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You Have 24 Hours (Final Challenge on 250).


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I'm gonna get some shopping done quick.  @SwAg, final warning.  If you don't get it in by the time I come back, you will not have any of your responses submitted and you will have to do a hell of a job picking my answers or you'll die.  I won't kill you right off, but you will be at an extreme disadvantage, and someone else would have to royally screw up for you to survive. 

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And I'm back.  Sorry, Swag.  Amazon. 

@Malfatron, @bcb1213, @SwAg, @N4L, @Pickle Rick, @theuntouchable, @rackcs

You have to guess which answer is MINE.  If you guess which answer is mine, you get 1 point.  If someone else guesses your answer is mine, you get two points.  If your response was identical to mine, you get 3 points.  Obviously, the submissions have been randomized, so the first response for the first question is not the same player or me for the first response on the second question. 

Your guesses need to look like this: 

1. 4
2. 5
3. 6

Etc.  So Question 1, which number do you think was MY response. 

Swag did NOT submit.  Thus, he is at an extreme disadvantage and will likely die. 

1. How would Outpost rate his own game?

1. Good concept, poor execution.  
2. he would say that it's quite possibly the greatest 24 hours of his life
3. I would give it a 10 (Webby got tickled and Naz got banned)
4. Mediocre effort.  However the Naz ban makes it worth it
5. 8/10
6. I rate myself a solid 7. There were challenges that I punted but I provided a constant source of dread throughout, which is the point
7. This game has potential to be the greatest game created on this forum.


2. Who does Outpost think will win YH24H?

1. Malfatron
2. Malf
3. Not dome, anyone but dome
4. Malf, without a doubt. He’s playing a fine line very carefully and crafting his next move before he’s finished with one.
5. Pickle
6. Not Swag
7. Swag has the best chance to win the game based on the remaining challenges


3. What is Outpost's second favorite movie?

1. Aliens. Best action movie ever made
2. The Thing
3. Bill and Teds Bogus Adventure
4. Predator
5. American Beauty
6. Probably Predator
7. the one where the people do stuff and it happens at the place with the whoseywhatsits and the thingamajigs. Definitely lots of thingamajigs in this one. Some whoseywhatsits but not as many as the thingamajigs.


4. Who does Outpost think will win the Super Bowl?

1. Saints
2. Outpost doesn't care
3. Patriots
4. Saints
5. definitely not the Packers
6. Green Bay Packers
7. Green Bay Packers


5. What three scenes are the best scenes in film history according to Outpost?

1. The blood test scene in The Thing, the drug deal scene in Boogie Nights and the basement bar scene in Inglourious Basterds.
2. Blood test scene in The Thing, birth scene in A Quiet Place, Bar Scene in Inglourious Basterds
3. The blood test scene in The Thing, the drug deal scene in Boogie Nights, and the basement bar scene in Inglourious Basterds
4. When Keyser Soze is revealed to be Kevin Spacey.   Final restaurant scene in Pulp Fiction.  Omaha Beach opening scene in Saving Private Ryan
5. 1) that one with the beer
2) that one with the boobs
3) that one where the beer was poured on to the boobs
6. "Your gonna need a bigger boat" scene from Jaws.  The chest-burster scene from Alien. The screaming lambs scene from Silence of the Lambs 
7. the beginning, middle and end of the thing.


6. What was the funniest death in this game according to Outpost?

1. ET getting capped
2. Orca getting eliminated on the second roll of Food chain with a 2
3. Naz getting double tapped with a 2 week ban
4. Matts, easily.
5. The one where Cheesehawk killed somebody on the first roll in chatty
6. Orca dying to two terrible RNG rolls
7. KSJ dying on the first roll


7. What number is Outpost thinking of?

1. 24
2. 8
3. 13
4. 77
5. 7 cause this is question 7 and the Packers are 7-1.
6. 7
7. 0


8. What is Outpost's favorite food?

1. Gyros
2. fat little children
3. Gyros
4. Spaghetti
5. Gyros
6. Pumpkin pie
7. Wieners of course

Edited by Outpost31
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