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STAR WARS Mafia (Galactic Empire, Lando Calrissian wins!)

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26 minutes ago, Blue said:

Yeah, my results take a backseat to Buff almost certainly being Jedi.

I mean, really.  I am half-convinced that this is merely Orca’s attempt to distract away from Rick.

Blue says that there is 100% one Rebel and one Scoundrel among Tugboat, Glen, Rick, and Matts (now KSJ).

Orca uses the mini-game to verify that you are telling the truth.

Tugboat is dead and, deficient though he may be, flipped Empire.  Before Tugboat died, he claimed I was Scoundrel, which is about as believable as everything else he said.

Glen claimed Scoundrel, and some variant of a Coward role, which would fit with what we know about Scoundrels with Malfatron flipping a survivor role with tools to survive.

Matts and Rick both claimed an Empire-Aligned character.  One of them must be lying.

But, rack has claimed to use his accurate, though imprecise, droid investigation on a player within a range of three players: Glen, BBB, and myself.

Now, we know Glen is not a Jedi because Glen was on Blue’s list and Jedi is notably absent.  Moreover, at least one other person failed to find Glen, which somewhat substantiates Glen’s claim (I guess), but also makes it unlikely that rack was able to find him.

Therefore, it is between BBB and I — and I categorically deny it is me because it’s not me.  So, while it may be a 50-50 at worst on Rick and Matts/KSJ2.0 (tbh, I would not be shocked if both were Rebel at this point) it is 100% certain that BBB is a Jedi, via rack.

But hey, let’s play 20 questions with some character names.

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7 hours ago, squire12 said:

that is a bit interesting.   Who was it that made the play to fake a tricorder result in a prior game... was it @MWil23?

Now if he knew tugboat could get pardoned, he can string the list along a few more days.  Maybe did not see a hit going on tugboat though

Gophers world 2. Bought us a 4 day headstart. :)

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6 hours ago, The Orca said:

I mean at some point town lost its way. A rebel is staring them in the face 

Who?  You have evidence incriminating someone?

6 hours ago, The Orca said:

You believe Blue?

You are the player that got the seance info.

Do I believe you might be the bigger question

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6 hours ago, The Orca said:

Well i believe Blue based on the mini game 

So...let me ask this

Who between these people do you think is rebel or fake


Hans Solo


Ama whatever 

Ok.  I'll play along here.

Motti  and mas amedda are both galactic characters,  but each could be fake.  Amedda has the night write up stating it to be a real claim, so I would put that lower on the scale of being fake.

Both han solo and lando could be Scoundrel with han being more likely to be rebel than lando.

Han, > motti, >>>>>> amedda, lando

That is where I would rank them on a most likely to be rebel scale

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