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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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Y'all gonna be sorry when diary room sessions are played and you realize you voted out the wrong person. I'm bitter because for the third time in a row, I haven't made jury. I JUST WANT MY VOTE TO BE HEARD. Good luck guys, always a blast. I'll try again next time lol.

In the meantime...

"This will be my last post as I delete my account but I wanted to respond. Since I joined two years ago, I was harassed. I stood up for myself the last two years and you all came after me. This year, I barely said a word and didn’t message anyone. Yet you have ppl like gmen constantly posting and constantly talking ****. Still, I was removed right away. 

Obviousky what I have been saying in last season was true. You’re all a bunch of losers with no real friends. You all back each other up on this Internet forum I couldn’t care less about. You’re the type of nerds who were bullied by ppl like me in high school so you hide behind a computer and talk crap with nothing of value in your real life.

well congrats. I’m done and my account is gone. Just a Shame your lives are so pathetic that you need to obsess about me. I strongly urged you to get off your fat ***** and get a life. Talking crap on the internet 24/7 makes it pretty clear what kind of pitiful, scared losers you all are. Keep obsessing and thinking/talking about me bc you will. I will never remember a single one of you losers besides @mathman who ran an awesome game- compare it to any other game run. It’s a joke.

So, get an education, go workout or maybe play an actual sport, and stop hiding. **** all you.

Your superior is out

What’s hillarious is that you ignorant hypocrites actually think you have any semblance of an IQ worthy enough of casting a vote that matters. You play favorites every year and use pre-disposed and already established relationships to de-legitimize the game. A game that malf does a very good job putting together btw.

So, get your heads outta your *****. This game has so much potential to be fun but you all play favorites often at the detriment to your own game. You’re all losers with no real life and it shows.

The comment about being welcoming to new players bc you want a different and varied field was hillarious btw. I literally laughed out loud.

So keep pretending that any progress or reward “accomplished” in this game means ANYTHING other than a bunch of socially awkward, virgin keyboard warriors metaphorically sucking each others’ *****.

**** you all."

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I didn’t ask for this Finn, you brought this hellfire down upon yourself. We could have worked together, hell, we did work together. I thought we were tight then I heard from a lil birdie of yours you wanted me gone. 


I was minding my own business, playing through this game. Now, I only care about one thing only. Getting rid of your stank broken ankle  having ***. I’m gonna beat you so bad your mouth will be puffed up like a baboons ***. 


Sucks dont it? The moment you realize you don’t know ****. 

@Nazgul @mission27 @TLO

I didn’t wanna start this war but you folks have drawn a line in the sand. You’re on the wrong side of the street. There’s still plenty of time to cross back over. You should consider separating yourself from that ugly piece of dead meat before you become a pile of mashed brains next to him. 

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Players still in the house:

1. @ET80

2. @Outpost31

3. @Pickle Rick

4. @theuntouchable

5. @Nazgul

6. @Adrenaline_Flux

7. @FinneasGage

8. @mission27

9. @TLO

So pop that champagne and enjoy the moment!  for now...


Edited by Malfatron
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1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:


 I didn’t wanna start this war but you folks have drawn a line in the sand. You’re on the wrong side of the street. There’s still plenty of time to cross back over. You should consider separating yourself from that ugly piece of dead meat before you become a pile of mashed brains next to him. 

Bro, I was of course voting to keep Dwight here. That was no offense to you, obviously. That was to make my IRL life a bit easier, lol.
With Dwight now gone I am free of his chains where he routinely holds me back. I am a free man. Let's get to work.

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HOH: Wine of Front of Me + NFL TOURNAMENT


As outgoing HOH, finn will not compete.


This is a 2-part contest. We will first play WIFOM in thread (described below). The order of elimination determines seeding.

Then, the better seeds get first dibs picking the winner of selected NFL Games (described below). The worse seed is stuck with the opposing team of the matchup.



The 8 players are in a circle with a cup of wine in front of each of them. One player PM's me in which cup they want to hide the poison.

The other players, in turn, decide which cup they want to drink from. If they drink the poison, they are out of the game, and the next player in the order will hide the poison.

If all the players fail to drink the poison, the person who planted the poison is out.

IMPORTANT: If I feel you are not playing in a reasonable amount of time, you are automatically eliminated from the game, and you will auto-lose the HOH.


NFL Tournament:

First Round matchups will be  noon games. 2nd round will be 3 PM games, and the championship will be the SNF game.

Send me your Big Board of which teams you want to choose from. The better seeds going into each round get first pick.

Of, you may wait to see what seed you are.


1st Round games:

Atlanta - Minnesota

Tennessee - Cleveland

KC - Jacksonville

LA Rams - Carolina


2nd Round Games:

NYG - Dallas

Detroit - Arizona



Pittsburgh - NE


seeds (no reseeding once games start)

1 vs 8 -Flux

4 vs 5 -touch

1/8 vs 4/5


3 vs 6 -TLO

2 vs 7 - Nazgul

3/6 vs 2/7


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