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Black Sails Mafia (S1): Day 5


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Night 3:

MWil retired early for the evening.  The tidings of the beach had prompt a great sense of unease to occupy his mind.  The whole situation escalated beyond what he thought possible, and is pushing him further down a path less traveled.  MWil approached the entrance as he saw a light flicker and someone approaching.  MWil recognized the individual at once and responded instinctively by rushing to attack, but the individual was prepared for this fight and shot MWil.

The attacker surveyed MWil dying, savoring the moment until MWil stopped moving.  With that, the man made his exit.

All hope appeared lost for MWil, when another individual rushed forward and treated his wound and stopped the blood loss.

Let's go, friend.

The man helped MWil back inside to rest.

MWil is weakened, but alive. @MWil23


Forge was walking along the beach back to his tent after a night out.  He was exhausted and ready to collapse.  He pulled back the entrance to his tent, but instead of entering was knocked backward by the force of a gun shot to his chest.  The attack fled past as the nearing tents roused to see the source of the commotion.  Forge was unable to do enough to control the wound despite his expertise.

Forge is dying. @Forge


Matts has succumbed to his wounds.  He was Eleanor Guthrie, De Facto Governor, Nassau-Aligned. @Matts4313

Blue has succumbed to his wounds.  He was Richard Guthrie, Governor, Independent-Aligned@Blue


Tag me with a VC when you kill someone.  Deadline is tomorrow night at 10, but I know you're all trigger happy.

Edited by SwAg
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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Matts has succumbed to his wounds.  He was Eleanor Guthrie, De Facto Governor, Nassau-Aligned. @Matts4313

Blue has succumbed to his wounds.  He was Richard Guthrie, Governor, Independent-Aligned@Blue

lmao, called it you tricky bastardo. 


Good Game Swag!

Edited by Matts4313
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A victim of collision on the open sea
Nobody ever said that life was free
Sank, swam, go down with the ship
But use your freedom of choice
I'll say it again in the land of the free
Use your freedom of choice
Your freedom of choice
In ancient Rome
There was a poem
About a dog
Who found two bones
He picked at one
He licked the other
He went in circles
He dropped dead
Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom of choice!
Then if you got it you don't want it
Seems to be the rule of thumb
Don't be tricked by what you see
You got two ways to go
I'll say it again in the land of the free
Use your freedom of choice
Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom of choice
In ancient Rome
There was a poem
About a dog
Who found two bones
He picked at one
He licked the other
He went in circles
He dropped dead
Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom from choice
Is what you want
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