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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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17 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Who will Finn nominate?

And who will be selected for the important power of veto competition?

And what will this veto comp be exactly? Do the mysterious chains in the living room have anything to do with it?

Find out the answer to these questions and more next time on Big Brother.

Im Julie Chen Moonves. Good night

houseguests will soon find the meaning of these chains

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1 hour ago, FinneasGage said:

since i signed up for the site in 2010 the only constant thing in my tenure was that i could trust @mission27 and know he would never do me dirty. that's held true for nine years. a few months from our 10 year anniversary and he was plotting to have me removed from the game. it's interesting he talks of others being "snakes" in our discussions because he's the epitome of a snake. our relationship on this site has come to an end. i hope everyone chooses to evict him from the game. 

i'm also nominating @theuntouchable as a pawn in this. i don't intend for you to go home. 

i just want mission to no longer exist in this game. and i'll take great satisfaction in him knowing the reason he's no longer in the game is because i made it that way. 

Then it is my mission to make sure I go home. Just to **** up another one of your dumbass plans. 

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1 hour ago, FinneasGage said:

since i signed up for the site in 2010 the only constant thing in my tenure was that i could trust @mission27 and know he would never do me dirty. that's held true for nine years. a few months from our 10 year anniversary and he was plotting to have me removed from the game. it's interesting he talks of others being "snakes" in our discussions because he's the epitome of a snake. our relationship on this site has come to an end. i hope everyone chooses to evict him from the game. 

i'm also nominating @theuntouchable as a pawn in this. i don't intend for you to go home. 

i just want mission to no longer exist in this game. and i'll take great satisfaction in him knowing the reason he's no longer in the game is because i made it that way. 

Dude you are such a ******* loser

TLO and I, who are alpha males and get laid on a regular basis, have taken you - a color blind midget with an ear gauge and man bun - under our wing over the past 10 years to try to lead you to a place where you could maybe some day experience the feeling of  penetrating a woman.  Unfortunately you are a lost cause and there was simply nothing we could do for you.

Your completely retarded behavior cost the life of the one man I truly love and I did what I had to to save him, while refusing to campaign against you, even though we all know you are a piece of **** retard midget who deserves to be ended.

well now this is war.  Our friendship is over truly and forever.  I will never speak to you again.

evict me please but do me a favor and end fin in the most painful way possible.  I hope he dies a painful death but long enough to realize he’s a retarded color blind virgin midget.

rip to our friendship .  This is war 

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And to be 100% crystal clear

fin you have never meant a single god damn thing to me compared to tlo 

I would drink TLOs bath water before I would look you in your stupid ******* color blind eyes

i was willing to be your friend but ask me to pick you over TLO and you are entering a world of pain 

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Just now, TLO said:

The MoL takes a pity case, gets years of having a moronic little brother who we tolerate and mentor, and this is how we are repaid. Unreal. 

Jfin, who was always a total loser, was taken very generously under our wing and was very disloyal.  Sad .

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I’m going to reveal something I pledged never to reveal but I want jfin to know a) how stupid he is and b) how little I cared for him over the past 10 years

in the HoH game TlO won jfin blatantly had more points it wasn’t even close.  Malf even announced his score which was higher than tlo and then ****ed it up after the fact.

tlo and I knew but jfin is a ******* cuck of a man so we didn’t say jack ****.  And here we are.

jfin you suck 

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2 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Whether you guys are serious or are just playing up your schtick/doing it for the game, this is unequivocally pretty lame.

these boys dont even know what true love is.

true love is grappling next to the fire with another man.

his legs wrapped around your neck.

naked greco roman wrestling while your wives are at home living their boring lives.

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