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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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31 minutes ago, squire12 said:
32 minutes ago, SwAg said:
33 minutes ago, squire12 said:

@rackcs  How is it confirmed that Dingo visited Swag on N1? (at least I think it was night 1 that was mentioned


I am not sure what your emoji is supposed to mean here.  Can you help me out, just a surface level thinker

@SwAg  What does your emoji mean?  I am trying to get a better understanding on this.

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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Why is the assumption that both Dome and Ruskie are town?  There are enough groups that would make it plausible for more than 1 to have a way to scan for alignments.

I'm literally asserting that it is not

If Ruskie is non-town, he could easily be lying and chose similar players to try to make his information useful.

If RUskie is town, the only explanation is that he is trying to "test" Dome's information.. but it would be more useful for him to get a new list of names.


Honestly.. I could see BOTH of them being non-town.. and sharing the same role from different factions?

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