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The Ill Mind of SwAg: Game Thread -- Game Over


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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Fair enough I guess. But without info i have to go based on reads. Other than Rags making excuses i havent seen much other than MD4l and Malf on D1

That’s fine I just think you’re a little zero’d in on stuff that is kind of a spitball theory rather. 

I get that you have to push a read you have, I just don’t follow the logic you used to get there yet.


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2 minutes ago, Dome said:

That’s fine I just think you’re a little zero’d in on stuff that is kind of a spitball theory rather. 

I get that you have to push a read you have, I just don’t follow the logic you used to get there yet.


I think you follow the logic, but you disagree on the methods used in this instance B|

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8 minutes ago, Dome said:

Late dinner hombre. 

On a ski vacation in Utah.  Watched the game and then needed to get something to eat.  

Sorry about your Saints....they got robbed on the no call DPI, hitting a defenseless WR, head to head.  Like 3 penalties missed on 1 play

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Going to put some thoughts out there in case I am killed tonight.

1 of the Amac, Gopher, Ted is not town

Ragnarok and Pickle Rick are very inactive this game and they are high up on the non-town list

I still have strong reservations on Tk3.  I agree with a few points that @The Orca has noted about his play this game vs previous games when he was civ.

I do not recall playing with sanchez or Hockey, so I have no real feel for their games thus far.  Both have missed some basic noteworthy items that raise the suspicion level.

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4 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

tk3 do you know what amac is? is your role associated with his in any way?

No, I have zero actual knowledge of amac - other than the fact that squire listed him as one of the 3 who visited malf

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Going to put some thoughts out there in case I am killed tonight.

1 of the Amac, Gopher, Ted is not town

Ragnarok and Pickle Rick are very inactive this game and they are high up on the non-town list

I still have strong reservations on Tk3.  I agree with a few points that @The Orca has noted about his play this game vs previous games when he was civ.

I do not recall playing with sanchez or Hockey, so I have no real feel for their games thus far.  Both have missed some basic noteworthy items that raise the suspicion level.


I agree with the Amac/Gopher/Ted situation

I agree on Rags/Pickle. Especially Pickle's lack of activity is unusual

I'm not sure what you guys want from me, tbh

This is a standard scum game for Hockey. In the next day or two he will start quoting people and posting a lot more to look town. I said this about 48 hours ago. He is very high on my list. As for Sanchez, he is pretty hit or miss. I actually see KSJ as the person who fits the mold of UTR scum more than Sanchez.

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Just now, Tk3 said:


I agree with the Amac/Gopher/Ted situation

I agree on Rags/Pickle. Especially Pickle's lack of activity is unusual

I'm not sure what you guys want from me, tbh

This is a standard scum game for Hockey. In the next day or two he will start quoting people and posting a lot more to look town. I said this about 48 hours ago. He is very high on my list. As for Sanchez, he is pretty hit or miss. I actually see KSJ as the person who fits the mold of UTR scum more than Sanchez.

You have been someone I have questioned from D1.  your claim today does not really change things much.  

KSJ was going to the AFCCG, so I am not surprised he is not posting today.  That seems to fit his pattern in the games I have been in with him.  Not sure if he has been mafia in any of those off hand.

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Day 2:

Alright, lets pick up where we left off!

*players randomly vote for 98% of the day phase*

Jeez, where did the time go?

You’d think we would get better at this and not allow the day phase to devolve into chaos at the end each time.


Can we have more time?

*God is watching football*


*God arrives*

*God declares overtime.*

*God is not infallible*




Tk3 guys, Harry Potter is totes scum.

F*ck you.


amac is lynched!



The crowd begins to surround amac.  He stares around at his enemies who are closing in on him, silently calculating.

Any last words, scum?

As a response the man reached into his jacket and withdrew his silverballer and began to fire into the crowd.  Six shots are discharged before the man is cracked upside the head with a hammer.  With a sickening crunch, amac fell face forward into a pool of his own blood.

Amac is dead.  He was Agent 47, SwAg’s Malice, Mafia-Aligned.

We did it!  We did it!  We did it!

The crowd turned around to see if any of the shots had landed.  bcb was struck twice in the abdomen.



bcb tried to speak, but no words came.  An ambulance arrived shortly and was able to stabilize bcb. 

He is recovering from the grievous attack, and may not post or vote on Day 3 / Night 3.


Night 2:

Touch was out and about, getting his flex on at the gym.  It is Sunday.  Do you know what Sunday is?  Sunday is leg day.  Touch was going hard on his legs and by the time he was done, he had quite the pump in those glutes.  Feeling saucy, Touch departed for his nighttime activities.

He strolled along the way to Ragnarok’s house.  He knew Ragnarok would enjoy a gander at this booty.   He stopped and did a few butt flexes, which seemed to catch the eye of another individual.  Embarrassed, but also proud, Touch continued along his way…

He was walking up to Ragnarok’s house when he heard it…


Touch turned to see a man in a blood-red jersey looking irate and withdrawing a gun from his waistband.  Touch stood frozen… It was all he could do being face-to-face with his idol.


With that, the man in the blood-red jersey stormed past Touch before he could ask for an autograph.  After a few moments, the sound of belligerent, unhinged screaming came from Ragnarok’s house, and ceased as the unmistakable sound of gunshots rang through the night.

Ragnarok is dead.  He was Bernie Madoff, SwAg’s Sense of Fairness, Town-Aligned.

Uhhh… Well, I’mma get going…

Touch ran until he was home.  Upon arriving home, he attempted to drown out the horrific events of the night.

Some music ought to help.

Touch flipped on his Spotify, but instead of his usual playlist, everything was replaced with Ben Shapiro podcasts, Tucker Carlson audiofiles, and a 10 hour loop of Tomi Lahron laughing.  He quickly tried to turn it off, but he could not… It would not stop!

Touch pulled out a gun and shot himself in the head to spare himself the mind-numbing content.

Touch is dead.  He was SwAg, God of Mafia, Independent-Aligned.


A cloaked figure stalked the shadows, searching for his prey.

Come out, Ted.  Lord Voldemort’s patience is beginning to run thin.

Losing his patience, the figure approached Ted’s window and observed Ted fast asleep.  The figure drew his wand, and jabbed it sharply.


An earth-trembling explosion clashed through the night as the side of Ted’s house was reduced to rubble.  Ted was now awake and spluttering incoherently.  Before Ted could make any sense, the night was illuminated with a flash of green light.


And Ted fell silently onto the debris.

Ted is dead.  He was Rupert Murdoch, SwAg’s Irrational Bias, Mafia-Aligned.

It is now Day 3.

With 13 alive, and 12 voting... It's 7 to lynch!

Deadline:  Tuesday (1/22) at 12:00 p.m. EST.  (Or you can vote for another time, IDGAF).

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On 1/19/2019 at 1:26 PM, The Orca said:
On 1/19/2019 at 1:03 PM, SwAg said:

Malfatron is dead.  He was Girls in Yoga Pants, SwAg’s Lust, Mafia-Aligned.


On 1/19/2019 at 1:03 PM, SwAg said:

Day 1:

The crowd was restless on this day and seemed to be scatterbrained on how to commence the day phase.

Looks like we better get this rolling!



How about we lynch an inactive?




How about we lynch James?

Or… We could pull sanchez’s name out of a hat?

But no, James.


James, anything to say for yourself, scum?


…Anything else?


The surrounding people had heard enough.  They were tired of this belligerent, insidious, grotesque frat boy, his dystopian world view, and his proclivity for butt chugging.  The crowd closed in on James and began beating him like countless of people wish they could have only a few short months ago.  After a few minutes the crowd ceased and backed away to view their handywork.

James is dead.  He was Brett Kavanaugh, SwAg’s Self Control, Town-Aligned.



Night 1:

A man, or at least what used to be a man, cloaked in all black casually strolled down the way as he carelessly observed his surroundings.  The occasional light from nearby houses or streetlamps was sufficient to illuminate the only portion of his body visible: his skeletal, snake-like face, adorned with a twisted smile – a smile of pure glee that only imminent violence could bring forward.

Before long, the man reached his destination.  He glided up the pathway to Xmad’s lavish mansion.  As he reached the entrance, he pointed his wand at his throat and spoke to Xmad.

Come out, Xmad, face me like a man.  If you do, I will reward you with a quick death.  If you do not, I will ensure that you suffer.

To the surprise of the speaker, the door immediately opened.  Xmad, shirtless, rode out of the doorway on a polar bear to face the speaker.

Yes, hello, snake person.  I see, you think I am one to be intimidated, yes?  Well, I am afraid you are mistaken.  I am the Russian Grimreaper, and it is you who will be dying.

Xmad pulled a small handgun from his back and pulled the trigger multiple times in quick succession, but only one bullet fired.  The other man laughed as he lazily flicked his wand and the bullets dematerialized. 

Avada Kedavra!

Before Xmad could register surprise, the surroundings were illuminated with a flash of green light, and Xmad fell lifelessly from his polar bear steed.

You are as insignificant to Lord Voldemort as all of the others.

Xmad is dead.  He was Vladimir Putin, SwAg’s Recklessness, Town-Aligned


A man stood as a single silhouette on the horizon as he stalked his target.  He observed his target returning for the night.  It was time.  The man approached Malfatron’s humble abode, while casting sweeping glances around the surrounding area.

The light spilling from Malfatron’s home illuminated the man’s figure, as the light gleamed off his shaved head, pointed face, and sleek black suit.  As the man approached the door, he withdrew lockpicking tools, but found them unnecessary as the door was unlocked.

So careless.

Another man, who was wearing a blood-red jersey, watched from the distance.

Man, I cannot believe it.  I cannot f*cking believe it.  NO ONE IS F*CKING LOYAL ANYMORE.  I CANNOT TRUST ANYONE!

The observer pulls out his gat and approached the house as well.

The first man entered the house, drawing a silverballer from his jacket pocket.  He made it through the living area when he heard the sound of running water.  The man slowly makes his way to the bathroom to find Malfatron in the shower.

The man fires three shots through the shower curtain, all of which strike Malfatron in the torso. 

Malfatron is dead.  He was Girls in Yoga Pants, SwAg’s Lust, Town-Aligned.

The man turns and makes his exit.  But turns to see an irate man standing behind him.


Puzzled, the man responds.

Names are for friends, so I do not need one.

The man then fires the remainder of his clip at the confronting individual, but his football-like reflexes spared him, and he fired back…but missed.

What happened next is uncertain, as it all happened so fast, but before the confronter knew it, the other man was gone.  He then approached Malfatron’s body and fired a few shots into her.

F*cking disloyal, b*tch.  GIVE THAT TO ODIN FOR ME, B*TCH.


BREAKING NEWS:  Fire rose from the bush, so intense that the flames burned the eyes. A voice could be heard coming from the bush, "Heed these words my child, go forth into the world and take thy vengeance out on all those who forsake me.  Only bring those with a true heart to my doorstep.


With 17 alive and voting, it is 9 to lynch!  Deadline: Sunday (1/20) at 9:00 p.m. EST.

If you did not receive a PM, and believe you should have, PM me immediately.

@SwAg did you change Malf's alignment. Just saw this looking back on page 1. Is the corrected one accurate or is it a mystery?


Also TK3

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