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10 hours ago, mission27 said:

I completely agree with you but lets not lose sight of the fact that people struggling to feed their families or separated from their loved ones and socially isolated is an equal human tragedy.  This lockdown is likely to lead to hundreds of millions of people going hungry.  Even in developed country which will likely fair much better, life is short and there is no guarantee the economic hardship, emotional trauma, opportunities lost, families broken apart, etc. from this will be fixed on the other side... or even any sense whatsoever when the other side will be.  For many death is not the greatest fear.  Its the damage, long term damage, of the lockdown on their lives.  There is going to be lasting damage from this beyond the health impacts on those infected by the virus.  We need to able to have an adult conversation about the parameters for going back to our lives look like and what cost we are willing to pay.  While its helpful to remind people that this is a dangerous disease that is causing a lot of pain and suffering we can't have that conversation purely from a position of fear and emotion, on either side.

reopen the economy all u want, still gonna be in locked down state

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15 minutes ago, mistakey said:

reopen the economy all u want, still gonna be in locked down state

Yes but at least I have the option to die now!

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3 hours ago, diehardlionfan said:

It would be awesome to see a company that develops a vaccine recoup expenses and donate the vaccine. 

pretty sure gates is gonna build out the infrastructure and start producing like the top 7 or so candidates regardless of whether or not they work so as soon as they pass the approval we have them for society.  even if the vaccine doesnt get used gotta think these pharma companies are gonna make some cash

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1 hour ago, mistakey said:

reopen the economy all u want, still gonna be in locked down state

Because that's what they are being told by leaders at the national and state level and by the media

When the time is right, we need leaders who project confidence that we can do this.  Other countries in Asia and Europe are starting this process and some of them are pretty far along.  I don't believe Americans are any softer than anyone else, we will go back to our lives at some point

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@mistakey @Glen

Do you honestly think people are going to stay home for 18 months?  Or 5 years if it takes 5 years to get a vaccine?  Or forever if there's never an effective vaccine?

I'm just trying to understand what your position is on this.  Are you saying today is not the day (we agree) or the day wont come until COVID is gone? 

I mean that's what we're talking about

Either at some point we are brave and accept the risk and accept that people are going to die OR we accept that we may need to stay home for as long as it takes, which who knows how long that will be.  We literally have no idea. 

That doesn't mean today is the day, but the response can't be that we stay home until this all over IMO.  Thats crazy talk.  No other country in the world is doing that btw

I feel like a football message board may give a skewed perspective though tbh.  Some of you jokers don't leave your house anyway. 

Edited by mission27
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4 minutes ago, mission27 said:

@mistakey @Glen

Do you honestly think people are going to stay home for 18 months?  Or 5 years if it takes 5 years to get a vaccine?  Or forever if there's never an effective vaccine?

I'm just trying to understand what your position is on this.  Are you saying today is not the day (we agree) or the day wont come until COVID is gone? 

I mean that's what we're talking about

Either at some point we are brave and accept the risk and accept that people are going to die OR we accept that we may need to stay home for as long as it takes, which who knows how long that will be.  We literally have no idea. 

That doesn't mean today is the day, but the response can't be that we stay home until this all over IMO.  Thats crazy talk.  No other country in the world is doing that btw

I feel like a football message board may give a skewed perspective though tbh.  Some of you jokers don't leave your house anyway. 

im saying all the people clamoring to open up are gonna get a wild surprise when not that many people come rushing back.  i'm gonna go out and do stuff, but a lot of people are afraid and having a governor saying its all cool lets go back to work wont get them to go back to work.  

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11 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Because that's what they are being told by leaders at the national and state level and by the media

When the time is right, we need leaders who project confidence that we can do this.  Other countries in Asia and Europe are starting this process and some of them are pretty far along.  I don't believe Americans are any softer than anyone else, we will go back to our lives at some point

until then we're stuck with the leaders we got

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5 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Do you honestly think people are going to stay home for 18 months?  Or 5 years if it takes 5 years to get a vaccine?  Or forever if there's never an effective vaccine?

I'm just trying to understand what your position is on this.  Are you saying today is not the day (we agree) or the day wont come until COVID is gone? 

I mean that's what we're talking about

Either at some point we are brave and accept the risk and accept that people are going to die OR we accept that we may need to stay home for as long as it takes, which who knows how long that will be.  We literally have no idea. 

That doesn't mean today is the day, but the response can't be that we stay home until this all over IMO.  Thats crazy talk.  No other country in the world is doing that btw

I feel like a football message board may give a skewed perspective though tbh.  Some of you jokers don't leave your house anyway. 

You're dividing this up into black and white binary decision. It's not that simple. 

We can't overload our health system. With no vaccine or proven treatment and a nearly completely naive population, that takes social distancing right now. So we need to keep that up right now. And every day we do, our population gets a little more immune and a little more resistant. Every day we do that, we get a day closer to a vaccine or a therapy that might help accelerate that process.

It's not "hunker down for 18 months boys it's gonna be rough". It's looking outside and realizing that it's not safe to leave today. Every day or few days or week, we're going to be a little safer, which means we can start dipping our toes in the water.

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Just now, mistakey said:

im saying all the people clamoring to open up are gonna get a wild surprise when not that many people come rushing back.  i'm gonna go out and do stuff, but a lot of people are afraid and having a governor saying its all cool lets go back to work wont get them to go back to work.  

Yeah I agree things are going to come back slowly, but there are sort of two effects.  People will be scared but also stir crazy

Things like malls, restaurants, and air travel probably wont reach pre-pandemic levels until like 2022 or 2023 no matter what, but there will be a lot of (mostly younger) people who return to those activities and most others IMO will happily go back to school, work, and seeing friends if they are getting the message from state and federal leaders that its OK to do these things again.  Maybe with a little more caution and hygiene, lets hope

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3 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

You're dividing this up into black and white binary decision. It's not that simple. 

We can't overload our health system. With no vaccine or proven treatment and a nearly completely naive population, that takes social distancing right now. So we need to keep that up right now. And every day we do, our population gets a little more immune and a little more resistant. Every day we do that, we get a day closer to a vaccine or a therapy that might help accelerate that process.

It's not "hunker down for 18 months boys it's gonna be rough". It's looking outside and realizing that it's not safe to leave today. Every day or few days or week, we're going to be a little safer, which means we can start dipping our toes in the water.

I'm not trying to make it black and white, its obviously not today and its obviously not 18 months from now tbh

All I'm saying is whenever we open up people will die as a result, people will be unsafe and scared.  There will never be a safe time and 'a week from now' is always safer than 'today'

We need some parameters around when and how we take various steps.  IMO we also need a timeline because people deserve to know when we expect to hit various benchmarks and what we are doing to get there. 

It feels like some people want to short circuit that conversation by painting anyone who is anxious to lift lockdown as heartless or appealing to people's emotion and fear.  Thats not a great approach tbh

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Countries across Europe are putting in place timelines and parameters for re-opening, including places who are still at the apex of active cases and have far more cases per capita than the US

I know we are a week or two behind Europe and our testing isn't quite at Europe levels (although its far closer than some would admit).  But we need to be ready to have these conversations in the near future and it feels like there are a lot of people who don't even want to go there

Obvi having these conversations isn't the same as opening tomorrow.  May 4th is 2 weeks from now and Italy is a couple of weeks ahead of us.  So we may not be talking about starting to ease restrictions in much of the country until mid-May, which is fine.  We just have to have an adult conversation about this and come up with a plan.  Taking it day by day or week by week is unacceptable to a lot of people given the cost on their lives, which we can't minimize 


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