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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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10 minutes ago, Blue said:

what in the world

You aren't a big reader of fairy tales, are you

I mean absolutely no disrespect to host, but I am not sure he is a big reader of fairy tales. Otherwise theres no way Malf and I should be masons. 

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On 8/24/2020 at 9:10 PM, Blue said:

Josh for the memes

This caught my attention pretty early.  Blue was the second vote for Josh early on.  As many have pointed out in cases against KSJ, the first lynch push was obviously not going to happen.  I had to be explained this whole joke, and the reason I asked was because I do actually think it likely that one of the early votes on Josh (minus the original) were scum, if they're scum players like Blue who know not to be totally inactive.  This is a classic Blue scum move: do a lynch vote early on to appear active and trying, not be the first to initiate it so as not to draw attention to yourself.

11 hours ago, Daniel said:

How recent was that game?

This was me asking for info on the whole Josh meta joke thing, because I figured there was something in there to mine for scum, I just needed context, and finding the game would give me said context.

11 hours ago, Daniel said:

Last question about it: has it become a regular joke in mafia games since then, or is it just a call back to that game?

The reason I asked this one was because I was already looking, specifically, at Blue.  He didn't play in that game.  The answers I got seem to have been that it isn't totally everywhere.  More points in Blue's direction, but nothing too solid yet.

2 hours ago, Blue said:

The fact that Matts went from 0 to 5 votes in the span of an hour after no real discussion on him all Day is a red flag if I ever saw one.

There are a lot of these.  Blue spent the first part of Day 1 mostly lurking.  Ironically enough, him liking so many of my posts during that phase clued me in that he was around, just not posting.  Which is kind of weird, if Blue is by himself.  When he did post, he didn't push people, he didn't really investigate cases, he just made comments on what everyone else was doing that were extremely general, which is another scum move on his part.  You can't single out too many people, or you draw their attention.

2 hours ago, Blue said:

FWIW, lynching Malf gives us the most info from this debacle.

Then again, Matts could have lied about which of them is the doctor vs. the monster.

Nothing wrong with this, at first.  It's a logical argument, except he doesn't actually change his vote to push it.  Just voices the opinion.

2 hours ago, Blue said:

Don't get mad at me. I'm not voting either of you. If you're Town, get mad at all the scum who gleefully jumped on your train with an hour left in the Day.

Here is just a few posts later, in response to Malf or Matts (I didn't write down which one).  For someone who advocated lynching one of them, he seems to be backing off like crazy.

2 hours ago, Blue said:

Also, brilliant defense. Malf, who posts "in-character" nearly every game despite not actually having that character, is posting in-character yet again. Definitely clears him in a game where scum are probably monsters!

This is a few minutes after.  After telling one of them he's not lynching them (and he wasn't), he again posits that they're scum without actually taking a position by voting.

2 hours ago, Blue said:

Look. We can vote for anybody right now, but I think trying to get a train on anyone other than Matts, Malf, Pickle, or Squire is just going to lead to a mislynch. There's too little to go on and it'll be easy for scum to pile on in such a short timeframe.

If we lynch either of Matts or Pickle, the only way we can clear the other is if the one we lynch flips Mafia. If they flip Town, that tells us nothing about the other's alignment; could have been scum voting up two trains they knew were both Town, could be scum voting up the other train to save their buddy. Either way, doesn't help us right now.

If you're Town, you should understand why Malf supposedly having a monster role is sketchy. Could be nothing, it could easily be a red herring. They could be scum trying lolclear each other, but I don't think that's plausible. If we lynch Malf, we can see his flip and if he's Town then we know Matts is clear as well. That doesn't help us with Pickle's alignment, but at least it gets us a surefire clear--and if Malf flips scum, that's a win on its own.

Squire got votes off of him VERY quickly at the end, which either suggests people were looking for reactions or scum just needed an excuse to pile off their teammate on to someone else. Not sure what to make of that given Squire's seeming lack of concern over getting voted.

Arguably, a No Lynch may be our best move here if you believe Matts and Pickle, for the reasons stated in my first three sentences. Potentially, we've already given scum three players' roles, and moving to lynch someone else may end up doing more harm than good. But that doesn't move us any closer to verifying those players' actual alignments. We got 45 minutes, people need to make their thoughts heard.

And here he advocates yet another position.  No lynching.  This is really, really, suspiciously indecisive for someone who isn't an incompetent player.  Especially in such a short time.

2 hours ago, Blue said:

Small game, might need the numbers if their team only has 3 members. I don't think that's a terribly convincing case, though.

If we have to pick between them, I think Pickle has the weaker claim. Can't protect same person twice (in a row? I have to double-check his claim) is a convenient excuse to not target the Cop down the road if he lives that long.

On the other hand, masons + a protection ability feels overpowered in such a small game.

Now he's shifting his advocacy to Pickle, who was picking up steam at the time.

1 hour ago, Blue said:

I don't get Matts wanting to No Lynch while CCing Pickle's protector claim. Why even put the information out there that one of he or Malf is a protector if you haven't already decided Pickle is scum?

Just a reminder that Blue advocated a no lynch just before this.  Again, this whole time, his vote is still on Josh.

1 hour ago, Blue said:

That is exactly what I am concerned about.

BTW, why are you just now conveniently showing up for OT?

This is in response to bcb.  Near the end of the day, after already stating (correctly) that making cases against anyone that isn't Matts, Malf, Pickle, or squire is a waste of time and likely to lead to a mislynch, he soft attacks bcb.

1 hour ago, Blue said:

@Matts4313 I'm trusting you and Malf here. If Pickle Rick flips scum, we can clear both of you and the game gets a little easier. If he doesn't...well, I'm not going to be a happy camper. At least one of you had better be Town.

Here, he finally actually changes his vote.  Pickle was picking up steam at this point, and Blue's vote IIRC put him past Matts/Malf in the voting.  Blue was ok piling onto a lynch, in fact, he didn't care which one it was, he just waited to see which way the wind would blow while advocating softly for every position, without going all in on any one position until it became pretty clear that Pickle was going to be lynched.  He even expressed his desire not to be the deciding vote.  It's been a while since I played with Blue, but I don't remember him ever actually being this indecisive when there was as much info as we had at this point.

23 minutes ago, Blue said:

Which one? Dome was quite clearly killed by Orca.

When I asked him about the flavor, it was a test.  Vampire alignment is clearly not aligned with whatever the other is, since the other killer killed Orca.  I knew what the flavor looked like, there's no reason to actually ask about flavor, unless you're looking for a reaction.  The werewolf thing seems pretty obvious to me when we already have a list of classic monsters and we have something fast moving tearing people to shreds.  I just wanted to see if Blue would deflect away again.  And he did.
Anyone who saw my question would know which one I was talking about since it's explicit in the writeup that Dracula killed one.  This is Blue continuing to try looking active while not actually contributing.  It's the best way to keep a low profile: don't be inactive, but don't post too much or too substantively.  Here, he wouldn't even just say "yeah, that sounds like a werewolf, what's your point?" as any townie would.  He dodges naming them because it's his faction.

Blue is our werewolf yall.

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4 minutes ago, Blue said:

I'll be back around noon to parse through the trains from Day 1 and see what I can find

smart man! smarter than swag!

if a herbalist was true...

and me, an abomination, is fighting alongside  village (although i am more agile than they and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded theirs).....


.........we need to look at purity of heart and actions


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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

smart man! smarter than swag!

if a herbalist was true...

and me, an abomination, is fighting alongside  village (although i am more agile than they and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded theirs).....


.........we need to look at purity of heart and actions


I don’t even know what you’re saying.  Are you maintaining that Rick was not Town?

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4 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

His role PM literally says that village now thinks he has a soul and is not a monster. There are various iterations of monster becoming a good guy. Go watch I, Frankenstein. 

In most, he kills the Doctor/Doctors wife. But the host literally wrote out thats not how he made the role. Twice. So unless the host is lying, Malf is town. 

Continuing to insist that he's Town means nothing unless we believe that you are also Town. Right now, based on information in the thread, I'm inclined to believe you. But the possibility of a two-man scum faction, especially a cult, covering for each other can't be ruled out--it's literally what Orca and Bcb did last game, right down to one of them being a protector.

2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Malfatron, deficient though he is, may have learned to use a keyboard at some point in his life.

This is another explanation.

2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

But I’m village aligned. I know that for an absolute fact 

Yeah but WE don't.

Okay, really going to bed now and muting the forum so I don't keep hearing new post notifications while I sleep.

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

Continuing to insist that he's Town means nothing unless we believe that you are also Town. Right now, based on information in the thread, I'm inclined to believe you. But the possibility of a two-man scum faction, especially a cult, covering for each other can't be ruled out--it's literally what Orca and Bcb did last game, right down to one of them being a protector.

This is another explanation.

Yeah but WE don't.

Okay, really going to bed now and muting the forum so I don't keep hearing new post notifications while I sleep.

You are scum aren’t you

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Have you ever read Frankenstein?

I read the abbreviated version in HS. And I know the general premise because there are about 50 Frankenstein movies out there. And in (virtually) all he kills the Doctors bride and it due to that the Doctor freezes to death. The OG is from running away from the monster. But in some versions its chasing him down. 

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5 minutes ago, Blue said:

Continuing to insist that he's Town means nothing unless we believe that you are also Town. Right now, based on information in the thread, I'm inclined to believe you. But the possibility of a two-man scum faction, especially a cult, covering for each other can't be ruled out--it's literally what Orca and Bcb did last game, right down to one of them being a protector.

Thats a fair point. The only reason I am defending him so hard is people jumped on him immediately for his name. Which technically in the OG book, I believe he is originally called "Frankenstein's Creature" and is likened to Adam from the bible. 

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20 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I read the abbreviated version in HS. And I know the general premise because there are about 50 Frankenstein movies out there. And in (virtually) all he kills the Doctors bride and it due to that the Doctor freezes to death. The OG is from running away from the monster. But in some versions its chasing him down. 

And the beginning of the story?

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