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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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Just now, Matts4313 said:

I have the same objective as town. Win when all threats to Weston (and allies) are eliminated. And I am assuming that by killing 2 of them, I have been more productive then you all.


Unfortunately I couldn't kill Mwil yet, I'll get him eventually xD

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It is possible for the purposes of this game that Government/Management are considered the same, and are anti-town.

Given the fact that Sophie Stagner was included as a town character, that means there are quite a few of them, so it would not be unreasonable for the town win condition to be to eliminate both the independents and the government. 

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8 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

so you do think I saw that post and figured out josh visited slappy and that you knew. all w/o any additional info? even tho no one else could

nicest thing anyone ever said to me in a mafia gm

i figured it out

1) You guys figured out josh investigated slappy  based on our conversation but missed the fact that i specifically knew that josh visited slappy.

2) you soft claim later that you have a town read on josh and slappy for reasons

3) you hit josh

4) i hard claim that i saw josh visit slappy

5) you think that your soft claim was before mine, so you cc me, thinking i will be easily lynched

6) i bring up the post that identifies that my soft claim of josh visiting slappy was way before yours

7) you switch gears and make a watcher claim instead of the obvious tracker move that i have, because you realize you cannot afford to directly cc me


sanchez is scum. I am pretty damn sure


(and before you use this weak excuse again, im not saying you came up with this plan on your own here)


1 hour ago, The Orca said:



Do you all think the kidnapping was set up so that if someone escaped it would destroy the move?

Or is it more likley that you all escaped and the move gone, because Sugar was the kidnapper?

i think scum kidnapped us and we destroyed the jail because we escaped

22 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Yes, i vouch for Heim

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