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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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Just now, SwAg said:

Well, there is a detailed procedure for juror alternates, and you had a hissy fit because of how the alternate was going to vote.  

I don’t know what I missed.

Yeah, because I thought it meant Nazgul won.  I have a short temper.  I’m working on it.  @Malfatron, I’m sorry.  All is good.  I’m ready for BB9.

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im stunned @theuntouchable. much thanks to you man lol. 

i thought the swing vote was ET. after him i thought i had it, then the flux vote kinda threw me and i thought naz had it in the bag. 

really appreciate everyone that devoted their free time to making this a cool game.

i'm surrounded by people talking to me right now even though i'm ignoring them and typing this they continue talking. but major props to everyone involved man, especially @Malfatron

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1 minute ago, FinneasGage said:

im stunned @theuntouchable. much thanks to you man lol. 

i thought the swing vote was ET. after him i thought i had it, then the flux vote kinda threw me and i thought naz had it in the bag. 

really appreciate everyone that devoted their free time to making this a cool game.

i'm surrounded by people talking to me right now even though i'm ignoring them and typing this they continue talking. but major props to everyone involved man, especially @Malfatron

I almost replied to your post about touch saying "well, before the season I would have said there was a 0% chance of me ever voting Naz over you in a F2, so you have a chance" but then I thought "nah, touch seems so bitter, I don't want to possibly give false hope"

but then the mad lad did it

congrats again, broski

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1 minute ago, Outpost31 said:

Dude, you don’t even know what this is about.  I like Naz.  I genuinely feel bad for him right now.  He played a great game, but he made the same mistake he made two seasons ago.

I told him then that decisions in the jury portion are all how they are perceived by the jury.  You cannot win this game by screwing people and lying to them late.  Period.  

@Nazgul, I don’t hate you, and I genuinely like you and I’m sorry for the things I said.  I just cannot fathom how you didn’t learn your lesson from BB6.  You screwed me then and you knew what I did in response, and that wasn’t even final two that you screwed me on.  Nobody can win this game by making those kinds of moves late.  

It is why I conceded defeat.  I might never win this game, but I will also never take second place.  I would rather be first out than second.

You vote on game play not against the person who voted you out. You have to appreciate the game move, regardless of how it affected your own game. I went against my brother and my closest allies in the season I won, an manipulated all of them so I would have the loyalty I needed. You have to get to the end, doesn't matter how it's done. You can't juggle social game on a forum based site when people vote for their friends regardless of play style. Have to play bold to try and convince them otherwise. Nazgul has played three distinctly different games, and I think you're looking at him with blinders. He has adapted, and deserves to have a victory in there somewhere. At least I can justify Fin winning. The others who beat him had zero argument whatsoever.

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1 minute ago, Dwight_Schrute said:

You vote on game play not against the person who voted you out. You have to appreciate the game move, regardless of how it affected your own game. I went against my brother and my closest allies in the season I won, an manipulated all of them so I would have the loyalty I needed. You have to get to the end, doesn't matter how it's done. You can't juggle social game on a forum based site when people vote for their friends regardless of play style. Have to play bold to try and convince them otherwise. Nazgul has played three distinctly different games, and I think you're looking at him with blinders. He has adapted, and deserves to have a victory in there somewhere. At least I can justify Fin winning. The others who beat him had zero argument whatsoever.

I like Naz a lot more than utley, but I do think utley earned that win. I also was pre-jury because everyone believed a blatant lie utley told about me though, so I missed a lot of the jury phase iirc. 

can't really speak on BB6 though as I wasn't around for it

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Just now, SwAg said:

So, I was right?

Only a little bit.  I’m ultra competitive.  I try to remain a good sport, but sometimes I can’t.  I can acknowledge that Nazgul played a hell of a game, but I CANNOT acknowledge he made the right decision by stabbing me in the back directly before the jury portion.  When people make stupid decisions in Risk I get mad, too.  

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Finn's name has been added to the annals of champions, forever displayed before each Big Brother game


Big Brother I: Winner: I_GET_SAX
Big Brother II: Winner: Adrenaline_Flux
Big Brother 3: Winner: JBURGE25
Big Brother 4: Winner: utley4568
Big Brother 5:  Winner: Dwight_Schrute
Big Brother VI: Winner: tk3

Big Brother 7:  Winner: Whicker

Big Brother 8: Winner: FinneasGage

Edited by Malfatron
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