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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Mafia Game Thread: Game Over - Slytherin Wins


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36 minutes ago, Forge said:

@bcb1213 if dome is a gf, who do you prefer to vote between tk and et 

the answer to this is obvious. Just think about his actions and motivations

ET did a census and according to his census, either you or I are scum

Yet where is he voting? He made a weak effort at you, then he moved his vote to Dome, which is where some momentum was at the time

If he were legit, his vote would be on me

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If you can't separate who is good and who is bad at this point, then I can't help you

The real thing to consider is how do get through the end game considering the incoming hits. This is about permutations of numbers right now.

We can't take out Hobo, because that allows Slytherin to hit us and get a 2-2 ratio and its game over

The risk to taking out ET or Dome is that they hit 2 of us and we end up in a 1-1-1 ratio. Which is also game over

Our BEST bet is to get 2 lynches. If its 2 Slytherin, then after the hit we have a 2-0-1 ratio and win. If its 1 Slytherin and the Indy, then we have a 2-1-0 ratio and win

If we don't think we can accomplish that, a GF unlynchable lynch MIGHT not be the worst case scenario. In that case the baddies have to weigh their options and may choose to go after each other, leaving us in a possible 2-1-1 or 2-2-1, which is actually more favorable than 1-1-1

What do you think? 

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:


I think the vote has to be dome. If we pick wrong between tk and et it's over and done before night moves because I think it will be 2-2-1. 

I tried my best... even caught scum for ya.


do what you need to, doesn’t affect me, my wincon is met 

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Or maybe it’s ET/Forgelor as the last two... 


it’s certainly not me. I’m just the little bomber man who’s been sitting on counselor results for a day or two. there’s nothing remotely suspicious about that.

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2 hours ago, Dome said:
14 hours ago, Dome said:

Picking Petunias: Part One

"Dudley's asleep," Vernon whispered. His low soft voice trickled down Petunia's neck. She shivered.
"Oh?" she replied, as if she didn't know.
"Oh," Vern assured her, "How about I show you a little wizardry of my own?"
"VERNON!" she scolded, surprised but delighted at his devilish behavior.
Uncle Vernon ran his plump fingers from her neck to her buttocks. Aunt Petunia melted in bliss. Her chest throbbed as they embraced for a long kiss. She groaned with enthusiasm as Vernon waddled up the stairs, dragging her along.
Harry tossed and turned in his bedroom under the stairs. *Oh god. They're at it again,* he thought. He tried to sleep but couldn't.

Part Two:

When they reached the top of the stairs, Vernon wrapped his arms around Petunia and lifted.
She was too heavy for Vernon to throw her into the bed like they both hoped he would, he could only lift her enough to get her on her tip toes, it didn’t matter, her heart was fluttering.
*whomp* Vernon used his leverage to sling/push Petunia into bed.
”These sorcerer’s stones have been hidden away too long.” Vernon spoke softly as he loosened his belt, his rough moustache tickled and scratched Petunia as he kissed her trembling body.
”And my crooked wand has been dying to cast a spell.” Vernon added, he knew he was driving her wild.

Part Three

Harry heard the squeaky mattress from his hideaway under the stairs *disgusting* he thought.
*squeak, squeak, squeak* *squeak, squeak, squeak* *squeak, squeak, squeak*
Vernon had found the rhythm.
This carried on for a full 2 minutes before it suddenly stopped.
When it stopped, Harry let out a sigh of relief. “Finally.”
”Aahhhhhhhhhhh!” Petunia shrieked from upstairs. “Vernon! Vernon! Wake up!”
Harry scrambled to his feet and bounded up the stairs, two or three steps at a time. He was horrified at what he saw when he opened his aunt and uncles door.
Harry stared down the nude buttocks of his uncle. The old mans grey skin left no doubt in Harry’s mind, Uncle Vernon was dead.
”Well auntie,” Harry said with a devilish grin. “At least he died doing what he loved.”
Petunia was still in shock, but a wave of relief and clarity washed over her. 
“you’re right Harry,” said Petunia. “Your uncle was one who would always make time to stop and smell the flowers”
Harry shuttered.

And then they lived happily ever after. 

The End

Edited by Dome
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