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19 minutes ago, Xenos said:

I don’t have a problem with the offense grounding it out in the 2nd half (in this game at least) when we’re up that much. The problem is all those key penalties that came at the worst time when we were driving deep into their territory and caused us to settle for FGs. That HH penalty on the last Charger offensive drive comes to mind.

But it still shouldn’t have mattered. This wasn’t the Chiefs and Mahomes. Our defense is just unbelievably anti clutch. But it’s been this way whether it’s Wade Phillips, John Pagano, or Gus Bradley.

I wouldn't mind it either, as long as the defense proved it could hold up its part. But if this season has told us anything, is that it can't. So continuing to try to grind it out, while all evidence says the defense can't hold up its part is irritating.

And yes, I said in another post it spans coaching staffs. 

All my point is, is that depending on a defense that up to this point has proven it can't be depended on is not a good idea. First half of the game, yes depend on them. Second half, for whatever reason, it has to be all offense.

Edited by Kael
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48 minutes ago, Kirill said:

Those things can be right and I can also be right. 

No - in fact, there's a saying you might not know that explains why you're not right: Correlation doesn't equal Causation.

You're bringing up irrelevant factoids - the guy tried to dance, the guy dated an owners' daughter - to justify a stance. Truth is, that stance could come true, but it has nothing to do with your factoids. 

Drew Lock might fail because his Football IQ isn't where it needs to be at this point, or he might fail because he trusts his physical skills more than he should. That has nothing to do with what you tried to pass off as actual analysis.

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5 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

Drew put up 31 points on the board for his team.....the Broncos defense folded the entire first half....we can do this all day long. Stop being dumb.

Just because the Broncos beat the Chargers doesnt mean the Chargers suck, it means the Broncos played really well and adjusted. Take it for what it is.

No Den's defense was just being beat.. meanwhile Chargers defense was dominating Den's offense all 1st half. There was at no point where Den's defense really dominated Chargers offense or Chargers was inept.  They had some dumb penalties here and there. But kept moving the ball. Nearly threw 300 yds, ran 200 yds.

Stop trying to draw lines in a circle. Accept the win and be happy the Chargers choke. You guys didn't even have a 1st down until like 5 mins left in the 2nd qtr.

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2 minutes ago, Bearerofnews said:

No Den's defense was just being beat.. meanwhile Chargers defense was dominating Den's offense all 1st half. There was at no point where Den's defense really dominated Chargers offense or Chargers was inept.  They had some dumb penalties here and there. But kept moving the ball. Nearly threw 300 yds, ran 200 yds.

Stop trying to draw lines in a circle. Accept the win and be happy the Chargers choke. You guys didn't even have a 1st down until like 5 mins left in the 2nd qtr.

Accept a L and a big ole' fat and quit trying to make excuses for your team, including QB, being outplayed. Thats all Im sayin.

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2 minutes ago, Bearerofnews said:

No Den's defense was just being beat.. meanwhile Chargers defense was dominating Den's offense all 1st half. There was at no point where Den's defense really dominated Chargers offense or Chargers was inept.  They had some dumb penalties here and there. But kept moving the ball. Nearly threw 300 yds, ran 200 yds.

Stop trying to draw lines in a circle. Accept the win and be happy the Chargers choke. You guys didn't even have a 1st down until like 5 mins left in the 2nd qtr.

I remember when this team that I am a fan of over came a huge deficit to win the Super Bowl in overtime. People said it was because the other team choked. I didn't care my team had just won the super bowl. I miss those days ...

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1 minute ago, AkronsWitness said:

Accept a L and a big ole' fat and quit trying to make excuses for your team, including QB, being outplayed. Thats all Im sayin.

The Chargers got an L. They earned that L. But it had more to do with their defense, and "Charger Choking" than anything else.

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4 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

Accept a L and a big ole' fat and quit trying to make excuses for your team, including QB, being outplayed. Thats all Im sayin.

Accept the W and don't be delusional about your team and the qb and the circumstances that lead to the W.  There is a reason Broncos have been blown out twice and Chargers have not. That's all im saying.

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2 minutes ago, jofos said:

I remember when this team that I am a fan of over came a huge deficit to win the Super Bowl in overtime. People said it was because the other team choked. I didn't care my team had just won the super bowl. I miss those days ...

Anytime a team loses a 3 score lead.. it has more to do with that team choking than the other team suddenly executing at a all world level. It's just basic semantics. Doesn't mean don't salivate in the win. Just means don't be delusional about it.

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Just now, Bearerofnews said:

Accept the W and don't be delusional about your team and the qb and the circumstances that lead to the W.  There is a reason Broncos have been blown put twice and Chargers have not. That's all im saying.

The Broncos have been blown out twice...........one with Jeff Driskel at QB and the other in a snow storm.........



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5 minutes ago, Kael said:

The Chargers got an L. They earned that L. But it had more to do with their defense, and "Charger Choking" than anything else.

Your in denial too huh? Teams dont beat themselves, without the other team playing well, especially teams that had a 60 yard advantage in penalties in the game.......

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2 minutes ago, Bearerofnews said:

Other team played in same weather and do we even know if Lock is better than Driskel?

Again, Drew Lock is 5-3 as a starter and is going into his 9th career start next week. Who are you to say how good Drew Lock is?

How are you so confident in Justin Herbert if sample size matters?

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