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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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Agent Gideon's house erupted in flames! He was burned alive. His hand still clutched his pen and notepad. @bcb1213 has been eliminated from the game.

Penelope Garcia's house erupted in flames! Her computer was destroyed by the fire. @AFlaccoSeagulls has been eliminated from the game.


@KOTN-93 The Judge will show you mercy for the holiday weekend. You have until 9pm EST on Easter to show yourself or be replaced.


Night Seven will be MONDAY at 10pm EST.

You may talk.


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2 hours ago, Dome said:


bcb1213 The Orca
DingoLadd The Orca
AFlaccoSeagulls The Orca
squire12 The Orca
Raves No Lynch
gopherwrestler KOTN-93
The Orca KOTN-93
theuntouchable KOTN-93
SwAg KOTN-93

I’m guessing gophers switch back to kotn was too late, cause otherwise it should have been a tie. After this VC dingo reiterates his orca vote, gopher switches to orca and then back to kotn. 

Give me dingo. The arsonist would have wanted orca dead. 

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