt? Yeah yeah that Watt. Top 3 defensive line hands down. Speaking of hands down JPP is still a force, line him up against McCoy and line that big boi up against JJ Watt? Lord have mercy. YB will never need to worry about his defensive line being a problem. And come his secondary he likely won't need to worry either. Sherman still brings old man strength to his coverage. Lattimore as a #2 will be able to bend 99% of WR2's to his will. Not terribly sold on Fitzpatrick, but the dude was one tag and going forward might be good insurance just in case either Sherm or Latt miss their coverage.


6. Ruskie

Is six too high? I ask myself this now as I'm writing it. Possibly. But as Ruskie is the only one who knows the answer. I'm sure multiple teams ranked 7-20... and likely 1-5, were asking "So.. How much for Mahomes??". And that right there is why he's number six. There's a possibility he'd be ranked 6th regardless of his defense/anyone else on his team. The unknown of Mahomes right now is so alluring that it would be unfair to rank him any lower. There's a real possibility he outperforms even Brady in the sim come two seasons from now. Wouldn't you trade your whole team for that? Knowing you virtually just have to put together an average team and you're probably playoff bound. Luckily for Ruskie... He put together something a little bit better than average. Gronk smash, Gronk catch football, Gronk score touchdowns. Easy as that. Mahomes and Gronk are likely going to be as dominant as Rodgers and Kelce, and are likely going to carry this team to a playoff berth.

Ruskie saw his chance at a title and didn't say "hopefully I can get there".. No he said "I'm going all in baby". And All in did he go indeed. Suggs, Suh, Casey, Houston, LVE, Kuechly, hell even Norman all could be building blocks on a team going forward. Ruskies got seven building blocks. And these blocks are gonna build a god damn wall, and prevent you from scoring without a doubt. There will certainly be the tag issue when Mahomes inevitably costs 4 instead of the 1 he did this prior year. But the core here is so strong that losing 1-2 players will not hurt at all.


5. Tk3

Hide your wives, hide yo kids, Andrew Luck is back and he's destroying errbody. He might not be 100% in the sim. But the dude probably just needs one more season like the last and tk3 is gonna be back winning chips & building dynasty's. Hilton and Thielen are likely the third best WR combo in the leauge, will make Lucks job even easier. But they won't make it as easy as Barkley will. Dude was already a top 5ish rb in the sim last year. Now? Dude destroyed the league without a QB like Luck in front of him. Just put one or two big beefy men on that line and TK3 is playoff bound if not this year very very soon.

For a #5 ranking I will say the defense is lackluster. The offense really carries this team to such a high ranking with its versatility. I like Chubb, I love Peterson, HAHA Cliton-Dix. Top to bottom this team has a good player on every level. The secondary is likely going to be one of the better ones this year. The front seven is where this team will fall short imo. I still expect a 9-7 record with the talent they have on offense. Just this defense needs a little bit of work to reach the same status as the offense.



This owner has a great young injury prone QB. Number four may be a tad too high but I have faith in Wentz and never wanna wish the worst on anyone. The Starfalls likely won't be competitive this year or next, but one good bounce back year by Wentz is all they need to walk into the playoffs with the team they constructed. Gurley is a top 2 running back at worst. He'll likely be able to get 1.4k yards and 14 touchdowns if used properly. Tyreek Hill was a great third piece to this team and knowing what we know now he is no longer on the squad. But I made these rankings based on keepers at the beginning of the year and god dammit I'm not changing them.

Oh, and the offensive line is good too.

Aaron Donald, much like Tom Brady, much like JJ Watt, much like Matthew Stafford. You really don't need to say much. All these guys just take the league over and bend other players to their will. Great defensive line this team has put together. I feel like SAS but once again I'm claiming this is a top 3 defensive line without a doubt. Donald and Lawrence are going to feast and y'all best draft those offensive linemen to try and slow them down. Cause lol, you ain't stopping em. Secondary has one guy hovering on the line of elite and the other hovering on the line of good/great. For two tags these guys are a killer value and likely going to be great building blocks going forward.

I dont expect this team to walk into the playoffs like most other top 5 teams. But with good ownership they could easily grab the 2nd seed in their conference.


3. Waffles

Big Ben, top 5 sim QB? Check. Le'veon Bell, top 5 sim RB? Check*. Odell Beckham, top 5 sim WR? Check. This is an elite offense. Not a great offense, an elite one. You can't defend every position all at once and this offense will pick your defense apart without a doubt. Big Ben might be getting up their in age, but he seems too pissed off about Mason Rudolph to retire now. I expect this offense to be elite for another 4 seasons at the very least. And I expect this team to make the playoffs for another 4 seasons at the very least.

* While he did miss 16 games, I don't believe the nerf applied to Bell will drag him down so far he is still not top 5.

And we all know Waffles. Defense is his bread and butter. You knew this was going to be a great defense come keeper time. And once again he's got elite talent ready to make your QB cry. Von Miller is still the best EDGE in the game, he will disrupt your pass game and your rush game believe that. And Ramsey while not getting the PFF love was still a top three corner this year & only 3 months older than Tre White (who is 24 if we're counting). These two are what you want when you build a defense. Elite EDGE and elite CB.

Waffles is my pick based on keepers to go to the Taco Bowl. We all know the draft plays a huge part as well. But if he can just draft a few B+ players it looks like it might be a cake walk with no more Brady and no more Brees/AB combo.


2. Ipwn

The best WR core in the leauge, it could be debated that there is one other. But WHEN YOU ADD JARED GOFF TO THE MIX!!! Okay enough of that. This is a scary offense. Put a half decent rb behind Goff and we might see greatness like we haven't seen since Tk3's Luck/Calvin/Green days. Julio, Thomas, and Goff are all still incredibly young and seemingly all have hit their strides & not looking to regress any time soon.

The defense here is propped up by their elite secondary. Slay didn't earn another All-Pro nod, but damn if he still wasn't locking guys down. Same goes for Harrison Smith who I personally believe actually took a small step backwards this year. But funnily enough was still dominant enough to land on the 2nd team All-Pro list. The HB showed his still had a lot left in the tank as well. Was a force down in Houston and gave that defense the spark they needed that they used to rely on Watt to deliver.

The offense here will carry this team for years to come. The elite secondary is just a bonus. And given that the draft is usually always filled with good EDGE/ILBs I can't find it hard to imagine Pwn won't be able to make it to the playoffs for his third straight year.


1. Me

Putting yourself #1. What a child.

The second best WR core in the leauge hands down. The best RB combo in the leauge hands down. A QB who the sim has grown to love over the years, but just had his worst season in recent memory. The Royals better hope the elite talent they put around Stafford is enough to mask his faults. Regardless though. Even if this team dropped Stafford they'd still have the best WR in the leauge. A great #2 who could be a #1 virtually anywhere else. And two elite rbs for the time being. The Sim has always loved MG3 even when his stats weren't the best. Now after his breakout year I expect the sim to treat him even kinder. Kareem Hunt beat a woman and had his friends steal her phone to delete evidence of him pushing her.

I love a good balance in my defense. Probably why I'm biased and have myself #1. But it shows elsewhere in my list as well. Top 5 defensive linemen in Fletcher Cox. Top 5 EDGE/LB in Ryan Kerrigan. Top 5 CB in Chris Harris Jr. This defense has an elite player on every line. Add in Olivier Vernon across from Kerrigan and you've got two dominant disruptors ready to destroy the opposing teams QB. 

A big problem for this team will come the end of next year. They just spent 27 tags to keep these guys together. There is no chance they can do it again. They better draft as well as humanly possible and hope a team like Chicago or Rio doesn't knock them out of the playoffs.

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Watson is a young, proven QB who just quite hasn't taken that next step yet. Give him time and he might possibly become a top 5 talent qb. But there is a lot of competition at the top and betting on guys to pan out is always a risk in this game. Zeke is Zeke. Dude will dominate. Probably lead the sim in rushing. Might get 15 tds. Who knows. Nothing would surprise me other than a 600 yard 2 td season. Cooks and Lockett are both young good-great WRs. Going forward this team has a lot of potential, but potential doesn't win you games. They could be great in 2 seasons. Or the players may not progress at all and the owner again waits two more seasons to hopefully make the next step.

I love the defense on this team. All young, loaded with talent from top to bottom. Again though, we're talking potential here. These guys have shown more than the offense for sure. But none of them aside from Adams has really gotten the recognition they deserve. And unfortunately for Remix safety isn't a position that'll make or break a defense. Still though. Put pieces around these guys and this defense will surely compete at a high level.

But the best thing going forward for this team is their future. And that might also be the thing that ultimately ends up hurting them the most.


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Watson was a first round pick. That means he started out average, at worst. He had a good rookie season. Playing seven games probably negates whatever plus he got from it. He was pretty good in year two as well; top 11 in DVOA, DYAR, etc. He's on that Russ projection. And that's scary.

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22 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

Yup. It was a toss up for me between Coop and Howard. Whicker made the choice for me.

Howard was the guy I almost took at #1 and have been trying to trade up for ever since

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