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Mafia Mafia - Town Wins


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21 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Alright enough is enough in all seriousness it’s SwAg or Pickle getting lynched tonight and neither is Mafia...


21 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Clearly Nacho and BDP are the Mafia

Any reason why you are still lynching Pickle if this is your opinion?

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5 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Who do you think is mafia and why?

I don't have a strong scumread at this time; I do have a townread on Counselor and a slight townread on Swag, as I've already said.

Either way, this should easily be a nl day but you're probably toast once swag last-minute votes you.

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3 minutes ago, The Orca said:


Any reason why you are still lynching Pickle if this is your opinion?

You are Mafia. I don’t have enough that will turn with me to lynch you but I know it for a fact. If anyone is going to ever trust me trust me now that it is Nacho and Orca

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3 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

I don't have a strong scumread at this time; I do have a townread on Counselor and a slight townread on Swag, as I've already said.

Either way, this should easily be a nl day but you're probably toast once swag last-minute votes you.

It could still be a no lynch

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The group brought @SwAg down the Main Street hill towards @Malfatron's house. Malf was sitting on his stoop and saw them coming a quarter mile away.

He giggled as he slipped an executioners hood over his head. He never thought this day would actually come, the hood still smelled as new as the day he bought it in 7th grade. He gathered his pile of pre-tied nooses and headed into the street, he was greatly disappointed to see the group only brought one many the knew to be scum. He sulked back to the stoop to gather himself. Killing just one Mafia was OK, especially for his first public execution. Everyone has to start somewhere.

He took a deep breath and turned on a boombox in the corner.

The group brought him SwAg, they hoisted the lynchee up onto a stool at the executioner's direction. He tied a noose around Swag's neck and kicked out the stool he was standing on. Just like that.

@SwAg is dead. He was The Backup.


You have until 10:15pm to finalize moves. Still no talking.

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