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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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1 hour ago, Bednarik60 said:

I get depressed and in terrible moods more then i would like, specially when i slip in the gym and start coasting/not applying my self there. I just don't function right or feel right. But when i get in the gym all the time with some passion and i put in the right qualit food, my moods are so much better, so much. 

Same, I feel like crap without physical activity.

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8 hours ago, Bednarik60 said:

@Phire, haha what exactly are you doing right now in the law scene? 

Courthouses have their own in-house attorneys to work on cases behind the scenes. I'm one of them right now. The lawyer card definitely gets people talking but dear lord when you drop it you have to be prepared to be the biggest doucher in the universe lol.

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6 minutes ago, Phire said:

Courthouses have their own in-house attorneys to work on cases behind the scenes. I'm one of them right now. The lawyer card definitely gets people talking but dear lord when you drop it you have to be prepared to be the biggest doucher in the universe lol.

Nice. In house aka home team. 

Yeah lol dropping it is asking for the d bag label from sane people or asking for trouble  to the gold diggers and crazies. 

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5 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

@Phire do you enjoy it/like it?

Yeah, it's been pretty fun so far. You'd be shocked what kind of stuff happens out there. There was a murder trial a few weeks back involving a bunch of people doing meth. That turned into stolen phones, arguments, one person getting beaten to near death, another getting stabbed and beaten into a pulp with baseball bats, a police chase, etc. oh and did I mention there were two little kids there while all this is going down? People don't know this but trials like that are open to the public, so we had old people who literally go to trials like it's the movie theater lol and sometimes it's pretty entertaining. 

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6 minutes ago, Phire said:

Yeah, it's been pretty fun so far. You'd be shocked what kind of stuff happens out there. There was a murder trial a few weeks back involving a bunch of people doing meth. That turned into stolen phones, arguments, one person getting beaten to near death, another getting stabbed and beaten into a pulp with baseball bats, a police chase, etc. oh and did I mention there were two little kids there while all this is going down? People don't know this but trials like that are open to the public, so we had old people who literally go to trials like it's the movie theater lol and sometimes it's pretty entertaining. 

Oh that is so crazy your so close to it tho, like hearing these things in person. wow. That is where i wonder if something is wrong with the Matrix, how are these people procreating lol and being responsible for kids? and what kinda of life are these kids now going to have? Brutal. Hey, can some one cosmical please intervene already and put us back on track already! 

 I read the locals news online every day, its pretty insane bro! And what i noticed is, you can google any city and so many of the cases/crime are similar. A lot of goes back to meth or heroin or abuse of alcohol. Some of the crimes are crazy. 

Nice part for me tho, is i can click out of stories, pic and choose stories etc... you got to go in and deal with it, hear it, process through it, talk about it, work through it.. haah no thanks! 

That is funny about the trial goers. Adam Carolla was talking to Ben Shapiro about that, i think Adams grandma would do that. Its air conditioned and the cases are unbelievable lol. But there are scenes of people at different court houses, regulars who been doing it forever lol.

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16 hours ago, Bednarik60 said:

The zero energy gyms are real bro. I have belonged to a few, nice places, just no nothing reallly going on, except for a few gym bros who come in bench, grunt, check there phone, then leave lol. Makes it hard to work out when you feel like the place is 3 people away from being abandoned . At least for me. 

I like a gym that when you walk in people are going to work, putting in the work,  but is still very cordial or friendly. With a good mix of hot chicks and bros. 

Exactly. You get it. You always have.

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Just posted in NFL General, quickly released how full of idiots it was and swiftly left.

7 minutes ago, OleXmad said:

Superbowls are irrelevant. In 5 years we'll know who won this trade.

I'd bet on the browns based on the fact they turned a few picks into more or less a team foundation if they can get it right.


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41 minutes ago, Blahman88 said:

Just posted in NFL General, quickly released how full of idiots it was and swiftly left.

Man what an idiot. 

For the record, If the eagles don't win a superbowl it's more than likely because they couldn't get a team around wentz good enough to win one. 

But winning a superbowl 10 years after the trade for Wentz really doesn't make the trade that much better for the eagles. 


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