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STAR WARS Mafia (Galactic Empire, Lando Calrissian wins!)

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7 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Kendal Ozzel
Admiral, Human


"You failed me for the last time, Admiral!" - Darth Vader

You are aligned with the Galactic Empire: Eliminate all threats to the Galactic Empire.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Assassin (droid): Once per night, you can target a player. If targeted player visits someone during the night with a role ability, one of the player(s) they visited will die, at random. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
  • Deploy Droid: Once per night, you may permanently sacrifice a Droid ability to have them join the game as a player, simply under the name "Droid X" (X being the order in which they joined the game). Droids are considered Neutral-aligned, of the Droid race, with their Title becoming what their Ability name was. You may change the vote of any of your droids at any time during the day via PM, except during the final hour of the day, when all droids are votelocked. If you die, all of your droids are instantly killed, too. Droids can be targeted by night actions and lynched like any other player, but are immune to Force abilities.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • None!


Possible that Forge used his assassin droid to target Counselor and that might have caused Dome to die N1

7 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:


Imperial Officer
Officer, Human


"Where are you taking this... thing?" - Imperial Officer

You are aligned with the Galactic Empire: Eliminate all threats to the Galactic Empire.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Spy (droid): Once per night, you may target a player and receive a report on their Alignment. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
  • Deploy Droid: Once per night, you may permanently sacrifice a Droid ability to have them join the game as a player, simply under the name "Droid X" (X being the order in which they joined the game). Droids are considered Neutral-aligned, of the Droid race, with their Title becoming what their Ability name was. You may change the vote of any of your droids at any time during the day via PM, except during the final hour of the day, when all droids are votelocked. If you die, all of your droids are instantly killed, too. Droids can be targeted by night actions and lynched like any other player, but are immune to Force abilities.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • None!


Appears that Tugboat targeted Swag on N1 and got an alignment report....Scoundrel

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

At least 2 out of 3 of Matts, Pickle, and Glen are non-Town. Matts gave me a credit, so I won't be voting for him today.


Like I said. I am dragon

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2 minutes ago, Blue said:

I mean, this assumes Josh is Town.

But you do make a good point that Tugboat would have just...sat on a guilty invest the entire Day phase and said nothing. Which, given how he played that Day phase, remains highly plausible.

Why would Josh do that then?


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