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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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4 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Yes, Nazgul lied and stabbed you in the back.  And TLO. 

Finn got rid of you because of me.  I told him you were threatening me and campaigning hard to get rid of Finn.  I needed to separate  you two to keep ET safe. 

Please let me answer the questions about my game play.

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General questions for both of you:

- What challenge did you like the most?

- What challenge did you like the least?

- Outside of you two, Power Rank the entire house, both jury and non jury. 

- What was the funnest moment in this game for you?

- What was the most stressful moment in the game for you?

- Who do you think is America's Favorite Player?


Question for @FinneasGage:

- What was your overall strategy in this game?

- How does this differ from previous strategies you've employed?

- We know the BDL part with you, and there were a few people who have conflicting stories on your approach. Some people heard you were content with a "reset" of the game once BDL was removed. Others heard you were content with leaving the game after BDL was removed. It's clear your intention was a reset, what do you have to say to those you told you'd leave the game?

- Tell me something good about @Nazgul's game.

- Tell me something good about @Outpost31's game. (Because he could easily be in your spot right now).

- Tell me something good about @Adrenaline_Flux's game. (Because he also could be in your spot).


Now, questions for @Nazgul:

- What was your overall strategy this game?

- How does this differ from previous strategies you've employed?

- What was your policy on creating alliances with others? Did you openly engage to create these alliances or did you wait for the alliances to come to you? When you had conflicts of interests between others, how did you choose to internally resolve them?

- Tell me something good about @FinneasGage's game

- Tell me something about @Outpost31's game (because it could have been him here).

- Tell me something good about @Adrenaline_Flux game.


I will have follow up questions. 

Before you answer, I do want to congratulate you both for getting to this point. You'll see in my journal entries - I didn't think highly of many instances involving you two. This being said, a journal entry is a snapshot into the past; It's a look into my mind at that moment, when whatever event transpired was fresh on my mind and the emotion behind it was as raw as it could be. I think we can all agree this game does have an aspect of emotion to it, and that's what the journal entries encompass.

This being said, once you're outside the house... you can reflect on the experience and see people under a different lens. I like to think I'm doing so right now, seeing both of you under a different lens - and I come away impressed with both of you, for different reasons. You're both worthy of my vote, and the vote of my peers in the jury box.

But... that's not how this is going to work, one of you will win and one of you will lose. Your responses will let me know what follow up questions I'll need to ask, and will ultimately tell me who to vote for.

Make no mistake, either of you - this is a worst case scenario vote for me, in essence. The last two out were the two I was banking on to make it, and I'm sure you're both very aware of that. This being said, I now can go into this vote with very little emotion behind it - had it been O-31 v Flux, that would have been an incredibly hard vote to detach myself from emotionally. This one, I can detach and vote logically. That means this vote is truly up for grabs.



So... LMK. Tks.

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5 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

@Malfatron Julie, I call dibs on Zingbot next year.  Might make the twist worth a damn if someone who can actually throw out a few zingers and who can compete worth a damn does it.

That's why I put in the request...

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7 hours ago, Nazgul said:

Finn keeps trying to paint me as this do-nothing player who skated by. And I simply refuse to accept that. Yeah, I didn’t win comps early in this game. We all know that. 3 of Finns 4 HoHs (his only comp wins) came pre-jury. In the jury segment of the game, Finn disappeared. If I am going to be criticized for my lack of maneuvers early game then he needs to be held responsible for his lack of game at end game - where I won all but one of my 5 (6 if you consider Part 1 and 3 separate challenges) competitions. I wasn’t useless here. I worked at endgame and took Finn with me, not the other way around.

i'm not painting you as a do-nothing, you just did nothing to create buzz or anything worthwhile. 

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So, heading into this I was pretty certain I would not be voting for anyone, but I can't do that to Julie @Malfatron.

Both @FinneasGage and @Nazgul have earned some respect from me as the game has progressed.  Naz with his blatant lie to get to the finals xD:ph34r: and Finn with his flamboyant and in your face combative playstyle B|.  

That said, I am torn down the middle on who to vote for.  As such, here are some more questions for the both of you......

1. Who did you work the hardest to evict and why?

2. Who did you work the hardest to save and why? 

3. If you could replace yourself with anyone in the game (from the very beginning) thus allowing them an opportunity to win, who would it be and why? 

4. Explain why you think your opposition dererves to win and deserves to lose? 

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5 hours ago, mission27 said:

@Nazgul why did you lie and stab me and tlo in the back

I had legitimate interest with working with the MoL. I wasn't staging that interest. I was pretty open with TLO about where I stood with most people / who I was communicating with and where my alliances were. None of that was staged. None of it was a lie. I think the big thing was when Finn won HoH and nominated myself and Dwight. I was definitely irritated because (to my knowledge) Finn was part of your group. I remember going to TLO and asking why this was going down. Saying how I thought he wanted to work with me, etc. TLO did a good job of relaying the info that Finn very much went rogue on that decision and that it was supposed to be ET targeted. I didn't relay any of this information back to ET.

The turning point was ET winning the next HoH. I knew I wouldn't be a target of his, but he nominated you and TLO for eviction. I played with numbers, trust me. Even if I went against ET and my current group (which I was willing to do) the vote would have been 3-3 and I believe ET still would have voted out TLO. You may see it as "stabbing you in the back," but I saw it at the time as not burning my bridges. ET was in power. ET was my ally. It was my best game move not to alienate myself at that time. 

I know you messaged me for the first time asking about the TLO vote. I was open with you when you asked if I evicted him. I told you that I did. You asked if I had any communication with Pickle or Touch - and I told you that I didn't. Those weren't lies. I told you what ET had said to me about prioritizing others over me. I was very open with my game to you. As I have stated - I had genuine interest in switching from ET's side to your side, the game just didn't break that way. 

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5 hours ago, mission27 said:

@FinneasGage how do you live w yourself 

more than just outpost were claiming you were trying hard to get me out of the game and ****ting on me. that, coupled with your general aloofness when i was talking to you about the eviction, made it seem legit. from my perspective, you backstabbed me and then went off on me for retaliating. i live with myself pretty comfortably after your diatribe where you pretty much confirmed you weren't a real pal at all. it's still not personal for me. 

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5 hours ago, mission27 said:

@Nazgul what are your favorite tracks on Lover ranked in order?

I appreciate this question.

1a. Cruel Summer
1b. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Price
1c. Lover
1d. Death By A Thousand Cuts
1e. Cornelia Street
1f. The Man
1g. London Boy
1h. Soon You'll Get Better
1i. Daylight
1j. I Think He Knows
1k. The Archer
1l. False God
1m. Paper Rings
1n. ME!
1o. You Need To Calm Down
1p. Afterglow
1q.  I Forgot That You Existed

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