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Overwatch Mafia 2.0 - Game Over - The Six Stack Wins!!!


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Day 7

7. Flacco – Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor) – Pickle (194)

10. Woz – Mei (2-shot Lynchproof)  Danger (207)

12. Fin – Junkrat (Vengeful Vigilante)  Pickle (192)

14. Danger – Reinhardt (1-shot Multiple Roleblocker) 

16. Rick – Mercy (1-shot Governor) – Squire (189)

17. Rag – Hanzo (Tracker) – Pickle (193)

18. Mwil – Zenyatta (Loverizer/Haterizer) – Bcb (188), Pickle (189), Bcb (196), Mwil (196), Bcb (97), Pickle (197), Bcb (202)

20. Bcb – Moira (Strong Loverizer) – Rags (194), Mwil (194), Bcb (196), Rags (199)

21. Matts – Reaper (2-shot Commuter) – Rags (203)

22. Touch – Orisa (1-shot Vote Motivator) – Pickle (188), Unvote (193), Bcb (195), Mwil (196), Rags (203)

24. Squire – Soldier 76 (Vanilla Townie) – Pickle (188)


Vote Count (6 to lynch)
4 Pickle – Squire, Fin, Rag, Flacco
4 Rags – Bcb, Matts, Touch, Mwil
2 Squire – 
Zenyatta, Pickle
1 Danger - Woz

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1 hour ago, Danger said:

ok so. I do want to say, I don't think the role of tracker particularly would benefit the mafia all that much in a game where they know who is all what role and every person's affiliation. It gives them very little utility. Nor do I think Ragnarok is any more guilty by his pharsing/actions than anyone else.

🤔🤔 noted 

1 hour ago, squire12 said:

Pickle with the scum slip....he is being **** on in the scum chatty

Right.  It's not like my theories have been made fun of, my name given multiple derogatory distinctions, etc.  @Woz 😜

36 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Well that's a surprise 

That definitely through me for a loop, then I remembered malf always likes to go out early and stay active in the chatty (his own words).  That vote just seems like malf is in his ears saying (buss rags it could take the heat off of you) 

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42 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Day 7

7. Flacco – Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor) – Pickle (194)

10. Woz – Mei (2-shot Lynchproof)  Danger (207)

12. Fin – Junkrat (Vengeful Vigilante)  Pickle (192)

14. Danger – Reinhardt (1-shot Multiple Roleblocker) – Pickle

16. Rick – Mercy (1-shot Governor) – Squire (189)

17. Rag – Hanzo (Tracker) – Pickle (193)

18. Mwil – Zenyatta (Loverizer/Haterizer) – Bcb (188), Pickle (189), Bcb (196), Mwil (196), Bcb (97), Pickle (197), Bcb (202)

20. Bcb – Moira (Strong Loverizer) – Rags (194), Mwil (194), Bcb (196), Rags (199)

21. Matts – Reaper (2-shot Commuter) – Rags (203)

22. Touch – Orisa (1-shot Vote Motivator) – Pickle (188), Unvote (193), Bcb (195), Mwil (196), Rags (203)

24. Squire – Soldier 76 (Vanilla Townie) – Pickle (188)


Vote Count (6 to lynch)
5 Pickle – Squire, Fin, Rag, Flacco, Danger
5 Rags – Bcb, Matts, Touch, Mwil, Pickle
1 Squire – 
1 Danger - Woz


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2 hours ago, Woz said:

Any new perspectives?

Part of me feels as though scum is sitting back and letting us bicker with each other. We’ve had several votes get close to hammer without actually getting hammered. I think if we had scum close to getting lynched, another civ would have hopped on. I think we’ve had civs close to being hammered and scum didn’t want to be the hammer. 

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Part of me feels as though scum is sitting back and letting us bicker with each other. We’ve had several votes get close to hammer without actually getting hammered. I think if we had scum close to getting lynched, another civ would have hopped on. I think we’ve had civs close to being hammered and scum didn’t want to be the hammer. 

So what does that tell you about the bcb lynch yesterday?

Mwil is town bc he was the hammer.....or mwil was an over eager mafia trying to lynch town 

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