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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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30 minutes ago, Forge said:

This comment starts to take on a slightly different feel with recent revelations. 

While I don't think that Matts is wrong in that a paranoid cop would fit well into the theme of the game, it's a subtle jab at the reliability of Whicker's results for really no reason except to put it out there.  Could be he felt it needed to be mentioned, could be he was intentionally throwing shade on Whicker's role to peel some suspicion back off of swag before the two were really tied together, given that at the time of said comment, it was largely a 50/50 proposition between he and Nacho. Now  that I now know Matts is not good aligned, I'm disinclined to believe there wasn't something else behind the comment and it was simply put out there to put out there. 

What? I am 100% good aligned. 

Let me read up

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Just now, MWil23 said:

@Forge throw the egg as far away from the exit as you can and as high as you can!!!

I'm waiting to see the results from squire's actions, and then I'm breaking this bad boy. Maybe it'll get mad at me and give you guys a chance to run and just come after me. 

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1 hour ago, The Orca said:

As you enter the jungle you see Malf in front of you. A louder roar can be heard very close to you. You ask Malf what he sees. Malf turns around and sees a black panther hanging just above the door. He is so frightened that he just freezes. He begins to scream, but all he gets is the sylabol "Na" out of his mouth, a 10 foot prehistoric black panther pounces onto your head. The panther tears into your throat and blood starts shooting out. Malf is still frozen in fear and is being covered by blood. Oozing down his face. 

The panther gives a little smirk and takes off into the jungle. 

@TheKillerNacho is Dead, he is The Cabin in the Woods, Good Aligned


Well, I am 100% good aligned. If I am some sort of "scum w/o knowing it" role then I am not sure what to tell you. I can role claim and tell you my move if thats what town wants. 

I do think I would be a decent lynch as my role/description/move are nonsensical to start, but I just assumed Orca was drunk when he wrote it.

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