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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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13 minutes ago, Forge said:

I agree and disagree. The problems I have with what you are positing is that I'm not trying to find converts, I'm trying to find the sinister first and foremost. I can rely on MD4Ls invest to know that he's not that at least, and that's what I care about. 

The possible converts / green faction is trying to get water out of a flooded basement before actually stopping the leak. That's no good. The options for Lynch tonight should be those viewed as likely to be sinister, not the converts. We don't know anything about how that mechanic works, it's all hypothetical. Did bcb have to convert as a night move? Did people have to visit to get converted? Was it even conversions? Etc. Too much unknown there and it's counter productive in my opinion to go down that road right now. Besides, we have an admitted green aligned avenger in dingo, so before we even look at tk3 we would be looking at dingo

I get what you are saying.  I am still trying to find the remaining sinister.  With Malfatron flipping Skrull, it opens the options of the players invested by MD4L not being fully cleared.


@Forge @Counselor @Pickle Rick

My thoughts for tonight should be Counselor motivates Forge to get 2 tracks and Pickle protects Forge.  If pickle is Sinister, forge is dead regardless as he is the most threatening to them via his tracking.  Forge, it would be up to you 

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On 5/29/2019 at 7:45 AM, rackcs said:

The LBC is sitting in his perch, restringing his bow. The night was calm, just how he liked it. It made his job so much easier. As he looked out onto the city below he couldn’t help but feel uneasy. He looked around him and didn’t see anything but he just couldn’t shake that feeling in his gut. He stood up, nocking an arrow.

Out of nowhere, something flew into him from behind and knocked him out of his perch. The LBC tumbled to the ground but immediately jumped back up, losing multiple arrows in the direction of his attacker. They all clang off of his metal body and he hurtles towards The LBC at break neck speed. The LBC closes his eyes and braces for the inevitable. His metal assailant slams into him as high speeds, severing his spine and causing untold amounts of internal damage.

The LBC is dead. He was Hawkeye, Avengers-Aligned.


Bcb1213 sits alone in his home. He was happy after a successful night. He laid down in bed and prepared to go to sleep. Then he heard a creaking noise. He bolted upright in bed. The creaking continued, someone was clearly walking up the stairs towards him. He stood up and rushed out to confront his intruder, confident that he could handle any threat towards him. A red aura began to glow around his hands.

He ran out to the stairs but found nobody there. He checked a couple of rooms upstairs and found nobody. He began to back up back towards his room when there was suddenly a strong flash of purple light. Bcb1213 looked down and saw a gaping hole in his chest. He collapsed to his knees and then to the floor as his killer fled the scene.

Bcb1213 is dead. He was the Scarlet Witch, Avengers-Aligned.


The Orca smiles as he enters his mansion. Everything was going according to plan. He sits down in front of his control center, looking out to see what was happening in the city tonight. He leans back and props his feet up on the desk, scrolling through the feeds. He hears a growl behind him but before he can react, he feels blades sink deep into his back. The Orca bleeds out in his chair, alone.

The Orca is dead. He was Doctor Doom, Sinister Six-Aligned.


It is now Day 3! With 19 alive and 19 voting, it's 10 to lynch!

The Deadline is Thursday at 10 PM EST.


On 5/30/2019 at 8:01 AM, rackcs said:

Mwil23 is satisfied after two successful nights in a row. He tucks the Mind Stone away, readying to use it again the next night. He goes to meet up with his allies to see how their nights went when he is blindsided by a punch. He quickly goes into attack mode. His foe hits him again but this time with claws extended. They create a deep scratch in Mwil23’s metal plating.

“That is…unexpected.”

Mwil23 boosts himself into the air, flinging his attacker off him. He shoots a few concussive blasts at his attacker, but he dodges all of them. Mwil23 flies towards him as fast as he can and slams into him, trying to cause as much damage as possible. Mwil23 continues flying forward, clutching the man tightly. The attacker continually slams his claws into Mwil23’s back, causing major damage. Mwil23 flies them straight into a wall which crumbles around them. When the dust cleared, Mwil23 was trapped under a pile of rubble, too weak to escape. The attacker jumps on top of him and starts savagely slashing at his face over and over until it was just a pile of circuits and machinery.

Mwil23 is dead. He was Ultron, Sinister Six-Aligned.


Malfatron is sitting in his home having a meal after a night well done. He grabs a piece of pizza and is getting ready to eat it when there is a knock on the door. He sighs and gets up to answer the door. He opens it to find nothing but an empty landscape before him. He looks left and looks right before shrugging his shoulders and closing the door and going back to his pizza.

He gets back to his living room to see that all of his pizza is gone, vanished.

“My pizza! A travesty!”

He walks towards the box to inspect it when he hears a sinister chuckle from behind him. He turns around to see a man with a red face pointing a gun at him.

“I’m sorry Malfatron, but ve can no longer let you interfere vith our plans.”

“Ha! Silly man, bullets can’t hurt me!”

“Oh but these are special bullets, designed to kill meddlesome Avengers such as yourself. Auf wiedersehen!”

The man pulls the trigger and a bullet flies through the air. Malfatron has no time to react and prepares himself for death but at the last minute Utley stretches himself out in front of Malfatron, protecting him from the bullet. Utley drops to the floor.

The attacker tries to shoot again but the gun jams. He throws it to the ground in frustration before running away.

Malfatron leans down to check on Utley, who is not looking good. Utley looks him in the eyes.

“I told you so…you’re welcome.”

And with that, Utley takes his dying breath.

Utley is dead! He was Mr. Fantastic, Avengers-Aligned.


Everyone is getting ready to go about their day, when suddenly someone cried, "Look at bcb1213's body!"

Bcb1213's form started to shift and soon it was clear that he was not who everyone thought he was.

Bcb1213 is still dead. He was Queen Veranke, Skrull-Aligned.

Day 4 has begun! With 16 alive and 16 voting, it’s 9 to lynch!


On 5/31/2019 at 9:52 AM, rackcs said:

Theuntouchable returned to his home just as the sun was beginning to rise in the sky. He sat down at his desk after a busy night.

“What does it all mean? How can I figure this out? I need to help the team, they’re counting on me!”

He begins to pour over his notes when he hears a clatter in the kitchen. He slowly works his way there, gun drawn and ready for action. He gets into the kitchen and sees a cup that had fallen on the floor. As he bent down to get it, he heard a whizzing sound. He tried to dive out of the way but was caught in the large orange explosion that rocked his kitchen. He quickly recovers and fires a couple of shots toward the area where the projectile had come from. Looking up he sees a man on some sort of glider. The unknown attacker just laughs at him and sends more explosives raining down on theuntoucable’s house.

Theuntouchable is dead. He was Black Widow, Avengers-Aligned.


Day 5 has begun! With 14 alive and 14 voting, it’s 8 to lynch!


23 hours ago, rackcs said:

MD4L rolls through the streets of the city after a night of intense mental activity in Cerebro. He passes by a group of late night drinkers stumbling on their way home. He wheels to the right side of the sidewalk, giving them a wide berth. After they had rambled out of sight, the night was quiet again. It was not often that MD4L was able to enjoy complete and total silence. He was lost in the moment when that silence was broken by a loud wooshing sound behind him. He turned around to a man on a glider flying around after him. He turns and pushes himself forward faster and faster but it's not fast enough. The unknown man threw a bomb down that exploded right next to MD4L, sending him flying out of his wheelchair. The man hovered over him and laughed maniacally. 

"No! Please don't hurt me!" MD4L cried, "Please, I have to get back to my students. Please think of them!"

The man just continued laughing as he began to rain more bombs down on MD4L, silencing him forever.

MD4L is dead. He was Professor X, Avengers-Aligned.


As the crowd gathered to begin a new day, the ground started to rumble. Out of blue portal a large stage appeared. On the stage were three men in stocks. They are Pickle Rick, Matts4313, and Tk3. They are on the chopping block and are the only people who may be lynched today!

Day 6 has begun! With 13 alive and 13 voting, it’s 7 to lynch!

The deadline will be Sunday at 10 PM EST.


6 hours ago, rackcs said:

Malfatron lay down in his bed after a long, busy night. He was still getting used to everything but he felt like he was finally settling into his new role well. He finally fell asleep and got a good few hours in when he suddenly woke up feeling very uncomfortable. He looked down to see that his entire body was covered by a large sheet of metal. He looked up and saw a man across the room in a helmet smiling at him. The man raised his hand up and slowly closed it into a fist. As his fist closed up the metal started constricting around Malfatron, crushing him. Malfatron struggled but even with his immense strength, it wasn't long before he was completely crushed.

Malfatron is dead. He was Thor, Skrull-Aligned.

It is now Day 7! With 11 alive and 11 voting, it's 6 to lynch! 

Deadline is Monday at 10 PM EST.

Anyone want to examine the night kills to see what options for killers there are?


LBC: ????   They all clang off of his metal body and he hurtles towards The LBC at break neck speed. The LBC closes his eyes and braces for the inevitable. His metal assailant slams into him as high speeds, severing his spine and causing untold amounts of internal damage.

bcb:  Thanos (Ragnarok)

Orca:  Wolverine (squire via redirect from Malfatron) 


MWil:  Wolverine (Squire)

Utley:   ???  Protecting Malfatron (some German speaking character)  “Oh but these are special bullets, designed to kill meddlesome Avengers such as yourself. Auf wiedersehen!”


Touch:  ???  As he bent down to get it, he heard a whizzing sound. He tried to dive out of the way but was caught in the large orange explosion that rocked his kitchen. He quickly recovers and fires a couple of shots toward the area where the projectile had come from. Looking up he sees a man on some sort of glider. The unknown attacker just laughs at him and sends more explosives raining down on theuntoucable’s house.



MD4L:   ????     He was lost in the moment when that silence was broken by a loud wooshing sound behind him. He turned around to a man on a glider flying around after him. He turns and pushes himself forward faster and faster but it's not fast enough. The unknown man threw a bomb down that exploded right next to MD4L, sending him flying out of his wheelchair. The man hovered over him and laughed maniacally. 



Malfatron:   ????      He looked down to see that his entire body was covered by a large sheet of metal. He looked up and saw a man across the room in a helmet smiling at him. The man raised his hand up and slowly closed it into a fist. As his fist closed up the metal started constricting around Malfatron, crushing him. Malfatron struggled but even with his immense strength, it wasn't long before he was completely crushed.

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Just now, squire12 said:

I get what you are saying.  I am still trying to find the remaining sinister.  With Malfatron flipping Skrull, it opens the options of the players invested by MD4L not being fully cleared.


@Forge @Counselor @Pickle Rick

My thoughts for tonight should be Counselor motivates Forge to get 2 tracks and Pickle protects Forge.  If pickle is Sinister, forge is dead regardless as he is the most threatening to them via his tracking.  Forge, it would be up to you 

The way I view it is that there are 3 likely hits tonight, and yes, I would be one of them. Especially if Dome is in fact sinister, because I'm reasonably sure that my vote is all but locked in there at the current point in time, and he may have a difficult time preventing his lynch if I'm still here. 

With the tracking, that's fine. At this point though, they are all just shots in the dark to be perfectly honest. It's beneficial for scum if they are the killer (and if there is one besides dome), but I wonder about it's usefulness for the green faction. If we assume conversions, I don't think that there are any kills out there. They don't seem to have a faction hit or anything, so if they are vanilla at this point, I'll get nothing. And honestly, I'm of the opinion that we are at the endgame. I think it's Dome and then done. If there are conversions, I have a hard time seeing more than one. Malf didn't visit BCB so far as we know, right? His redirections were you and Rags on N2, so I think that we can rule out BCB converted people who visited. Likely he had a night move  for conversions, which would max his capability at one, which would be accounted for by Malf. If they were just a separate faction (which doesn't make a ton of sense given that one was Skrull and one actually was an avenger), then we have an admitted green aligned avenger and we cross that bridge when we come to it. If there is an additional scum out there, I have a hard time seeing who it could be. Everyone's claims make sense to me. TK3 is cleared of being sinister, so that leaves only Pickle really with a questionable claim (outside of dome), and if that was a cover story (I think that there's no doubt that it would have to be provided by Host as a cover story...hard claiming iron man D3 or whatever is just insanely risky, and as a cover story, Iron man is almost too good to be fair lol). I'm open to suggestions in that regard. 


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5 minutes ago, squire12 said:

LBC: ????   They all clang off of his metal body and he hurtles towards The LBC at break neck speed. The LBC closes his eyes and braces for the inevitable. His metal assailant slams into him as high speeds, severing his spine and causing untold amounts of internal damage.

bcb:  Thanos (Ragnarok)

Orca:  Wolverine (squire via redirect from Malfatron) 

LBC was killed by Ultron (Mwil) 

6 minutes ago, squire12 said:

MWil:  Wolverine (Squire)

Utley:   ???  Protecting Malfatron (some German speaking character)  “Oh but these are special bullets, designed to kill meddlesome Avengers such as yourself. Auf wiedersehen!”

This killer should be Red Skull (Whicker) 

7 minutes ago, squire12 said:


Touch:  ???  As he bent down to get it, he heard a whizzing sound. He tried to dive out of the way but was caught in the large orange explosion that rocked his kitchen. He quickly recovers and fires a couple of shots toward the area where the projectile had come from. Looking up he sees a man on some sort of glider. The unknown attacker just laughs at him and sends more explosives raining down on theuntoucable’s house.


7 minutes ago, squire12 said:


MD4L:   ????     He was lost in the moment when that silence was broken by a loud wooshing sound behind him. He turned around to a man on a glider flying around after him. He turns and pushes himself forward faster and faster but it's not fast enough. The unknown man threw a bomb down that exploded right next to MD4L, sending him flying out of his wheelchair. The man hovered over him and laughed maniacally. 

These were Green Goblin (Nacho) 

7 minutes ago, squire12 said:


Malfatron:   ????      He looked down to see that his entire body was covered by a large sheet of metal. He looked up and saw a man across the room in a helmet smiling at him. The man raised his hand up and slowly closed it into a fist. As his fist closed up the metal started constricting around Malfatron, crushing him. Malfatron struggled but even with his immense strength, it wasn't long before he was completely crushed.

Agree with @ET80 that there is no doubt that this is Magneto. My guess is that this is Dome. Magneto flies (accounting for Dome's lynch escape), where's a helmet, etc. 

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