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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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4 minutes ago, theJ said:

Wait, why are we dismissing this strategy out of hand?  Has anyone tried hyperventilating for a few hours or days to see if they can cough out the virus?

Your lungs have millions of branches in them, but only one of those branches leads in or out. So most of the virus would stay deep in the lungs unless it happens to travel down the right path.

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Your lungs have millions of branches in them, but only one of those branches leads in or out. So most of the virus would stay deep in the lungs unless it happens to travel down the right path.

Ok smart guy, but have you tried it?!


Fine, i'll take the L.

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2 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

You were talking about someone that wanted to watch fireworks outside. 

Weather every regulation puts into place is necessary or not it amazes me the amount of people that don't even question them or think you are a horrible person for questioning them. 

You are a braver person than me if these shutdowns doubt make you uneasy 

Plenty of people are questioning many of the restrictions that have been put in place and there's plenty of blowback, there's nothing wrong with that

I don't think anyone is saying you are a horrible person if you question these restrictions. 

I do think people will judge others who make a mountain out of a molehill and refuse to take basic, low cost, sensible public health measures like wearing masks that we are all being asked to take (temporarily) in order for us to get back to our lives.  Going back to your life and being asked to wear a mask at Walmart for a few months is such a huge improvement over how most of us are living right now and I don't get why its such a flash point for some people

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2 minutes ago, theJ said:

Ok smart guy, but have you tried it?!


Fine, i'll take the L.

My first thought was lack of available people, since the people who know they are sick probably don't have the energy to breath that aggressively for a long period of time. And anyone who is sick but is still healthy enough to breath like that may not realize they're sick.

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1 minute ago, vikesfan89 said:

You were talking about someone that wanted to watch fireworks outside. 

that was specifically regarding fireworks in a large, metropolitan area with around 600k people.  How do you enforce/control that type of a situation? Applying context makes that more reasonable.  If this was in corn country perhaps that’s a bit much.

1 minute ago, vikesfan89 said:

Weather every regulation puts into place is necessary or not it amazes me the amount of people that don't even question them or think you are a horrible person for questioning them. 

Some of these regulations aren’t hard to figure out for some of us and don’t need “questioning”.  Not aiming this at you per se, but I’ve noticed there’s a hell of a correlation between the people who feel the need to question these guidelines and a general lack of understanding regarding Covid and healthcare in general.

1 minute ago, vikesfan89 said:

You are a braver person than me if these shutdowns doubt make you uneasy 

I’m assuming you meant “don’t make me uneasy”?

What am I supposed to be uneasy about?  Sitting in my living room?  Getting takeout as opposed to eating in a restaurant?  Missing parades and Oktoberfest?  Idk man, compared to ish asked of previous generations (‘Nam, World wars, famine, etc), sitting on the couch chopping it up with you fellas ain’t so bad.  I mean, it’s been 2 months ffs.



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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

Plenty of people are questioning many of the restrictions that have been put in place and there's plenty of blowback, there's nothing wrong with that

I don't think anyone is saying you are a horrible person if you question these restrictions. 

I do think people will judge others who make a mountain out of a molehill and refuse to take basic, low cost, sensible public health measures like wearing masks that we are all being asked to take (temporarily) in order for us to get back to our lives.  Going back to your life and being asked to wear a mask at Walmart for a few months is such a huge improvement over how most of us are living right now and I don't get why its such a flash point for some people

Yep, 100% agreed. Nothing wrong with questioning or asking for data. Nothing wrong with complaining about having to follow them, it's definitely a pain in the butt and an adjustment.


But eventually you just have to wear the goddamn mask.

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People being told they can't go to work, can't go to church, are confined to a certain geographic area / can't travel, can't see friends and family, can't have their wedding, can't go to school or off to college, etc. those are huge sacrifices and its totally fair to push back where the cost benefit is lacking.

Wearing a mask is part of a solution that allows us to do all of those things again over the next month or two and the cost is basically zero.  That's why people are going to judge you if you are anti-mask.  

I will say, the only plus side to the mask thing becoming a flash point is that its shifting the narrative from lockdown vs. stay home forever to everyone acknowledging that we need to move on with our lives and trying to figure out how we do that.  Which is huge progress.  But we'll end up back in the old situation if adults cant act like adults and tough it out for a bit.

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

It wasn't the worst brainstorming idea. Better than drinking bleach or purposefully trying to get people infected, which are the gold and silver medals so far.

You only say that because you’re bought and paid by big pharma and bleach is cheap.


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3 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

It wasn't the worst brainstorming idea. Better than drinking bleach or purposefully trying to get people infected, which are the gold and silver medals so far.

My personal favorite is cutting people in half and sticking them in a tanning bed so the sun can kill the virus.  I think I know who came up with that one.  To be fair, it worked with epilepsy... 

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Just now, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

You only say that because you’re bought and paid by big pharma and bleach is cheap.


Facts. My ethics are buried out back next to the cure for cancer.


And if it makes anyone else feel better, scientists are way meaner to other scientists. I've written stuff and gotten comments back in Word that say "Explain to me why this is wrong." No additional context.

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