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Valkyrie Mafia: D8 Ends Saturday at 10 PM EST

The Orca

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57 minutes ago, jasonwbantle said:

No ****. Do you seriously have some sort of mental disability? Read! I said it can suck. I said symptoms can persist. But it will not be fatal, so ppl can relax a bit in that regard.

Sit down, boy...

There have been multiple news stories of young, healthy people who got sick and died from it. Many of the people who caught even relatively average cases will likely have lifelong medical issues as a result. Total deaths surpassed annual flu deaths months ago.

I really hoped we were past the "it's no worse than the flu" stuff by the time summer ended. I guess not.

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

There have been multiple news stories of young, healthy people who got sick and died from it. Many of the people who caught even relatively average cases will likely have lifelong medical issues as a result. Total deaths surpassed annual flu deaths months ago.

I really hoped we were past the "it's no worse than the flu" stuff by the time summer ended. I guess not.

No one is home upstairs. Don’t waste your time.

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As the group headed to the Wolf's Lair was close to executing their mission, they wanted to go over one last check to make sure everyone knew their job. One man looked suspicious to the group so they jumped him. In the melee shots rang out and the man was lying face down. The group rolled him over. The man appeared to be dead.

The group began to walk away when they heard a laughter coming from where they just were. The man who they thought was dead raised slowly from the ground laughing uncontrollably. He removed a vest riddled with bullets and said "Thank gosh for one of these"

@bigbadbuff is alive


Moves due at 10:45 PM EST 

Edited by The Orca
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7 minutes ago, Blue said:

There have been multiple news stories of young, healthy people who got sick and died from it. Many of the people who caught even relatively average cases will likely have lifelong medical issues as a result. Total deaths surpassed annual flu deaths months ago.

I really hoped we were past the "it's no worse than the flu" stuff by the time summer ended. I guess not.

Nope. That’s Bc the numbers are bull**** and include anyone that had had covid. Suicide, heart disease, domestic violence, automobile accidents, George ******* Floyd, all of it- if they were positive for covid at the time of death it went to the inflated fake numbers that is out out there to scare you. It’s too bad you’re too simple and believe everything you read. Don’t live in fear.

Edited by jasonwbantle
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