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Another movie scene after the retirement home grandma becomes Queen of England. 
She describes how she received a red cape for coronation to her grandchildren. The red piece, attached to the back of her wheelchair, not only marked her the Queen of England; it also granted her superpowers such as flight and herculean strength. The people of England so loved Sher that they constructed her a White House to serve as her castle. Never one to idle upon the throne, she immediately set about establishing an unmatched air academy to protect her country. Many top guns learned behind her caped wheelchair, including one handsome pilot named Tom. Tom was enamored with Sher, but although the attraction was mutual, her heart was still mending from the losses of Sean and Leo. While attempting to swoon Sher at the romantic retirement home cafeteria, a news piece flew across the TV angled in the corner. Sher's White House had been destroyed by an enormous alien spaceship! But before the queen could commence retaliation, the nurse informed everybody it was nap time. Sher demanded that Tom wait until she got up from her doze before attempting anything sort of counterattack. But the suave pilot recognized the opportunity to impress the basis for his existence.

Waking an hour later, a look of astonishment crosses her face after she places her thick brimmed spectacles over her ears. The small television in the corner of her apartment revealed a familiar fighter jet, emblazed with the familiar gold initials T+S=Heart, streak across the sky towards an imposing alien ship. "You weren't ready. NOoooo!" echoes down the hallways raising each elderly apartment dweller. Even with Sher's intensive training, the best student at the base was no match for the floating abomination. Instant vaporization! Tears form at the sides of her eyes as she places the superpowered cape upon the back of her wheelchair and heads directly towards the site of the extraterrestrial behemoth. "It's Not Easy" starts playing as each blow from the grandmother's cane causes immense damage in the form of explosions eventually crashing the metallic monstrosity into the dark blue ocean. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Rhino enters through the bar door then thunders, "Where are all the women?" The barkeep informs the Rhino that a dancing master came through the establishment earlier and exited with two ladies on his arms, and the rest left for home waiting for his call. 
The dancer was attired in a greasy BK T-Shirt and carried in his arms a cheap stereo/radio. He asked for a power outlet , then set about turning the knobs to find a certain station. After locating the country/folk station, he turned up the volume then started his dance which caused every lady here to swoon. With both pointer fingers extended, he twisted back and forth jiggling his belly. Many women bit their lips with lust. Many third and fourth choices couldn't help but giggle about the name "Dancin' Eddie." 

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  • 1 month later...

Instead of a visual symbol, like the Bat Signal, the Rhino uses a foghorn consisting of a higher then lower note similar to a musical jug, indicating he is nearby. The higher note offers a "Rhiii" followed by a lower "Noooo" sound. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is a bit harsher than my normal material. I think the heat outside did to me. Based on true events.

Billy is a cashier at my grocery store. He is essentially a 98 pound weakling who spends 95% of his past time complaining. Recently he needed to have all of his teeth removed at the age of ripe of 29 due to constant candy consumption. He refuses to put in his dentures as they hurt too much, but he is a bit hard to understand without any teeth. 

Billy sits in the breakroom chair complaining the homeless people living in tents under the bridge. "Maybe you should bring a shotgun and kick them out," someone jokes. An idea arches across Billy's eyebrows. 

The homeless living inside the tent are a bit scared as someone tries unsuccessfully to zip down the tent door. Eventually, Billy manages to open the fabric, but he trips over the portal. A pair of Terminator sunglasses frame his face, and he wields a double gauge shot in one of his hands. 

"Hey, look it's Billy."

"Rararar, graahaaaha." Subtitles say, "Get your butts out of here."

"Billy, did you work at Super One today."

"Rarararar, Grarara." Subtitles say, "If you don't move, I am blasting you to smitherines."

"Was it busy?" Billy's attempts at intimidation fall flat.

"Blasd, Ruuuuf, Ruufff." Subtitles say, "That is it." The sound of effort, but no shot gun bang as Billy's fingers are too weak to pull the trigger. 

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On 7/1/2024 at 9:25 PM, cconocool said:

This is a bit harsher than my normal material. I think the heat outside did to me. Based on true events.

Billy is a cashier at my grocery store. He is essentially a 98 pound weakling who spends 95% of his past time complaining. Recently he needed to have all of his teeth removed at the age of ripe of 29 due to constant candy consumption. He refuses to put in his dentures as they hurt too much, but he is a bit hard to understand without any teeth. 

Billy sits in the breakroom chair complaining the homeless people living in tents under the bridge. "Maybe you should bring a shotgun and kick them out," someone jokes. An idea arches across Billy's eyebrows. 

The homeless living inside the tent are a bit scared as someone tries unsuccessfully to zip down the tent door. Eventually, Billy manages to open the fabric, but he trips over the portal. A pair of Terminator sunglasses frame his face, and he wields a double gauge shot in one of his hands. 

"Hey, look it's Billy."

"Rararar, graahaaaha." Subtitles say, "Get your butts out of here."

"Billy, did you work at Super One today."

"Rarararar, Grarara." Subtitles say, "If you don't move, I am blasting you to smitherines."

"Was it busy?" Billy's attempts at intimidation fall flat.

"Blasd, Ruuuuf, Ruufff." Subtitles say, "That is it." The sound of effort, but no shot gun bang as Billy's fingers are too weak to pull the trigger. 

It's like you saw my dream yesterday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ryan waves his hand to summon me forward.

“Tony. Tony, do you know what “nein” means in German. My family is from Germany, so I know a little German.”

“Ryan, is that a number?”

“No, it means no.”

“Ryan, you are confusing me.”

I am so lucky to have such a cultivated and worldly coworker.

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Posted (edited)

A bit of humorous dialog yesterday.

Ryan tends to chat a bit too much at work, so I when I saw him chatting with the cashier beyond the customer service till, my head told me a sentence that could break up that conservation. But it would have been too inappropriate… unless he is there 20 seconds later.

“Ryan, that is not how they make babies.”


Within context, Ryan's mom June would protect Ryan with a child like description of how they make babies. 

Edited by cconocool
The joke needed clarification.
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Context. Ryan takes the pop can recycling bag in the breakroom for extra money.

“Have you worked with the new cart-pusher Jason? He is a little weird. He looks through the garbages’ for pop cans.”

Brief pause in Ryan’s monologue. Then he indicates towards his chest.

“Those cans are Ryan’s cans.”

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