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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Mafia Game Thread: Game Over - Slytherin Wins


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2 minutes ago, Dome said:

I think @Counselor is scum... last game he had so many reads he couldn't settle in on just one, this game he's hesitant to put them out there. He is quick to make bogus claims as town like he says he is, but the way he defended it was odd.

Last game specifically he was quick to call anyone who doubted him scum. But this game when squire called him on it he was quick to fall back on "but i always do that, ask anyone" and didn't question squire's motivations at all, explicitly saying he didn't thing squire was scum.

it felt like counselors fake claim was because he knew he needed a fake claim to appear town like last game, not because he's actually playing the same as last game

His "Am I allowed to post my win con because that may go against the rules/be the PM game" seemed contrived. Hard claiming SS after soft claiming him earlier was odd. I'm trying to weigh spastic counselor vs. scum counselor. Scum counselor seems more calculated early though...and I'd be surprised if SwAg gave Snape as a fake claim, albeit it's not out of the realm of possibility.

@JoshstraDaymus you're hard claiming red hair?

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Just now, MWil23 said:

His "Am I allowed to post my win con because that may go against the rules/be the PM game" seemed contrived. Hard claiming SS after soft claiming him earlier was odd. I'm trying to weigh spastic counselor vs. scum counselor. Scum counselor seems more calculated early though...and I'd be surprised if SwAg gave Snape as a fake claim, albeit it's not out of the realm of possibility.

@JoshstraDaymus you're hard claiming red hair?

Actually according to the wiki, the hair color isn't the same isn't what it's portrayed in the movies, and there it's kinda ambiguous.

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1 minute ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Actually according to the wiki, the hair color isn't the same isn't what it's portrayed in the movies, and there it's kinda ambiguous.

Are you basing the hair color off of the movies then?

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Just now, bigbadbuff said:

Snape in a town role in this book is interesting to say the least.

Snape, while largely ambiguous, is the one protecting Harry, hence the limp. If anything, I'd say Snape would be either Town or 3rd party. JMHO

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6 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

His "Am I allowed to post my win con because that may go against the rules/be the PM game" seemed contrived. Hard claiming SS after soft claiming him earlier was odd. I'm trying to weigh spastic counselor vs. scum counselor. Scum counselor seems more calculated early though...and I'd be surprised if SwAg gave Snape as a fake claim, albeit it's not out of the realm of possibility.

@JoshstraDaymus you're hard claiming red hair?

As far as how snape fits into the story as it unfolds, he’d be a perfect cover role 

as far as his importance, I think he’d probably be in the game

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

As far as how snape fits into the story as it unfolds, he’d be a perfect cover role 

as far as his importance, I think he’d probably be in the game

I agree. Especially based upon Book/Movie 1, he's definitely ambiguous. 

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1 minute ago, bigbadbuff said:

This was my original thinking, we thought snape was a bad guy up until the end when it was actually Quarrel 

But would swag make him a bag guy just because he looked like one?

i would lean towards town-helpful Indy (actions will determine this more than powers) Or maybe a town miller even.... I could even see full on town power role... but not scum 

@Counselor any thoughts?

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1 minute ago, bigbadbuff said:

This was my original thinking, we thought snape was a bad guy up until the end when it was actually Quarrel 

Snape was always one of my favorites, even before knowing the outcome. He always gave off the ambiguous vibe with a sordid past/damaged persona while having a redemptive arc/keeping to himself. A.R. absolutely nailed that character, as he did about every other role he played. 

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