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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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5 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I hate this argument because this isn't what we're talking about.  Nobody is devastated because they have to sit on their couch for a couple of months.  People are devastated because of the potentially ruinous impact on our economic future and extended social isolation are serious tbh.  We should not minimize the impact this is having on people's lives.  I know people who have lost dream job or educational opportunities, people with mental health issues who are now confined to their home and considering self harm, people who have lost relationships or been isolated from loved ones, people who have had loved ones die from non-COVID related causes and couldn't be with them because the restrictions, people who had to cancel or postpone weddings and other major life events, the list goes on and on.  And this is from the perspective of someone living in a rich country, I can't imagine what people in developing countries are going through and will continue to go through.  The impact of this will be long lasting for many.  This is all very serious and just as traumatic for a lot of people as death, physical illness, injury, or the loss of a loved one. 

Missing out on a dream job is not as traumatic as death my guy. Neither is not seeing your bff or mother for 2 months.

Does all of this suck? Sure.  But so does dying from a semi preventable disease and overwhelming the healthcare system.

The issues your mentioning are real, but quite frankly, if we can speak honestly for a bit, aren’t why people are up in arms (literally in the case is some of these bumpkins).  They’re pissed because a particular news station and group tells them to be pissed.  They’re pissed because they’re selfish and impatient. They’re pissed because they can’t do whatever the hell they please even if it’s detrimental to others.

”I realize I could potentially contribute to the death of others, but I already booked my wedding!  This isn’t fair!!!!!”  Sit down and shut up cupcake, you’ll be just fine.

5 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Its kind of like going to jail for six months or a year.  Yes its temporary and its not the end of your life usually, but its incredibly traumatic and has long lasting impacts.  Think about it as everyone in the world is going to jail for six months or a year, with no definite release date, for something that wasn't their fault.  People have a right to be upset and question what is or isn't worth it.  Its equally fair to criticize someone who refuses to wear a mask and be part of a constructive solution to getting back to our lives.  I just think the "this isn't WW2" narrative is total BS.

So is the “it’s kind of like jail” narrative.  You’re sitting at home with every creature comfort you’ve always had.

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8 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

The highest risk or the businesses that we can technically live without?

correct, the non essentials.

8 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Are OK with these places shutting down permanently instead of having the option of opening with social distancing?

Is that where we are?  It’s been 2 months and restrictions are being lifted every day.

Your narrative doesn’t match reality.

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7 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I don't think we are talking about shutting down any business permanently.  And outside of the very highest risk, least essential businesses (cruise ships, nightclubs, and live events with fans) everything else is pretty much being reopened with distancing within the next month or two everywhere in the US. 

There was definitely a narrative a month ago that we could lockdown for 18 months but that was always crazy and no state or country is pursuing that strategy.

I know the government isn't planning on shutting anything down permanently but there is a lot of reports of places not reopening which there doesn't seem to be a lot of concern for

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1 minute ago, vikesfan89 said:

I know the government isn't planning on shutting anything down permanently but there is a lot of reports of places not reopening which there doesn't seem to be a lot of concern for

Such as?

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

correct, the non essentials.

Is that where we are?  It’s been 2 months and restrictions are being lifted every day.

Your narrative doesn’t match reality.

I hope you are right and the long term effects aren't there 

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9 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

it doesn't pay to go down the government road but you act like controlling governments aren't a thing

By and large people are just fine with governments controlling things, as long as it matches their beliefs.

I won’t get too political, but I’m sure you can find examples of that on either side of the aisle.  

Coincidentally, this isn’t even a partisan issue.  These measures have been taken to various levels by both conservatives and liberals.  Ohio ((DeWine, R) has been amongst the most proactive.

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3 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

So is the “it’s kind of like jail” narrative.  You’re sitting at home with every creature comfort you’ve always had.

I'll start listening to the "it's kind of like jail" narrative when the person speaking about it has spent time in jail. I'll even settle for a corrections guard.

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Just now, vikesfan89 said:

I hope you are right and the long term effects aren't there 

I’m not saying there aren’t going to be long term impacts, of course there will.

This is a novel virus that has caused a worldwide pandemic.  That doesn’t go away in 3-4 months.

Some people will lose their jobs permanently, business won’t survive, etc., and that’s truly awful, but it’s unfortunately unavoidable to some degree.  

My issue is pretending that some government officials want that to happen because it somehow serves them.  I don’t believe that’s the case for either party.

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3 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'll start listening to the "it's kind of like jail" narrative when the person speaking about it has spent time in jail. I'll even settle for a corrections guard.

I spend 3 days in juvenile detention.  Where does that rank?

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Missing out on a dream job is not as traumatic as death my guy. Neither is not seeing your bff or mother for 2 months.

Does all of this suck? Sure.  But so does dying from a semi preventable disease and overwhelming the healthcare system.

The issues your mentioning are real, but quite frankly, if we can speak honestly for a bit, aren’t why people are up in arms (literally in the case is some of these bumpkins).  They’re pissed because a particular news station and group tells them to be pissed.  They’re pissed because they’re selfish and impatient. They’re pissed because they can’t do whatever the hell they please even if it’s detrimental to others.

”I realize I could potentially contribute to the death of others, but I already booked my wedding!  This isn’t fair!!!!!”  Sit down and shut up cupcake, you’ll be just fine.

So is the “it’s kind of like jail” narrative.  You’re sitting at home with every creature comfort you’ve always had.

I just completely disagree tbh.  Creature comforts are nice, but social isolation and having your future taken away from you is in many ways worse for a lot of people.  Again its not as simple as just pressing pause and we will get everything back when this is over.  If it was I'd probably agree with you... we can all put up with two months.  But there will be long term effects.  I'm speaking from my personal experience with this and the experience of people I am close to, many of us have lost opportunities that could've defined the rest of our lives.

Idk what you personal situation is but it seems like you are happily married and continue to be employed.  If you are in a committed relationship and happily quarantining with your partner and haven't lost your job or business or whatever, I can understand the perspective that this is more inconvenience than anything.  If you haven't had contact with another human being in 2 months, are separated from your partner or children, lost your job or business, had a relationship die because of the lockdown... well these are the things many of us fear much more so than death.  And maybe you think that's stupid but everyone has a different value system and minimizing people's very real economic and emotional trauma here isn't a great way to get people on board with a constructive path forward tbh. 

There are people who are agitating for stubborn ideological reasons but there's a much bigger group of people who are scared and traumatized by the effects of the lockdown and we need to be respectful of their pain too.

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I’m not saying there aren’t going to be long term impacts, of course there will.

This is a novel virus that has caused a worldwide pandemic.  That doesn’t go away in 3-4 months.

Some people will lose their jobs permanently, business won’t survive, etc., and that’s truly awful, but it’s unfortunately unavoidable to some degree.  

My issue is pretending that some government officials want that to happen because it somehow serves them.  I don’t believe that’s the case for either party.

Well at least you realize it's more than just sitting on your couch

I'm not saying that government officials necessarily want to have businesses shut down.  I could say more but I don't want to get this thread locked

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3 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Well at least you realize it's more than just sitting on your couch

I'm not saying that government officials necessarily want to have businesses shut down.  I could say more but I don't want to get this thread locked

If you think any relevant US politician actually wants businesses shut down and people confined to their homes, you need to change the media you're consuming, because that is a wildly, wildly warped perception.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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9 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'll start listening to the "it's kind of like jail" narrative when the person speaking about it has spent time in jail. I'll even settle for a corrections guard.

I've never been imprisoned but I have lost very close loved ones, been sick to the point of thinking I was going to die, been held at knifepoint in a ghetto in a foreign country and thought I might not make it out alive.  So I know what its like to have someone close to you die or think you may die.  And for me personally this lockdown has been far worse than any of those feelings.  Everyone is different and everyone is going to have a different experience with the lockdown but just like we expect people to wear masks and be respectful of our wish not to get sick with COVID it'd be nice if people would be respectful of the emotional, social, and economic burden this has placed on many people and not try to minimize it by saying "our grandparents had it worse."  Because that **** isn't particularly credible tbh.

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