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Space Jam Mafia: MONSTARS WIN!!!!


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So regarding my final hit.  My thought process went rather wild but started out 

I am hitting @theuntouchable bc I was constantly creeped out by his "being in my head".  

That progressed to... **** it, Touch played his *** off so I ain't gonna hit him unless I know he is scum.  He earned this to be the last scum I go after or he will be around as town to win it with us.  

So then I went to who I was the most confident in as being mafia.....swag.  He was so clearly mafia that I typed everything out to hit him and started messing with him in the thread.  I was locked and loaded ready to pull the trigger then I got the bright idea to go after the other vig.....big mistake 

I thought we were in such a huge hole that i believed the best option was to take them out so if they were mafia, which i felt strongly they were, they wouldn't get the kill on even nights allowing a less stress free lynch period.  

It was between 4 people....squire, bcb, hockey and mookie.  I decided that it couldn't be squire bc he wouldn't play the way he did with being the only mafia hit.  Bcb and hockey seemed so close that I couldn't decide between them as to who it would be so I moved to mookie....who virtually didnt play and just voted so it looked like he was trying to do that in order to stay alive as long as possible.  Ultimately i took the shot on mookie bc his playstyle just seemed to fit the role I decided to gun for.  

Moral of the story....stick with your gut or you will be the LVP 

Great game @MWil23 and again congrats to mafia 

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10 hours ago, MWil23 said:

MVP: TOUCH: Great thread play and reads while trolling for laughs and getting away with it

Town MVPs: Forge and Orca. You guys single handedly kept town afloat for a while and Orca fake trolling while blocking the hit and Forges reads and Rabble rousing power kept town afloat another 2 days. If hockey wasn’t unanimous last night we were looking at a tie or possibly a town comeback.

LVP: Sorry Pickle. You changed your hit from swag and BCB to two town and got yourself, town vig, killed by the Hunter 

Squire was dead on who picked who from word go.

Losing Dome early was a back breaker, especially coupled with Rack.

Gotta go big.  LVP or MVP.  

I'll own this one. 

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7 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Uh what?

How bc those were absolutely meaningless to everything 

I posted in the mafia discord chat that I thought you were Ewing after D1 based on the post you made on page 36 regarding Counselor switching his vote and the gif you posted about the alien replacing the statue of Liberty.     THey may have been meaningless to you, but not for me.

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

I posted in the mafia discord chat that I thought you were Ewing after D1 based on the post you made on page 36 regarding Counselor switching his vote and the gif you posted about the alien replacing the statue of Liberty.     THey may have been meaningless to you, but not for me.

That is what I am asking.  How you could connect absolutely meaningless posts to a vig 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

It’s even more amazing that it wasn’t actually a true connection but still right. 

Squire pulled a pickle.

Yeah he did.

You know how many dancing alien gifs there are (not many good ones).  

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