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The Rakyat Rebellion - Far Cry 3 Mafia - Night Four is Thursday at 10:30pm EST


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Poor, poor @SwAg was walking aimlessly in the runway, completely beside himself.

"WOE IS ME! MY CITRA IS DEAD!" swag drunkenly put a revolver to his head and pulled the trigger *click* "I'M ALL ALONE! I DON'T CARE ANY MORE!"

"Ugh. Poor guy," a man aimed at SwAg and pulled the trigger, and held it. He emptied an entire clip into poor Dennis.

Swag is dead. He was Independent.



Dennis Rogers 

  1. 1-shot Weapon Supplier (Vigilante Maker)

    1. This move will give your target a 1-shot Hit to make at night.

    2. You can't give it to yourself.

  2. 2-shot Armorer (Bulletproof Maker)

    1. This move will give your target a 1-shot BP Vest. This will make them immune to one night kill.

    2. You must give it to a different player each time, you can't give it to yourself.

  3. Loyal Follower (Modified Lover)

    1. If Citra dies before D3 you will become a Survivor.

  4. Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Rakyat.




Dr. Earnhardt drug @Pickle Rick's lifeless corpse back into a shed. He ran back out onto the tarmac with a shovel and scooped up some of pickle's brains. He used a funnel to put pickle's brains back in his head, then put some mushrooms in his mouth. The doctor then used his hands to work pickle's jaw and throat muscles, it was sensual. 

Eventually, after eating enough mushrooms, pickle woke up! @Pickle Rick you may talk. You are alive but you may not vote or make any moves, you do not count towards any ratio.


A man approached the doctor as he finished reviving pickle.

"You shouldn't have done that," the man put two rounds into the doctor's back. 

@Counselor is dead. He was Rakyat/Jason aligned.



Dr Earnhardt

  1. 2-shot Cave Diver (Commuter/Self Watch)

    1. This move will make you immune to all incoming night moves.

    2. You will learn the names of any players that tried to use a move on you.

  2. 1-shot Medicine Man (Tree Stump Maker)

    1. This medicine will allow one dead player to return to the game. They don’t count as part of the ratio, don’t have any abilities and can't vote, but they may post.

  3. Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the Rakyat.



It is now Day Five. Night PM's going out over the next 10 minutes.




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