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Micro-Mafia Games - Game 2, Jester Mafia - Night Thusday @ 10pm EST


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I think I need to know if @Nazgul set a trap, or if he just totally got lucky...

I REALLY want to chalk this up to winning on a technicality, but if it was done intentionally then obviously we have to give credit for the move

Either way, the only thing that would have made this trainwreck even more of a trainwreck is if the civs actually managed to screw up that ending.. which for a small moment I thought they might..

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Game 2 Voting:

Votes are to be sent in via PM! You may vote for a player multiple times. You may not vote for yourself.  

@Pickle Rick @The Orca @theuntouchable @SwAg @ET80 @Nazgul @Counselor @Forge @Tk3



Pickle Rick, The Cop - Investigate Tk3 N1,  Investigate SwAg N2

ET80, The Doctor - None

Touch and Counselor, The Mafia - Hit Orca/Roleblock Naz, Hit Forge/Roleblock Naz, Hit SwAg.



Most Fun  - The 'If we're not having fun then why the hell are we here?' Award. It is a rule, after all.
This vote should be given to the player that made the game the most enjoyable for you.

Most Least Fun - The Grumpy Bear Award. We all have those days. Or weeks...
This vote should be given to the player who seemed like if you poked them with a stick they'd definitely maul you.

Most Elusive - The Greased Up Pig in a Mud Pit Award
This player should be given to the player who was the most elusive, slippery or hardest to pin down. Your personal interpretation may be required.

Most Least Elusive - The ET80's Broke *** Knees Award, dude basically walks like a pirate from what I've heard.
This player should be given to the player who everyone had a good read on. Deceit was never a part of their plan, or they simply couldn't juke anybody.

Most Logical - The Pretty Much but Not Exactly the MVP Award
This player should be given to the player who demonstrates the best logic.

Most Least Logical - The WTF You Smoking Award.
This player should be given to the player who demonstrates the best terrible logic.

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We'll be taking a bit of a breather for the quarter way mark.

I'll probably get roles our after the next "big" Mafia game goes up and people have settled in there. If that doesn't happen this weekend on Tuesday or Wednesday I'll send them out regardless.

I'll bug some folks about Game 1 voting as well. 

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I was right on an awful lot of things.. If only I hadn't been perpetually aggrieved by someone who know I was a 16.67% of being mafia while everyone else was a 33.33%

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

I was right on an awful lot of things.. If only I hadn't been perpetually aggrieved by someone who know I was a 16.67% of being mafia while everyone else was a 33.33%

I was a bit flabbergasted. 

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

I don’t even know what that means.  You and Pickle get the award for fakest real interaction ever.

I think he means that even with a Townie invest result on him, pickle still pushed and lynched him.

I thought it was over with the 2 power roles pulling those 2 moves, if I'm being honest lol

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Just now, Tk3 said:

I'm sorry that you read it incorrectly

I’m sorry you two had abysmal interactions, and you two unconsciously played off of each other in a manner conducive to this setup for scum, you nasty fish person.

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I mean...

I refused to vote for Orca or ET.. yet town for some reason decided it was a good idea to lynch ET.. Instead pushed Counselor

I refused to vote for Pickle, because he was obviously misguided town.. Instead pushed Counselor

Touch would have been tough.. He was very much playing the "grooming" game that he did in V for Vendetta.. He was rising up my list, but everything was so intense that I didn't have the wherewithal to really explore that.. It's hard to tell if ultimately I would have chosen correctly about him or not..

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