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4 hours ago, cconocool said:

The narrator relates a mysterious stud type character who wears a coned birthday hat over his forehead and calls himself “The Rhino.” Many women in the city have been duped by this beast of masculinity into one night stands then they never hear from the man again. Alarmed by this insensitive male, June draws a meeting together of 30 local women in effort to both raise awareness and plot to halt his reign of sexual escapades.

4 hours ago, cconocool said:

The Rhino, agitated that woman handed over a phone number rather than follow him back to his secret hideout,

4 hours ago, cconocool said:

His mouth twitches and his eyebrows furrow. “NOBODY STOPS THE RHINO.”

This RHINO character strikes me as serial offender and I suspect that party hat he's always wearing may house a concealed rohypnol dispenser. 

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I had an idea for a superhero who’s an Elvis impersonator who actually thinks he’s Elvis. Some sort of psychological disorder. He’d wear the white getup with the cape and shades. He’d have a couple of magical pistols and enhanced speed, quickness, agility and durability. He’d drop lots of puns and quotes from song lyrics. When he’d show up, his intro  Vegas show intro music would play.

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  • 1 month later...

Before I was trying to generate an idea for the Rhino mobile, and nothing came to me. Heavy snow fell upon the state, so many snowplows were on the highways. Which gave me an idea for his vehicle. The Rhino mobile would be a snowplow. "Rhino, why did you is the Rhinomobile a snowplow?" "It keeps plowing, and plowing, and plowing."

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An Adam Sandler type comedy like the Waterboy...this one is called Time of Possession. It stars a young lady (Jenna Ortega) who looks and acts like Linda Blair in the movie Exorcist. In fact, she is possessed by a literal demon. But she somehow starts as a cornerback on the team. And teams always get frustrated on all the no-calls because she always gets her head around on the passes. Its a joke that never gets old throughout the 2 hr 10 min runtime

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3 hours ago, Malfatron said:

An Adam Sandler type comedy like the Waterboy...this one is called Time of Possession. It stars a young lady (Jenna Ortega) who looks and acts like Linda Blair in the movie Exorcist. In fact, she is possessed by a literal demon. But she somehow starts as a cornerback on the team. And teams always get frustrated on all the no-calls because she always gets her head around on the passes. Its a joke that never gets old throughout the 2 hr 10 min runtime

Was this a fever dream?

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5 hours ago, Malfatron said:

It came to me while watching nfl and the announcer said that the cb had to get his head around for it not to be dpi, so i thought what if his head could spin feely around and the idea was born

And your thought was exorcist over owl? Owl-man: secondary extraordinaire. Can swivel his head easily, figuratively fly across the field, frequent unsportsmanlike conduct penalties as he attacks other humans while feeling threatened, can’t catch too well because he’s a bird. And he’s still human enough that every time he turns his head around, it hurts him, which just adds to his humanity. 


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1 hour ago, Ty21 said:

And your thought was exorcist over owl? Owl-man: secondary extraordinaire. Can swivel his head easily, figuratively fly across the field, frequent unsportsmanlike conduct penalties as he attacks other humans while feeling threatened, can’t catch too well because he’s a bird. And he’s still human enough that every time he turns his head around, it hurts him, which just adds to his humanity. 


I never heard of owl man, but this is good too

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was thinking of a sitcom setup. Have a retirement home and each of the characters would bear a MEME related name and their characters would fall along the lines of the MEME. So there would be a Chad, Karen, etc.

All the elderly men characters hate Chad, because he gets all of the women at the home. While irritably discussing Chad around a card table, an elderly woman’s voice giggles out, “Chad, that tickles.” In unison, the men slam their hands down then pursue some old fashioned mob justice.

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We were talking a little bit about hospitality in the class I audit today. That got me thinking about how some regions of the US provide better hospitality than others. It is a bit of a culture shock, and that got me thinking about my other benign phobia of eating over at other people’s houses as you don’t know always know the host’s sanitation practices.

Those items inspired me for a horror outline.

Two thieves mark an affluent widow’s house as a burglary possibility. Foreign to yet acquainted with southern culture, one thief remembers how well the populace down south treats guests. Brazen, they will pose as far removed relatives and provide the older woman with some needed companionship while scouting the 19th century house for valuable antiques and hidden stashes of precious metals. Entering the stylish doorway, the widow enthusiastically greets the pair then demonstrates signs of mental disorder. Granting the thieves seats upon at a beautiful leather sofa, she offers them both some soup and drink. A bit dazzled by the priceless statues and exotic paintings, one thief answers yes momentarily reminded of how offensive a negative response would appear to a southern hostess.

The slow gaited widow returns from the kitchen bearing some red soup…..

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