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TACT XVIII: Zeke's Whacky Weekend Adventures


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“It’s wrong. There are a lot more authors out there with better literature that can do the same thing that does not degrade our people. I’m glad that they’re making the decision and it’s long overdue, like 20 years overdue,” he said. “Let’s move forward and work together to make school work for all of our kids, not just some, all of them.”


This is my favorite part. "Like 20 years overdue!"


Yes sir, the book was fine in the archaic dark ages of 1997, but 2003 was the last straw.

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I read a really great write up on this topic, being the "you know what word." See, I can't even state it as a Letter-word because I am afraid of getting banned again.

But the article gives and accurate definition of the word's origin and its meaning from another language and describes how it was used throughout history to become the abomination that it has, the word that is. 

Then it goes on to describe how it was altered by dropping two letters and adding one and that somehow made it a term of endearment among a particular type of recording artist but yet still carries such a negative stigma when used outside of that realm.

I don't understand what any of this has to do with football or Zeke, but being a teacher, I am often surprised and somewhat curious about decisions being made to protect our students in school only to have them go home and listen to the very words in their music that we are trying to eradicate in class.

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Agreed but you would only be treating a symptom of a sickness in society, not the actual disease. If you took away automatic weapons, a person of his pathology would only find another way to kill people in mass numbers. Arson, home made bombs, drive a car thru a crowd, etc. 

One thing  about this is very clear, if a person is determined to accomplish a predetermined goal, no matter how horrific, that person will succeed. They will stop at nothing.

The bigger issue here, in  my opinion, is the lack of parenting or guidance a child like this should have received from the get go.

He was an orphan, I get it. So now what? We keep a sharp eye on all orphans?

It really is a huge problem in America today. Children growing up without proper parenting, without spiritual guidance, no one to encourage them educationally, etc. And you compound that with the "no red pen mentality" and you get a young adult who never learned how to cope with adversity, usually becomes introverted, has a bleak and negative outlook on life and there chances to succeed in life, and then the first time, or possibly multiple times adversity strikes, they turn to the only emotions they know, Anger, Rage, Retribution.

Being a teacher, and I know many people don't hold with that mindset, if you want to fix the real problem with our youth today, you have to start going into the homes. See what their life is like there. See what their structural support system is, if there is one, are they loved, nurtured, encouraged and properly raised to function in society?




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You'll never be able to control what is and isn't available to the public with law. Perhaps reevaluating the gun eligible public would be better? Maybe some more rules/tests/standards need to be met before anyone buys any gun. But honestly it won't help either way. Creating more laws doesn't deter law breakers.

Just like when they made heroin illegal, It didn't stop people from getting it and using. It only stops the law abiding citizens. There are tons of things that are banned or "not available to the public," and I guarantee you there is someone(s) in your neighborhood who has some.

You can ban all you want but it will only create a demand for a black market, and there is always a willing seller for a price spike.

If a guy wants to kill people he is going to find a way. A rock, a car, a 737, a knife, a pistol, fire or explosives, or poison. The list goes on. You can't ban everything, and it's a slippery slope once you start.

I think September 11th is still the biggest casualty loss from an act of a terrorism. It didn't matter that the hijackers weren't properly licensed to fly, and it didn't matter that the cockpit wasn't readily available to the public. From personal experience, I know there are way more restrictions to being allowed to fly a commercial jet than there is to buy a gun. Still didn't stop anyone.

Obviously your heart is in the right place, WH, but at some point people have to realize that it's foolish to think creating laws will deter criminals. The only people the "bad guns" will become unavailable to is the people who follow the law, and those aren't the people going on rampage.

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People can debate all they want about that this legislation or that restriction that will have this or that impact- it's hard to say when the right consistently blocks or rolls back those proposals. I think a unilateral ban, as some may be calling for, is impractical to the point of hilarity- it's like calling for mass, 100% deportations- would just cost way too much money and they'd end up back in here anyway. People with more knowledge on this subject will continue to talk these points at each other in more detail indefinitely to no avail.

What I think all these discussions obfuscate is that these sorts of incidents are all signs of a truly unwell nation. The powers that be want us arguing over what the best solution is, especially when emotions run high so as to increase division, so that we don't realize we're only addressing the symptoms of the disease. Comparisons to places like Sweden or Belgium or Australia with total gun bans obscure the fact that this **** we're seeing here lately in the U.S. literally isn't happening anywhere else in the world- not even the Middle East. Likewise, you can get all the dope you want at any almost corner store in Africa, but they're not shooting up and snorting themselves to death at nearly the same rate that Americans are.

Why is that? It's hard to say. Young people are lashing out. Maybe an economic depression is coming, with the college debt bubble starting to reflect the housing bubble. Maybe it's social media, the over-access to other people's lives in highlight reel form resulting in lowered self-esteem, and the amount of time we spend communicating with computers instead of humans. Whatever it is, people have too much time on their hands, and not enough purpose or dignity or love or positive long-term outlook, so they seek destruction. That's what's really going on here, IMO.

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1 hour ago, matt79511 said:

People can debate all they want about that this legislation or that restriction that will have this or that impact- it's hard to say when the right consistently blocks or rolls back those proposals. I think a unilateral ban, as some may be calling for, is impractical to the point of hilarity- it's like calling for mass, 100% deportations- would just cost way too much money and they'd end up back in here anyway. People with more knowledge on this subject will continue to talk these points at each other in more detail indefinitely to no avail.

What I think all these discussions obfuscate is that these sorts of incidents are all signs of a truly unwell nation. The powers that be want us arguing over what the best solution is, especially when emotions run high so as to increase division, so that we don't realize we're only addressing the symptoms of the disease. Comparisons to places like Sweden or Belgium or Australia with total gun bans obscure the fact that this **** we're seeing here lately in the U.S. literally isn't happening anywhere else in the world- not even the Middle East. Likewise, you can get all the dope you want at any almost corner store in Africa, but they're not shooting up and snorting themselves to death at nearly the same rate that Americans are.

Why is that? It's hard to say. Young people are lashing out. Maybe an economic depression is coming, with the college debt bubble starting to reflect the housing bubble. Maybe it's social media, the over-access to other people's lives in highlight reel form resulting in lowered self-esteem, and the amount of time we spend communicating with computers instead of humans. Whatever it is, people have too much time on their hands, and not enough purpose or dignity or love or positive long-term outlook, so they seek destruction. That's what's really going on here, IMO.

Bingo and bingo. 

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2 hours ago, WizardHawk said:

Bingo and bingo. 

To that point, we made a conscience effort to remove religion from schools and state and just about everywhere else. Each year it becomes less and less part of our lives. Is it any coincidence that all of the negative things and temptations talked about at service are running rampant in this country?

Just a thought.

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3 hours ago, Rtnldave said:

To that point, we made a conscience effort to remove religion from schools and state and just about everywhere else. Each year it becomes less and less part of our lives. Is it any coincidence that all of the negative things and temptations talked about at service are running rampant in this country?

Just a thought.

Guys...let's not go down this road.

And might I refer you to the Crusades and just about every other theocracy? 

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To be fair most(all?) governments/civilizations eventually fail regardless of the foundation. The USA isnt that old. But just like Rome or any other empire, eventually it will fall or morph into something else.

What/who is the oldest standing government?

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On 2/13/2018 at 6:40 AM, Desperado82 said:

*sigh* This is stupid. Context is everything and if you can't read about something and understand the era it was written, you have issues.

I can see history in sight. And it's about to come back around and repeat itself. 

This is exactly why you should not let the extremist side of political parties lead society. They tear away at reason and logic bit by bit until there is nothing left to reason with. And if anyone is wondering why this was allowed to happen. You can actually take a trip back for the last 10 years and see the progression of this was allowed to continue. And it's defended by statements like "it offends me" or "i shouldn't have to be exposed to that" "that is bigotry" and it's enabled by statements like "i don't see anything wrong with letting them have it." or "well i dont care either way" "I dont care to deal with it" or "oh they're just being progressive".

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1 minute ago, DaBoys said:

To be fair most(all?) governments/civilizations eventually fail regardless of the foundation. The USA isnt that old. But just like Rome or any other empire, eventually it will fall or morph into something else.

What/who is the oldest standing government?

If you wanna get philosophical it would be Judaism since it deals with hierarchy. Unless im ignorant and Asian religious monks have a hierarchy that answer to one voice at the top. 

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