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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

If Counselor is telling the truth about being a survivor, I want him to win, but there are a ton of safety nets in place to prevent a disaster on it.

If he is, he played it absolutely the worst way someone could play it.

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7 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Orca using the Dome and my fake Mason claim as a reason to point me as lying about my claim and point me as scum is the exact same approach he did in a mini game with Dome where I changed my game play and was much more logical and he claimed I was scum because of it and he ended up being scum. 

Please don’t ignore this

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1 minute ago, bucsfan333 said:

If he is, he played it absolutely the worst way someone could play it.

I didn’t play for strategy. I played to be honest and upfront. Aside from the Dome thing which was agreed upon before hand and was meant for fun. I have been honest. If you saw last game you would see why. 

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:
5 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I feel like people are fearmonging the concept of a lynch queue, and are misusing it as a concept.  You’re all focused on the concept of lynching Counselor at a later date, which I’m not really sure why.

Read what Orca said.  If he had a bullet, he would cap Counselor — and I imagine multiple people feel the same way.  That’s significant.

Everyone has a unique role.  There is a substantial likelihood that there is a Vig.  Look at the player list.  No offense, but there is an 80% that Vig could be a disaster going on their own reads alone.  Try explaining in post-game that you’re the Vig that didn’t hit Counselor.

By pushing elsewhere, Town maintains control over its primary tool.  If Counselor receives protection or something, we know he’s lying.  We can even direct him on who to steal from, and he might uncover scum, and if he lies he’s dead, or better yet we might direct him to scum and they have to kill him to prevent that from being unearthed.

If Counselor is telling the truth about being a survivor, I want him to win, but there are a ton of safety nets in place to prevent a disaster on it.

This is why you are the best Mafia player hands down. Not about the saving me but because you can look at a situation and see how to use it to your advantage. It’s not all doom and gloom. You can keep your head out of your butt. I’m not a threat to town. But town can use me to their advantage. Such a smart player. Y’all take notes. 

Oh my. Counselor..  

Please reread his post and see how it might be the single most scummy thing written in thread so far. 

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Then you’re still rolling the dice on them making dumb kills based on nothing anyway.  It doesn’t change anything.

We don't know if there is a vigilante. If there is one, we don't know if he has a hit tonight. Mafia isn't gonna hit him.

A lynch is the only guarantee.

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3 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Illogical and random is not the same as posting without substance. And saying something as a mod is extremely different than as a fellow player. 

I literally just pointed out that you saying the thread was mostly fluff was untrue. There's been mostly on-topic discussion and I think most people who have read the whole thing would agree with that.

In regards to Counselor, you have at times posted that you were suspicious of him while also saying you don't think you'd lynch him. It reads to me like scum trying to push town towards Counselor while staying off yourself.

Ok but what does that have to do with this game? Do you think he'd not stick to a gimmick if he were town? He has been scum hunting more than most players. Pushing at people, pointing out things. Just doing it in a Kevin voice.

Once again, this entire thing has no backing. If you are going to state these things, at least use quotes and explain your logic. But this is a useless conversation so.... moving on. 

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El ramster - 6 - SwAg, Tk3, Mwil, Dome, Counselor, SirA1

Counselor - 5 - bucsfan333, The Orca, Malfatron, Pickle Rick, TedLavie

Matts - 3 - MookieMonstah, theuntouchable, rackcs

Mission - 1 - DingoLadd

Dome - 1 - El ramster

SirA1 - 1 - RuskieTitan

Forge - 1 - Matts

Yet to vote: Forge, Glen, squire, MD4L, kingseanjohn, mission27

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Oh my. Counselor..  

Please reread his post and see how it might be the single most scummy thing written in thread so far. 

I don’t care it’s the truth. I’m not scum. I’ve helped town with a lot of information about the fake claims. 

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