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Anthony Davis traded to Lakers (Ball/Ingram/Hart/3 1sts)


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1 minute ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Sure, but no guarantee AD has a better chance getting a ring than he does the next few years with LeBron. You have to go for it NOW. 

Nobody's issued any guarantees that I can see. They have to go for it now because of LBs age - I got that - but a well rounded / talented roster can be just a competitive as a roster with top heavy talent. Again. We'll see. Hey listen - I'm not gonna complain if they clear enough space to get Kawhi (or maybe even but to a lesser degree Kyrie.....) - thats a nice collection of talent (including Kuzma.....) but I wonder how deep they'd be able to fill out the roster and somebody's gotta eat those minutes up.

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39 minutes ago, champ11 said:


Its not that black and white. nothing ever is. Sure in 5 year Mo could be a really solid starter, and maybe some how in that time frame Bonga has tuned into a Top 10 PG, but what good does that do the Lakers TODAY? 

Not all trades are fair and equal when you write them down on paper. There are many other factors in why teams make moves, not saying those here dont know that, but lately in this forum (between the Lakers and Ainge) it sure seems easy to forget those facts.

Anyone who is being level headed about this, knew they would likely be moving off of these guys. Most of the actually big time talking heads were saying this on Monday, and now its all the other twitter heads using it to call everyone idiots. 

There clearly was some ambiguity in the timing of the completion of the AD trade, and no doubt that is on Pelinka, but its not like Griffin just said "Hey Rob, pick the 6th or the 30th, we dont care" and he then chose wrong. Griffin out menuvered him, thats usually how things in the real world works, theres no one holding things up to make sure its completely fair to both sides. But once it was obvious that this was the situation, these are the logical and correct moves to make. Stop pretending otherwise

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17 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Because it's reactive. These are things they have to do because they had no foresight or understanding.

To say they had no "Understanding" is pretty comical to me. Especially from people on the internet who have probably never once read a single page of the CBA

I said way earlier in this thread that I had no faith in Pelinka to fill out this roster correctly for a true championship run. That as many ideas of adding defending PGs and a bunch of shooter with the cap space they have, they are probably better off just grabbing another Max guy and filling in with Vet Min contracts after that because its less likely to be screwed up that way. And atleast then you have 3 super stars + Kuzma

Its far more likely that the Lakers were forced into the earlier date, by better negotiations from Griffin. Probably saying he has teams ready to deal now, and he wants control of those assets as soon as the league year starts, which Pelinka believed, and forced his hand.

Remember, even in the absolute best case scenario, the rumors and leaks we are hearing are likely 12 hours old. Probably more realistically 24-36 hours old, and at this time of the NBA calendar, that might as well be a week or two with as much action is being discussed between GMs and Agents.

Edited by StLunatic88
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4 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Its not that black and white. nothing ever is. Sure in 5 year Mo could be a really solid starter, and maybe some how in that time frame Bonga has tuned into a Top 10 PG, but what good does that do the Lakers TODAY? 

Not all trades are fair and equal when you write them down on paper. There are many other factors in why teams make moves, not saying those here dont know that, but lately in this forum (between the Lakers and Ainge) it sure seems easy to forget those facts.

Anyone who is being level headed about this, knew they would likely be moving off of these guys. Most of the actually big time talking heads were saying this on Monday, and now its all the other twitter heads using it to call everyone idiots. 

There clearly was some ambiguity in the timing of the completion of the AD trade, and no doubt that is on Pelinka, but its not like Griffin just said "Hey Rob, pick the 6th or the 30th, we dont care" and he then chose wrong. Griffin out menuvered him, thats usually how things in the real world works, theres no one holding things up to make sure its completely fair to both sides. But once it was obvious that this was the situation, these are the logical and correct moves to make. Stop pretending otherwise

Yeah, because Pelinka wasn’t smart enough to know which date he needed this deal completed...

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1 hour ago, MookieMonstah said:

You can’t sign a 3rd star as of right now. How you pulling that off?

Actually it's pretty simple.  Trade the 4th pick for a highly protected future SRP, sign their max FA, and then execute the rest of the AD deal.

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2 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

Yeah, because Pelinka wasn’t smart enough to know which date he needed this deal completed...

You just completely ignored or cant understand what I just said. Your version of how events went down, that Pelinka just flat out has no clue what he is doing is so much less likely than he felt the pressure from Griffin with "another offer" then he caved and said "screw it, I'll figure out the cap and pieces later, I just need to get AD here"

Do we arrive in the same tough situation in both scenarios? Yes, and now they have to dig out of it. But atleast Im not the one looking like a clown as an internet poster saying that I know better than an NBA GM

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36 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

The Lakers are an absolute crap show dude. Have you not been around this offseason? Signing Lebron and giving up every asset you have doesn’t mean the Lakers aren’t a horribly run franchise. 

If this team was located in Charlotte or Milwaukee they’d be the laughing stock of all pro sports. 

Yeah...I mean having 2 top 10 players in the NBA is a crap show.  Keep showing your true colors.

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25 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

About 8 other members have pointed out how badly the Lakers organization is being run, but yeah it’s just because I’m a Celtics fan.

You hate to see it.

Based on what, some BSPN article?  I'm glad you read everything that's put in front of you.

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Just now, MookieMonstah said:

Huh? They can’t trade the 4th pick

Based off of what?  The deal hasn't been EXECUTED yet, ergo it's still technically the Lakers' pick.  When the 4th pick comes up in the NBA Draft tomorrow night, it's going to show the Lakers' logo.  Not the Pelicans.

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