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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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16 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Could missions have been janitored to show his cover role? 

Why did he lie about targeting Malf? 

This isnt possible. I roleblocked them both. 

So either Mission or Malf lied about their moves that night. 

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2 hours ago, Matts4313 said:




Ratio is 4:2 with Dome and Missions being last 2. I can role block both of them, we lynch Missions, then Dome the next night. 

@SwAg => You had the right person, wrong reason. Told you just because you died it didnt mean there wouldnt be thread play. ;)

Do you really believe Dome would put mission into a hammer position?

If they are the final 2 and mission gets hammered, that’s an auto loss for Dome

how sure are you on Squire and Counselor?

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Matt’s is NOT scum unless there was a late conversion 

Matts was black avenger when he was lynched, and therefore he was that same alignment when he re entered the game


I will not stand for debate on this 

Md4l cleared me, I clear Matts and I will stake the game on that

This is a total non starter

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