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***Spoiler FREE*** Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


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4 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

Its not....

By diehard lifelong fans it is. I can see it having an appeal to the newer generation. But to those who saw 4,5, and 6 first then waiting for Episode 1 onward with heavy anticipation, heart ache and or excitement.... it very much is dumpster fire. 

Even many fans that I have talked to that were introduced to Star Wars with Ep1 didnt like TLJ or even TFA for that matter. 

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2 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Pretending that JJ, and Kennedy and everyone else in that brain trust in charge of this IP, didnt 100% sign off on what Rain Johnson planned fro TLJ is just ridiculous.

They all knew, they all liked it, and instead of staying the course, believing in what they had agreed to build, (it sounds like) they caved to loud whiny fanboys.

I disagree with alot of what Lucas did, especially in the prequels, but atleast he stuck to his guns and told the whole story that he wanted to 

They had too in their opinion to make a profit. Children is where the money is at but its hardcore fans that drive the product forward long after its lost its marketing appeal.

Tell me how successful do you think the MCU would have been had they not started off with Iron Man, Thor, CA and the others and instead just went straight to the new characters? Lady Thor, CM, or even the GotG among others?

I seriously doubt the reception would have been well received or successful. Feige developed the perfect blue print on successful franchise building by bringing along core fans and not leaving them behind on a whim to do their own thing.

I dont think it will continue but Feige should have been in charge from the start after the success from the first Avengers movie.

Marvel is more popular now then it ever has been before and it's because they knew in order to be successful you build from the core first. Then you move forward with the core. Kennedy among others didnt do that. 

Plus it's highly debatable they even had a comprehensive story in mind for the trilogy. After everything that's happened, it seems they were letting each director do their own thing and Kennedy was just there to over see her "message" they sent out.

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25 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

Like me?

Not sure why you are trying to put people in a box here. Some liked it, some didnt. Its a very polarizing film 

I think it’s misleading when people are trying to say a majority liked the film though.  It got widepspread scrutiny and has a poor RT score.  I don’t think it’s inaccurate to state the majority of people did not like the film. 

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16 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Tell me how successful do you think the MCU would have been had they not started off with Iron Man, Thor, CA and the others and instead just went straight to the new characters? Lady Thor, CM, or even the GotG among others?

Talk about some revisionist history. You are really trying to claim that Old Shell Head was the thing that "connected to their base"? No a Great Movie, along with the Perfect Casting is what did that.

Sure Captain America was among the Flagship characters under the Marvel name (and we was the 4th one sent out), but Iron Man? Thor? Nick Fury? Black Widow? No, just no. They went there because they had to not because it was the best move. Because they had sold off their best assests, and thankfully for the MCU, it forced them to make one of the best (and still most underrated) Superhero films in the original Iron Man. Thats what set the MCU on its course, not because they appeased one of the smallest percentage groups that actually pays to see these films

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6 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Talk about some revisionist history. You are really trying to claim that Old Shell Head was the thing that "connected to their base"? No a Great Movie, along with the Perfect Casting is what did that.

Sure Captain America was among the Flagship characters under the Marvel name (and we was the 4th one sent out), but Iron Man? Thor? Nick Fury? Black Widow? No, just no. They went there because they had to not because it was the best move. Because they had sold off their best assests, and thankfully for the MCU, it forced them to make one of the best (and still most underrated) Superhero films in the original Iron Man. Thats what set the MCU on its course, not because they appeased one of the smallest percentage groups that actually pays to see these films

Ok.  Well if Rian Johnson had a made a good movie with TLJ than it would have uplifted the Star Wars universe.  The problem is he didn't.  

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I just wanna see the name Jedi retired in this timeline and Skywalker become the new name.  This is The Rise of Skywalker.  Rey has at least some of the Jedi books that she jacked from the Temple.  She could build off those as well and lead the first generation.  

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3 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Talk about some revisionist history. You are really trying to claim that Old Shell Head was the thing that "connected to their base"? No a Great Movie, along with the Perfect Casting is what did that.

So by that rationale TLJ should have been a monstrous success that should have at least reached expectations of being in the top 5 of highest grossing to rival or surpass TFA box office numbers considering its "perfect" casting and "great" story/movie as many of you think. It was rumored and speculated that it was going to be a huge success, And it had the added bonus of being one of the most anticipated movies of all time. Yet it either just fell outside the top 10 or barely made it cause I specifically remembered laughing reading months later that it couldnt even overtake Age of Ultron or even Furious 7. Even with the unGodly amount of hype it got leading up to the movie. 

I agree wit you that a great movie with perfect casting is paramount. So one has to wonder where it went wrong with this movie. That backlash was so bad that wasnt it speculated it poor box office performance in the later weeks mixed with all the bad reviews that Solo pretty much flopped?

Sorry but thats bad. I dont care who you are. 


Sure Captain America was among the Flagship characters under the Marvel name (and we was the 4th one sent out), but Iron Man? Thor? Nick Fury? Black Widow? No, just no. They went there because they had to not because it was the best move. Because they had sold off their best assests, and thankfully for the MCU, it forced them to make one of the best (and still most underrated) Superhero films in the original Iron Man. Thats what set the MCU on its course, not because they appeased one of the smallest percentage groups that actually pays to see these films

Lol not sure what you're trying to argue but The Avengers are some of the most popular comics of all time. So really? "Forced" them? Like they didnt have a choice? No the Avengers had a huge following, they might have not have been as big as the x-men but they were more then popular enough to warrant the movies. So if you're trying to say that Iron Man's following was comparable to lets say Lady Thor and the core fans didnt mean much to the success to the film or the MCU in general, I still refer you to The Last Jedi. Or even multiple other movies that were still bad but achieved box office success just because of the fans. 

My statement still stands, you cant just give the finger to the original fanbase thats still highly involved and still expect your "risk" taking to pay off. 

Edited by Calvert28
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