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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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13 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

That's not the kind of search I have.

You're not wrong.  I looked back and see I misread that I thought you had two invest components on me.

I've said this like three times now, I'm glad people just kept letting me look stupid.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

You're not wrong.  I looked back and see I misread that I thought you had two invest components on me.

I've said this like three times now, I'm glad people just kept letting me look stupid.

It's the circle of life. You constantly berate everyone in the game. We make you look stupid.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

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Sorry for getting on late.  First nice day and took advantage of it.  

My moves.

N1:  watched forge, no one visited him

N2: quick seat ch of gopher, forge got his move in before me.

N3:  quick search bcb, could not as he is a team member

N4:  quick search dingo2.0, she has a van with cleaning chemicals in it with rubber gloves.

N5:  track Kotn, went no where.

Day autopsy results on Mwil.....serial shooter, drove a bus, some other stuff.

Gopher is not the shooter.


should be the vote and we work our way through suspects from there.

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Pickle did more than just psych profile I thought 

No. It was a psych eval on Whicker and when he went to Nachos to do one on him he couldn't find Nacho. At least that is what he said I believe

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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Remaining players:

  1. Orca
  2. SwAg
  3. Flacco
  4. Gopher
  5. Squire
  6. BCB
  7. Raves
  8. KOTN
  9. Dingo

IF we are to believe there is one SK left and IF we are to believe that all the named roles are the only civ specials, that leaves us with a ratio of 8-1. There should be almost no way we lose this game if that's to be assumed. 

I am extremely wary of people like bcb and squire because they've primarily laid low the entire game and skated by. Tonight though, I think our best case of finding information is to lynch orca unless something else comes up.

Well....here goes my theory on why I need to be lynched...at some point

I think there is a possibility that I become the copy cat killer at some point. I have no reason at all to base this on in my PM. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I want to make that clear. This is purely a theory. 

1. I have no move but my vote, which based on everyone's claims (except @KOTN-93 who has yet to post or respond) that they have moves.

My theory is that my character is based on the kills, but is 10000000% civ until something happens (I have only the generic town PM.like the sheriff). My theory was I become the copy cat when all of the other SKs are caught 

2. I think it may be based on this

Hunter- Gun

Woodsman- Stab

Survivalist- explosives

Wildland firefighter- fire

3. I really cant see the game being balanced based on the kills that have happened if there are only 4 SKs that have to kill on a certain night. I think they are working together in some manner and 2 are left. My lynch will limit the possibilies of the townies remaining

4. I think there may someone else that this copy cat may apply to as well (Kotn is my guess unless he is the SK) and I think I may be wrong on the mechanic that causes it. I have thought of a few different possibilities but that is the one I kept coming back to

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55 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

So @gopherwrestler, you started with a gun then it was confiscated by Forge and upon forensic analysis the gun would never have fired in it's current state - thus it seems to me that even if you tried to use your day move it wouldn't have worked?

Am I missing something?

If I tried, I mean I can’t confirm it because it did not state it was faulty, but a town invest and forensics stated the gun didn’t work if I would have shot it

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Just now, gopherwrestler said:

If I tried, I mean I can’t confirm it because it did not state it was faulty, but a town invest and forensics stated the gun didn’t work if I would have shot it

So basically if I would have I woulda probably looked dumb and had to explain what I was doing, or (someone in thread stated) it could have backfired and killed me

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37 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Sorry for getting on late.  First nice day and took advantage of it.  

My moves.

N1:  watched forge, no one visited him

N2: quick seat ch of gopher, forge got his move in before me.

N3:  quick search bcb, could not as he is a team member

N4:  quick search dingo2.0, she has a van with cleaning chemicals in it with rubber gloves.

N5:  track Kotn, went no where.

Day autopsy results on Mwil.....serial shooter, drove a bus, some other stuff.

Gopher is not the shooter.


should be the vote and we work our way through suspects from there.

On laptop now and can add some further information from the Mwil autopsy report

Serial Shooter

Drove a bus from the big city up north

3 trips in am, 4 trips in pm.  steady job Monday through Friday, but 40 years of the same job, you snapped.  

Feel some shame from something in your past

Legally licensed gun in your pocket -- why you carry the murder weapon is a mystery --  and prescription medication

Drive same crappy car and live in same crappy apartment


If anyone has questions for me, please Tag me.

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Townies moves have been

Self watch, day vig with 1 broken gun, odd night crime scene invest to find something...only a chance though, and then you have 2 bomb defuses. Your move runs counter to what every other townie has had. They are all basic weak moves that either rarely help (touchs did though), backfire (Gopher), or only has a chance to succeed. Your move is so overpowered based on a TEAM MEMBER having the exact same move. 

Swag and Kotn. Slight chance of Touch or Dingo...but Swag's move seems to throw off the balance of the game, and seems not correlated to the other townies with moves. Please dont forget him when I'm gone

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1 hour ago, squire12 said:

On laptop now and can add some further information from the Mwil autopsy report

Serial Shooter

Drove a bus from the big city up north

3 trips in am, 4 trips in pm.  steady job Monday through Friday, but 40 years of the same job, you snapped.  

Feel some shame from something in your past

Legally licensed gun in your pocket -- why you carry the murder weapon is a mystery --  and prescription medication

Drive same crappy car and live in same crappy apartment


If anyone has questions for me, please Tag me.

How in the hell do you get all that from a dead body? 

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1 hour ago, squire12 said:

On laptop now and can add some further information from the Mwil autopsy report

Serial Shooter

Drove a bus from the big city up north

3 trips in am, 4 trips in pm.  steady job Monday through Friday, but 40 years of the same job, you snapped.  

Feel some shame from something in your past

Legally licensed gun in your pocket -- why you carry the murder weapon is a mystery --  and prescription medication

Drive same crappy car and live in same crappy apartment


If anyone has questions for me, please Tag me.

Do you have any moves left?

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