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5 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Still hate I Am Legend.  And this time, only the second time, I noped TF out before anything could have suggested the dog might die.  Fast forwarded TF out of any scene that might possibly have hinted at a dog possibly dying.

A little confused about what happened with it.  Dog was there, 5 minutes seem missing.  Dog must have run out of NYC somehow.  Crazy.  Awesome dog.

Still hates it.

Have you seen The Thing?

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3 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Still hate I Am Legend.  And this time, only the second time, I noped TF out before anything could have suggested the dog might die.  Fast forwarded TF out of any scene that might possibly have hinted at a dog possibly dying.

A little confused about what happened with it.  Dog was there, 5 minutes seem missing.  Dog must have run out of NYC somehow.  Crazy.  Awesome dog.

Still hates it.

Oh man. Watch it again. He kills the dog to put it out of its misery 

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Deep Blue.

Wanted to watch a movie about warm weather and imagine swimming in the Caribbean, since i can't exactly go right now.  Instead, some girls legs get bitten off by a shark.  Not what i signed up for.

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The dogs in The Thing are wholly different from the dog in I Am Legend, @Malfatron.  First of all, the dogs in The Thing you're made to distrust from the beginning.  You know it's The Thing.  They're not given any kind of personality. 

Also, they don't die because of someone's stupid idiot mistake. 

The whole mannequin thing in I Am Legend was stupid.  The only thing dumber was him questioning his sanity and getting his dog escaped. 


1. The CGI was terrible even by 2007 standards.  The deer and lions... They made the lions look like they were puppy-sized.  They looked stupid AF.  Then the creatures/infected.  You're talking about humans, not aliens.  Why even make them CGI in the first place?  It's effing dumb as eff. 

2. The ending.  Why even call it I Am Legend?  It's literally got zero similarities with it.  It's stupid AF from start to finish. 

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Just now, Tyty said:

Bet you hated the ending of The Mist too

The ending to I Am Legend is stupid AF not because he dies, but because it completely and wholly eliminates the entire point and meaning of the book upon which it is based.

In I Am Legend, there's a twist that there's a new strain of the disease and that there are intelligent vampires or whatever they're called.  He's been hunting and killing their kind for however long, and then finally they infiltrate his home, capture him and right before he is killed he realizes that HE is the boogieman essentially.  HE is now legend.  As vampires and monsters were legend to humans, HE (a human) has now become legend to this new evolution that will become the dominant species. 

It's one of the better horror endings ever and the movie completely destroyed it for no damn reason whatsoever. 

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The Social Network

I've been itching to get a rewatch in, and Netflix just added it back.  It's a movie that holds up great both over time and in terms of rewatchability.  FIncher still has a few movies I need to see of his, but i'd argue that this is his best work.

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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

The ending to I Am Legend is stupid AF not because he dies, but because it completely and wholly eliminates the entire point and meaning of the book upon which it is based.

In I Am Legend, there's a twist that there's a new strain of the disease and that there are intelligent vampires or whatever they're called.  He's been hunting and killing their kind for however long, and then finally they infiltrate his home, capture him and right before he is killed he realizes that HE is the boogieman essentially.  HE is now legend.  As vampires and monsters were legend to humans, HE (a human) has now become legend to this new evolution that will become the dominant species. 

It's one of the better horror endings ever and the movie completely destroyed it for no damn reason whatsoever. 

Yeah i watched the movie first, then read the book.  After finishing the book, couldn't figure out why they changed the ending for the movie.  It could have been so much better.

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Serenity. Never watched an episode of Firefly a day in my life, but this movie is damn good. About as good as I remember when I rented it from Blockbuster back when those were still a thing. It's a shame it flew under the radar, this movie deserved much more success at the BO than it had. The visual effects look a bit dated for its time, but it still holds up damn good. Really likable characters with good action, story and pacing.

Edited by KManX89
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