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International Flag Football - Season One is over - Whicker's Crabs win the Championship!


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1st Quarter - Bucs Drive

Rolls 6 - Turnover (Referee's Recipe)
Rolls 12 - FG (25%)
Rolls 76 - (Needed 76 or better for the FG)

Yuccaneers - 3
ETs - 0

1st Quarter - Skywind's Drive

Rolls 9 - No Score 

2nd Quarter - Bucs Drive

Rolls 14 - 75% FG
Rolls 68  - (Needed 26 of better for the FG)

Yuccaneers - 6
ETs - 0

2nd Quarter - Skywind's drive

Rolls 8 - No Score (Bucs Edge Setter creates a turnover)
Bucs rolls 66 and 68 (Ball Hawk), No score

Yuccaneers - 6
ETs - 0


3rd Quarter - Bucs Drive

Rolls 3 - Turnover with 75% chance of a defensive score
Skywind rolls a 47 (needed 26) to score.
Skywind rolls a 54 for the PAT (needed 11)

Yuccaneers - 6
ETs - 7

3rd Quarter - Skywind's Drive

Rolls 10 (with a disadvantage due to Bucs Lock-Down defense) - Punt

Yuccaneers - 6
ETs - 7

4th Quarter - Bucs Drive

Rolls 4 - Turnover with 50% chance of a defensive score
Skywind rolls a 23 (needed 51) to score.

Yuccaneers - 6
ETs - 7

4th Quarter - Skywind's drive

Rolls 18 - TD with 2-pt conversion (Needs 51 with advantage)
Rolls 27 and 15, no 2-pt


Yuccanneers - 6
ETs - 13

@bucsfan333 @skywindO2

Edited by Dome
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1st Quarter - Dome's Drive

Rolls 16 - 90% FG
Rolls 40 - FG

Nukes - 3
Crabs - 0

1st Quarter - Whicker's Drive

Rolls 15 + 1 - 90% FG
Rolls 70 - FG Good

Nukes - 3
Crabs - 3

2nd Quarter - Dome's Drive

Rolls 5 - turnover with 25% chance of defensive TD
Whicker rolls 98 for the TD and 59 for the PAT

Nukes - 3
Crabs - 10

2nd Quarter - Whicker's Drive

Rolls 19+1 - TD plus 2pt
Rolls 51 (needed 51 for the 2-pt)

Nukes - 3
Crabs - 18

3rd Quarter - Dome's Drive

Rolls 9 - Punt

3rd Quarter - Whicker's Drive

Rolls 3 + 1 (Referee Recipe)
Rolls 18 + 1 - TD plus 2pt
Rolls 31 (2pt fails)

Nukes - 3
Crabs - 24

4th Quarter Cancelled - Crabs Win @Whicker

Edited by Dome
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1st Quarter - Pickle's Drive

Rolls 16 - Touchdown (Rolling w/ advantage for the 2pt
Rolls 44 and 8 - Fails

Maritimus - 6
Redskins - 0

1st Quarter - Rack's Drive

Rolls 4 - Referee Recipe
Rolls 20 - TD w/ 2pt try
Rolls 94 for the conversion

Maritimus - 6
Redskins - 8

2nd Quarter - Pickle's Drive

Rolls 7 - (Rackcs Edge Setter turns this into a turnover)
Rackcs gets advantage for the pick-6... needs 91 or better
Racks rolls a 90 - No TD

2nd Quarter - Rackc's Drive

Rolls 13 - 50/50 FG (needs 51 or better)
Rolls 33 - No Good

Maritimus - 6
Redskins - 8

3rd Quarter - Pickle's Drive

Rolling with disadvantage due to Rackcs lock down defense

Rolls 3 - Referee Recipe 
Rolls 17 - TD + 2pt (gets advantage on 2pt)
Rolls 92 - Success

Maritimus - 14
Redskins - 8

3rd Quarter - Rack's Drive

Rolls 9 - Punt

4th Quarter - Pickle's Drive

Rolls 13 - 50/50 FG (needs 51 or better)


Maritimus - 17
Redskins - 8

4th Quarter - Rackc's Drive (CANCELLED, PICKLE WINS)

 @Pickle Rick @rackcs

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