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CLAPCON Mafia - Currently: Day 7 - Night 7 is Sunday at 10pm EST


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Just now, The Orca said:


It's right to assume that scum are on that list that Naz had on moves/who made them, but there are also likely scum not on the list who had/have some sort of passive role that wouldn't show up. For example, would a rolecop count as a move?

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15 hours ago, Nazgul said:

Nacho, BCB, Matts, Forge, BBB, Daboyle, Counselor, Blue, and Orca attempted to make moves last night.

I was the Kraken. I had a single use mass roleblock.

So, going with my Matts rationale about not submitting a vote/pretending not to read up and then flipping scum, I'm also intrigued on:

Blue: Potential WIFOM/trying to distance from Matts on "hitting Blue", to go with large inactivity at the beginning. 

Forge: Inactivity, complete null tell aside from the hit on BCB. That hit on BCB is the most Forge hit ever. Let's hit someone quiet who can completely wreck us later in the game who likely won't draw an invest.

BBB: Just all around odd thread presence, seemingly feigned "catch me up" routine (see: His response to Matts last night)

I have no real idea on Nacho, Daboyle (who was quick to vote Matts, but quick to point out that he started the vote on Matts, and easily could have refused to jump off because it looked suspicious) and Orca, who voting for Naz seemingly out of spite because Matts was already the vote, is a real head scratcher.

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Blue asked "Why BCB"

I was hoping Forge would clarify "Why BCB" and give some rationale.

IMO, he's a perfect target for scum early in a game. He's quiet, under the radar, you know he has a move, so odds are he was powerful, and you likely avoid a watch.

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17 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Forge: Inactivity, complete null tell aside from the hit on BCB. That hit on BCB is the most Forge hit ever. Let's hit someone quiet who can completely wreck us later in the game who likely won't draw an invest.


Eh...there's nothing "wrong" with a BCB hit per se, but he's definitely a night 1 style hit or a much later hit. The problem with BCB is that he loses his value as a hit once people start clearing themselves in threadplay. I'd rather target people I know have no shot at being voted to keep the lynch options as wide as possible. Cleared individuals are very high on my hit list. BCB plays in thread so little that until he offers up something night related, he's always a potential vote. So BCB on N2, when I think that there are cleared people in thread in this game is a less than ideal target to me. 

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8 minutes ago, Forge said:

Eh...there's nothing "wrong" with a BCB hit per se, but he's definitely a night 1 style hit or a much later hit. The problem with BCB is that he loses his value as a hit once people start clearing themselves in threadplay. I'd rather target people I know have no shot at being voted to keep the lynch options as wide as possible. Cleared individuals are very high on my hit list. BCB plays in thread so little that until he offers up something night related, he's always a potential vote. So BCB on N2, when I think that there are cleared people in thread in this game is a less than ideal target to me. 

So, you would/would have prioritized someone cleared, like Squire or Nazgul, thereby utilizing the voteline and misvote to double up?

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Forge's Hit list rankings (just from what I've actually paid attention to): 

Squire - innocent child...he's going to get no love on votes and he actively participates in thread and game solves. 

Mwil - tying vote on Matts before the deluge started I think, but his vote can be seen as the snowball that led the avalanche.  Active in thread, game solves. 

Pickle - this is just read based, so it could certainly be wrong

Naz - He would be higher, but a single use ability and limited thread play really knocks him down the list. 

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

Forge's Hit list rankings (just from what I've actually paid attention to): 

Squire - innocent child...he's going to get no love on votes and he actively participates in thread and game solves. 

Plus, scum you catapults him to the top based upon threadplay, meme factor, and the fact that he's cleared with the role means that he's unlikely to draw an invest. Win/Win/Win

1 minute ago, Forge said:

Mwil - tying vote on Matts before the deluge started I think, but his vote can be seen as the snowball that led the avalanche.  Active in thread, game solves. 


Fair point. I justified the vote based upon his lack of a vote( @SwAg I'm being consistent LOL) but more than that his feigned activity and "forgetting" we had a game, when Naz's move proved otherwise. Now, you'd have to ask yourself if scum me would bus a teammate (I miss Rack too!) and if scum me would self vote to essentially force myself into OT and leave my fate at the hands of the twins and Squire, who were voting me/said they would be willing to.

1 minute ago, Forge said:

Pickle - this is just read based, so it could certainly be wrong

Interesting. I have no read on Pickle. Any reason as to why?

1 minute ago, Forge said:

Naz - He would be higher, but a single use ability and limited thread play really knocks him down the list. 

I could buy this. This also depends as to who would be with you in the group. If it's a conservative group, killing him would be a very low risk play where you are 100% getting away clean as he's already used his ability, he's cleared Town, and he's not getting an invest because of those things. It's valuable solely from a numbers perspective.

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