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Overwatch Mafia: Night 6, Thursday 9 PM EST


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18 minutes ago, MathMan said:

very impressive, Woz.

Although I don't know what to make of it

Some thoughts:

  • Danger as the moderator posted 31 times across the 73 pages that were part of N1. People below that threshold are either not involved or trying to hide.
  • HokieHigh was supposed to be our primary replacement player. He posted just 4 times. There are four posters who have near that lack of involvement: Tk3 (gets a pass due to late join), RMIB (I'd hang onto for now due to his OW knowledge), MookieMonster, and TLO.
    • Both voted, so they're alive but they contributed nothing to the investigation. The fact that they both voted for me is not the reason I'm pointing them out. A 4:1 and 2:1 message:vote ratio is highly suspicious.
    • Cwood is also in this category (13:3 or 4.33:1).
    • By comparison, your ratio is 210:14 or 15:1. To be fair to them, however, a good number of your posts were vote tallies, but even if I carve off 10%, your ratio is still reasonable (13.5:1).
  • As I mentioned earlier, mission was active on Monday and Tuesday (38 posts through the first 23 pages, third behind only you and I in terms of early activity). He then went radio silence for 50 pages. Had he not voted on page 13, he would be at risk of being knocked out.
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2 minutes ago, Woz said:

Some thoughts:

  • Danger as the moderator posted 31 times across the 73 pages that were part of N1. People below that threshold are either not involved or trying to hide.
  • HokieHigh was supposed to be our primary replacement player. He posted just 4 times. There are four posters who have near that lack of involvement: Tk3 (gets a pass due to late join), RMIB (I'd hang onto for now due to his OW knowledge), MookieMonster, and TLO.
    • Both voted, so they're alive but they contributed nothing to the investigation. The fact that they both voted for me is not the reason I'm pointing them out. A 4:1 and 2:1 message:vote ratio is highly suspicious.
    • Cwood is also in this category (13:3 or 4.33:1).
    • By comparison, your ratio is 210:14 or 15:1. To be fair to them, however, a good number of your posts were vote tallies, but even if I carve off 10%, your ratio is still reasonable (13.5:1).
  • As I mentioned earlier, mission was active on Monday and Tuesday (38 posts through the first 23 pages, third behind only you and I in terms of early activity). He then went radio silence for 50 pages. Had he not voted on page 13, he would be at risk of being knocked out.

Danger has been unusually active for a host tbh.  I would say 31 posts is a lot and not necessarily a fair threshold. 

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Just now, mission27 said:

Danger has been unusually active for a host tbh.  I would say 31 posts is a lot and not necessarily a fair threshold. 

While perhaps true, the thread has been apparently been way more active than most mafia threads. So, it kind of cancels out.

But a simpler question: where'd you go for 50 pages? Why the activity bonus head fake?

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Just now, Woz said:

While perhaps true, the thread has been apparently been way more active than most mafia threads. So, it kind of cancels out.

But a simpler question: where'd you go for 50 pages? Why the activity bonus head fake?

I was on a bender at work tbh

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@Ragnarok, revealing your invest is not a bad idea. S76 already used his power, so he is probably a powerless civ at this point. You're our only cleared civ, so only you can be trusted fully. 2 cleared civs is better than one, but also it forces the mafia to waste a hit, and possibly 2 if they can, on a now powerless player. Alternatively (and the better option IMO, key is the "probably" which I'll explain later), is to hold on to your invest and force the mafia into an even tougher decision: potentially waste a hit by sending it to the one cleared player w/ valuable info and have it blocked?


Ok, now the reason I am not sold that S76 is powerless is that there is a clear trend among the revealed abilities, they are all directly related to one of the hero's in game abilities. This is a bit confusing, but each hero has a primary weapon fire, some have secondary fire as well. They each have an ultimate ability. Some have a passive ability. They each have at least 2 abilities. For clarity's sake, I will refer to these as non-passive abilities.


So far, every power revealed EXCEPT for S76's power relates and/or is based on their non-passive ability. Roadhog's hook (drags enemy to him), Junkrat's concussion mine (lay it down and explode it with press of button), Hanzo's sonic arrow (reveals enemy location in limited range where fired to entire team), Ana's sleep dart (puts enemy to sleep until they are either hit or several seconds pass) <--- not confirmed, just what bucs said, Lucio's amp it up (temporarily powers up his passive speed/heal boost), and my ability as well. What does pardoning have to do with any of Soldier's non-passive abilities? (one is to fire helix rockets, one is to set down a healing field for his team, and the other is to sprint... yes that's an ability in OW!). I personally think Soldier still has an ability left, and if I'm right, outing him would only help Mafia.


So I propose this:

Soldier, if you don't have any powers left, come forward. Ragnorak can then confirm you are Soldier. 

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