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The Rakyat Rebellion - Far Cry 3 Mafia - Night Four is Thursday at 10:30pm EST


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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Discuss what? A hypothetical that you feel no one can say (Wont ever fly), well I think you lied about your role during the game after the game and show others the posts that they feel you lied in. 

@SwAg am I interpreting this argument correctly?

Yeah, I don’t think Blue could be any more clear about this random boundary he has set.

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There will be no replacements. 

Players are encouraged to keep playing through disagreements. If they find it is impossible to continue they may post their role PMs or die due to inactivity. 

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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Discuss what? A hypothetical that you feel no one can say (Wont ever fly), well I think you lied about your role during the game after the game and show others the posts that they feel you lied in. 


@SwAg am I interpreting this argument correctly?


It's not a hypothetical. If I tell you after the game I didn't lie, you take that as true and you apologize. Refusing to do so means you're calling me a liar outside of the game, and that's an attack on me.

I don't know how many other ways I can explain this, but the fact that you still don't get it is why I'm quitting the game and talking to a mod about it. This is not okay behavior from you or your brother.

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I don’t even get it.  The content of this conversation falls squarely within the auspices of Mafia.  Blue is going to quit because the concept of being called a liar when he is not a liar because he “lacked the intent to deceive” even if what he said was untruthful.

Meanwhile, Blue hurled insults the whole game, called Rick and Orca dumb at least twenty times, but that’s okay because it fits the arbitrary temporal context Blue has categorized as “not an attack,” which is “during the game.”

Jesus.  That’s worse than some of the asinine nonsense you all allowed me to berated with endlessly for over a year.

If Rick and Orca get in trouble for this, I will die on this hill defending them.

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Just now, Dome said:

There will be no replacements. 

Players are encouraged to keep playing through disagreements. If they find it is impossible to continue they may post their role PMs or die due to inactivity. 

Sorry the Twins can't be adults and admit when they misunderstood something then, Dome.

On 5/24/2020 at 1:40 AM, Dome said:
  1. Rakyat Charger

    1. 1-shot Shotgunner (Semi-Ascetic Limited PGO)

      1. The first person to visit you alone will be shot as they leave.

      2. That player’s move will succeed before they are killed, moves like a roleblock or hit for example could influence your ability.

      3. If multiple people visit you on the same night, all of their moves will fail and nobody will be shot.

    2. Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Rakyat.


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I've muted Blue now lol, but this comment has stood out now given his posted claim

14 hours ago, Blue said:


I didn't kill either of them. I got a shotgun and received confirmation from the host that multiple people visited me again.

Did someone give him a shotgun or was this an implication (state of mind) of mistruth (a lie) to draw a scum move on him


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Also, I won last night when one of tk3 or Hobo died.  I’m assuming Hobo.  But, the point is: I don’t care anymore.  I still have a day kill that I can give to someone.  I was going to give it to someone who would kill Blue, but he has deprived us of that opportunity and satisfaction.  So, I will spend the remainder of the game grinding my axe for those who are mean to me or otherwise upset me.

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