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Forum Game: Tecmo Super Bowl Season - Pickle (bucs) wins the Super Bowl!!

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A found a document that explains exactly how conditions and injuries work


Condition changes only occur at the beginning of the 2nd,3rd and 4th quarter


BAD:  75% stay in bad, 25% move to average 0% move to good, 0% move to excellent


AVERAGE:  12.5% move to bad, 75% stay in average, 12.5% move to good, 0% move to excellent


GOOD: 0% move to bad, 12.5% move to average, 75% stay in good, 12.5% move to excellent


EXCELLENT: 0% move to bad, 0% move to average, 25% move to good, 75% stay in excellent



Injuries have nothing to do with condition.


How INJURIES work.
Any time the ball carrier is tackled on a normal play he has a 2/256 or ~1% chance of injury.

Punt and kick returns are special. ball carrier has a 7/256 or ~3% chance of injury on those plays
Once a player is injured it works as follows:

1.They get set to DOUBTFUL: and have a 25% chance of returning. If they don't return they get set to QUESTIONABLE.

2. Next week from QUESTIONABLE status they would have a 50% chance of returning. If they don't return from QUESTIONABLE status they get set to RETURN status.

3. The following week they will return no matter what

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