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The Ill Mind of SwAg: Game Thread -- Game Over


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Day 3:



So, we going to lynch someone?

Yeah, we are half way through the phase and 2 people voted.

Alright, Orca



**** y’all, I’ma fine person,

bout to hit you with one bar per sin,

got you clutching your chest, fin.

Tried to get you hype like fight night,

but now I’m mad, patience is finite,

Now fire ignite, as the freestyle I write.


Then it’s not a free style, dip****.

How bout a last minute bandwagon on the guy who’s not here?

Color me keen!





The crowd gathered around tk3 and began to jeer at him as they closed in.  Then one man from the crowd lunged forward, but was suddenly flown backward… by what?  In the commotion the crowd did not notice tk3 draw a wand, and was not in a defensive stance.  Another member of the crowd pulled out a gun and fired, but tk3 flicked his wand and the bullet turned into a paper airplane. 

You done?


One man was not, he took one last shot, firing.  This time tk3 slashed his wand, parrying the bullet, flew off out of the Town square.  Before long the crowd heard the unmistakable sound of something shattering

Everyone pointed at each other.


What the-what?!

I’m back!

**** this.  Let’s just go kill each other at night.

Touch has returned to the game!


Night 3:

Voldemort was full of cold fury this evening.  He walked with pure malice and hatred in every pace.  The anger was about to explode from him… He stalked toward Pickle Rick’s home.  He stopped before the door, raised his wand, and pure, unhinged anger seethed through him as Rick’s home was enveloped in brilliant purple flame.

Screams from inside informed Voldemort that Rick was inside.  The crash of glass on his left told him that Rick tried to escape from the window, but he would not reach his feet.


The sky was illuminated with an eruption of green light. 

Pickle Rick is dead.  He was Nelson Mandela, SwAg’s Empathy, Mafia-Aligned


 Squire was sitting in his room contemplating life in his blood-red Patriots jersey, wishing he were going to the SuperBowl with them.

What is the meaning of it all?  I’m pointless.  I should hang myself with my bedsheet.

Before Squire could pursue this source of contemplation any further, a knock on the door interrupted his pleasant thoughts.

Yeah, sir.  The boss man does not condone violence, but you gotta go.


Squire, right?  If not boss man will be upset.

Squire pulled out a gun and began to fire into the crowd.  He shot and killed two, but the third and fourth assailant was able to overwhelm him and force him down.  They handcuffed him and began to gag him.



The two remaining individuals dragged Squire from his home.

Squire is removed from the game (for the purpose of the game, dead).  He was Aaron Hernandez, SwAg’s Psychosis, Town-Aligned


Sanchez was getting back home from a long night out.  He arrived back to discover a luscious steak dinner awaiting for him!  Flexing his arms, Sanchez grabbed the steak din din.

Gotta get dat protein.

He devoured the whole meal in moments.

Ahhh.  Much better.

An hour or so later Sanchez was keeled over in pain.  He was wrenching and gagging on vomit, and vomiting on gagging.  Wrenching on gag vomiting.

Not this way…I wanted…to overdose on roids…

Sanchez is dead.  He was LaRon Landry, SwAg’s Tough Exterior, Town-Aligned.


bcb may post and vote again.


It is now Day 4.  With 11 alive and voting, it is 6 to lynch!

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For the record, i dont know if you guys ever figured this out cause i quit reading for a while yesterday

Ted was obviously a janitor framer role-  Bias is in the title for goodness sakes

When he died anyone he framed went back to original alignment


of course swag will probably update the page soon and make me look like a fool, but that makes sense to me.  Also explains seeing both people at the murder site night one

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2 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Can you explain what exactly happened. Have you learned anything?

i don't have the foggiest, being the last vote on Armac, i assume he was a bomb variant who had a chance of killing the last vote on his lynch or could pick someone from his lynch

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