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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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Just now, The Orca said:

It might be a stretch,  but my issue is, that's kind of a big screw you to the kidnapper setup wise right?

SwAg said it was RNG- based, and it sounded like escaping was the lowest probability move. So I think I just got lucky? Hard to say without knowing the odds

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On 4/7/2020 at 5:05 PM, squire12 said:
On 4/7/2020 at 4:33 PM, theuntouchable said:

It’s also mildly concerning that I believe the only posts of yours ive seen are addressing this and the past issue stuff 

Good to know.

Maybe there are reasons

Good to know he admits to it and they are reasons

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On 4/3/2020 at 9:15 AM, SwAg said:

Player List:

1.  MWil - Claims governor. Survived day 2 lynch. Could be Godfather. Apparently according to Racks godfather cant be lynched until a teammate is lynched first. Scum-lean
2.  Counselor - Claims Friendly Other Mason with Daboyle. People believe the claim based off of show. Could be an unlikely-ally. slight town-lean/slight scum-lean. Literally back and forth in my head.
4.  Rack - No claim. Neutral/scum-lean.
5.  Bcb - Claimed Mookie has a violent past. No other info. Neutral/slight town-lean
6.  Sanchez - Claims watcher. Me D1, Counselor D2, Rags D3 Slight town-lean.
7.  Pwny - Poor kid identified by Swoosh, not involved in shady business. Slight town-lean.
10.  Forge - No claim. No participation. Believes his reputation means I should he suspicious of him and I am. Scum-lean
11.  Rick - No claim. Knowledgeable about the show. Engaging in some conversation. Had thought he could be the kidnapper because of his post about finishing some other chat shortly after Malf got kidnapped and acted as if he didnt know what was going on, but this could have been genuine. Neutral.
12.  Heimdallr - Probably a female character as determined by ransom letter about having our "women". Hatched an escape plan and saved himself and Malf. No claim. Neutral.
13.  Matts - Counselor claims him to be PGO. Slight town-lean.
15.  Orca - Had some ninja move Day 1 that he claimed MWil to be some sort of bad. Pushed his lynch. Pushed TLO who ended up being indy. Town-lean
16.  Mookie - Determined to have a violet past by BCB. Scum lean.
19.  Squire - No claim. Neutral 
20.  Touch - No claim Neutral
21.  Malfatron - Claims to be odd night tracker. Tracked Josh to me day 1. Slight town-lean.
22.  Ragnarok - Claims to be the mojito guy. Not sure of ability, but would be surprised if he is non-town.
23.  Slappy - 100% Town. Two roles have claimed Josh visited me day 1 and he said he believed me to be town. 
24.  Wolf - Used some sort of role block lightning rod last night. Heim claims his character has the name Westen in it, he is town.
25.  Swoosh - Claims to be a money runner. Wasn't involved in shady business and Malf was. Slight town-lean.

So these people I feel comfortable lynching. 

Mwil (unless we truly believe he is governor/cant be lynched), Counselor (unless he can provide information to prove he is an ally), Rack, BCB, Forge, Pickle, Heim, Mookie, Squire, Touch.

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22 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

What am I clearing up?

Finally. We were told no one targeted you night 1, were you told anyone visited you night 2? Subsequent question, have you seen Counselors claim about you? Can you confirm/deny or do you refuse to answer?

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5 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

So these people I feel comfortable lynching. 

Mwil (unless we truly believe he is governor/cant be lynched), Counselor (unless he can provide information to prove he is an ally), Rack, BCB, Forge, Pickle, Heim, Mookie, Squire, Touch.

Most of that is how I am feeling too, except I don't think government is anti-town so there isn' t a reason to lynch counselor. malf can vouch for me being town. 

I also believe mookie is town.

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5 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Finally. We were told no one targeted you night 1, were you told anyone visited you night 2? Subsequent question, have you seen Counselors claim about you? Can you confirm/deny or do you refuse to answer?

Yeah, I killed Glen and Daboyle. Apparently @SwAg has a sense of humor.

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